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Posts posted by wyarwehere

  1. Thanks for your reply. No, my family are not members. Aside from some distant cousins, I'm one of the few members in my family. I'll see if I can schedule a meeting with my bishop. I'm not sure what my schedule is going to look like because I did get the job I interviewed for, and I'm possibly taking the CPR recert class this weekend. If that happens, then there is the possibility that I may end up working five-seven days straight shortly, because they are having trouble scheduling the case. It's a night shift job, 10pm-6am, with some weekends being 10p-10a. I know I can go to church on sunday mornings that I get off at six, because since the bus doesn't run on Sundays, I'm not available to work the normal Sunday shift. I told my mom about the job, and one of the first things she said was; oh, now you won't be around to help us. I feel like such a horrible daughter.

  2. Oh my gosh you did it again. Now I have the song 525,600 minutes in my head again. :lol:

    To be honest Pam, I hadn't seen the other post you made, I just had to go look it up. :D

    My favorite song is Goodbye Love,

    You'll never find true love until you love yourself, I should know.

    WCBC-Bow the Knee has been in my head today

  3. Okay, I'm going to do my best not to confuse people, but if I don't do a very good job, I'm sorry. Right now, I'm a CNA, and I've applied for a HHC position. If I get it, there is the possibility I will have to work on the weekends, I'm not sure yet. At the same time, my folks have a store(tools mainly, but a lot of handmade items/household items). With their jobs, they go to different fairs/flea markets/craft shows most weekends from March/April until December. The majority of their shows are on Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. For the time being, I've been working the store on Saturday, and then I spend Sunday with my family.(Where they live is outside of my ward's boundries, and the old branch I used to attend doesn't have anyone living in that town. So I haven't been to church since March 17th. However, now with the shows picking up, they are going to need me more(especially since my sister who usually runs the store and/or babysits the little girls works a full time job(12 hour overnight shifts). I enjoy the time with my family, and I like knowing I can be of help to them. Where do I draw the line tho. They need me the first weekend of May because that's a large show and someone has to keep my younger sisters busy(they're eleven and seven). While I would be watching the kids(and not getting paid), at the end of the show, I would be assisting in the teardown and packing of the setup on Sunday afternoon.

    What makes this even more complicated is the fact that my mom's husband was diagnosed recently with Syringomyelia. He is unable to strain any of his muscles, on the account that doing so may result in paralysis. He also cannot stand or sit in any one position for more than ten minutes without pain and/or jerking movements. My mother is unable to do it on her own, this I know, and being the oldest, I feel like I have to help my family out. The money they make during the summer is what they live on thru the winter.

    So what do you all think? Am I a horrible daughter for wishing I could be at church on Sundays instead of there helping them? Or does Heavenly Father understand that my family needs me now and I have to be there to help them. I'm just mixed up.

  4. Hi. :) And welcome.

    I can understand the inter-faith. I was Baptist, then C&MA, then IFB for a while, and finally joined the church(with no plans to change. ) One of your biggest things is going to not be arguing with her about who's point is true. I know this is the case for a lot of Evangelicals, they want to talk it into the ground, and are totally unwilling to look at another's point of view. If this isn't your wife's style, that's great, you're quite lucky.

    Is there anyway you guys could sit down with the kids, explain that Mom and Dad want to go to different churches, and alternate taking them with you guys? that way when the kids are older they can make an informed choice.

  5. Most medical professionals are listed as no-codes. This means that in the case of them not being able to state it, extreme life-saving procedures are not used(CPR/AED, respirators, ACLS)

    DNR: Do Not Resuscitate Guidelines

    Here's another article I found interesting:

    How doctors choose to die | Society | The Guardian

    How long can we fight death. What of the pain that they person is put in? Is it fair to make them suffer? We had a patient in the nursing home. She was getting injections of morphine every fifteen minutes, and still moaning in pain. Would you, in that situation, want your pain to continue, just so your family could keep you, but watch you in that pain.

    @BadWolf--they abhorred the practice of giving up?

    Most doctors these days give up on saving the lives of aborted babies who are born alive.

    They have no value.

    Many people see the elderly as expendable. They have no value.

    Why should certain people qualify for this type of care, is it because they are more important to society? More socially acceptable?

    Now a short personal story. I watched my stepdad die when I was eighteen. Because of some corrupt people in power, his mother was given the power of end-of-life decisions. For six hours I watched him fight for every breath. He had fluid in his lungs, fluid around his heart and was in so much pain. As much as I wanted to keep him, I had to accept that that desire was of my own selfishness, and wasn't for his benefit.

  6. So where do we say enough is enough? What about it being time for a person to die? If it's not their time, they aren't going to die, regardless of whatever means are used to save them.

    I guess I see problems in that people are going to say Christ didn't actually die, his body cooled in the tomb, and that is why He was seen after his "death."

    Just my thoughts.

  7. I would love to be in primary. My last branch, I got called as Relief Society pianist. That's all good, till you add in the fact that I never took piano lessons. The expectation/encouragement that I got was that for a while we would use the programmed piano, but as time went on, I would start actually doing the playing.

    If nobody was around, i played alright, but the minute I had people singing, I messed up.

    Yea, I was glad when I was released from that calling.

    (Hope this makes you feel a little better. :) )

  8. My opinion? Math is evil.

    I think after today I would have to agree with you. What started the subject was that I took college placement exams today, and there were two algebra tests. One was basic algebra, and the other more advanced stuff. Things I saw my senior year of high school. You know, the year where you don't pay attention for about 3/4 of the year. :)

  9. A friend and I were having a discussion tonight, and the topic was math. The questions are, Is Algebra truly math. and, Is Statistics actually math.

    My theory, algebra isn't math because letters and numbers just don't go together.

    His theory, statistics is numbers being manipulated in a non-math way.

    Can those of you who are older and wiser than us offer your opinion?

  10. I'm glad to hear it! I really don't like to talk politics on FB, but people feel like they can rub this in others faces and that us "bigots" can't say anything. I was debating between the Family Proclamation and our wedding pictures. I decided to be more subtle. Doubtful anyone will notice I'm making a statement with it. :)

    Let's try this again...

    My best friend is openly homosexual, and we both realize where the other stands. We have enough respect for each other to not try and force the other to accept it, rather, i just pray for her.

    I'm waiting for the fall out I get from my college/non-LDS friends for putting something they see as horrible up on my profile. Then again, maybe someone will ask one of us why we put that up or what it means/stands for.

  11. It is interesting that we're basically fighting over a word. If homosexuals had every single perk that a marriage doesn, only it is called a civil union, it won't be good enough because people refuse to call it marriage. It really seems this has evolved from, "We just want to live our lives" to, "You have to say what I do is normal and good."

    It's the same with every group that calls for equal rights. Don't get me wrong, I'm not prejudiced. But it seems with every group, they want equality, plus extra. Do you find this sometimes? (If I'm not making sense, just tell me. )

  12. Good luck! If they're offended by a picture of the temple, who's the intolerant one now? :rolleyes:

    We're talking about a few people who told me as an investigator that if I joined the church they would never speak to me again. Many of them have carried out that threat, but oh well, I've learned who my true friends are.

    That's a really good article. Thanks for sharing

    Why is the timing and placing of my post completely off?