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Posts posted by wyarwehere

  1. Before I start this, let me preface with a couple of comments. I wasn't brought up in the church, so my background is a mixture of Baptist, IFB, and C&MA before I started studying with the missionaries. This may affect some of my beliefs, but I hope you guys understand.

    A few of you may have seen in some of my previous posts, things haven't been the greatest for the last few years. In the last three years, I've landed myself in the state mental hospital for self-harm, SI and depression. I've been on numerous medications, and none really seemed to help.

    This last stay ended middle of December. That means I've gone about four and a half months with no hospital visits. The longest I had previously managed to stay out was about six weeks. So that is somewhat encouraging, that I'm doing better than I was.

    Since I got out, I've had one incident of self-harm, but I talked to two of my caseworkers after the fact, and their biggest encouragement is to seek help before it gets to that point.

    That's where my fear comes in. Everytime in the past that I've tried to seek out help, it usually results in a hospital stay. The idea of that happening again is too much. I'd rather not be alive than be sent back to the state hospital. Just being there initially seems to make things worse. (this last time for about the first month I wouldn't do any personal grooming without a lot of encouragement, and all I did basically was sleep and cry). After about two and a half months things started to look up, but it took that long for me to get out of that funk.

    Now here's where the beliefs come into play. In the IFB college/church I went to, I was asked to not come back because I didn't stay on my meds(regardless of the fact that the doctor wouldn't listen that they were making me sick). In the C&MA church I attended, healing was strongly emphasized, and that if you had enough faith, it would happen. Now, I just feel that I can't do it. That it's a weakness that I can't seem to overcome. (Let me state for the record that I have been continuously on my meds since I got out, with the exception of forgetting them on occasion).

    Things are finally falling into place. I'm supposed to start a new job anytime soon(as soon as they find a case for me), and I'm getting things arranged to start back to school in the fall in the pre-nursing program(and to get into the actual nursing program, I need almost all A's). It seems now that things are going well, the thoughts/emotions/feelings that come are completely overwhelming.

    Any thoughts you guys might have on this would be appreciated, because I'm just so frustrated/confused/upset.


  2. I've debated answering this, because it seems to be opening up a can of worms, but I think a couple of things need said, and I'm going to try and remember that you are only in high school.

    To me, this post was completely chauvinistic. You basically say that the primary quality you want in a school is one with a lot of single female members. You list academics as second on your qualities that you are looking for. First, if you are looking for social over academic, you're not going to be as focused on your classes, and may not do as well as you possibly could.

    Secondly, there is the possibility that some of the girls who go may not actually be active/want to be active. As a people pleaser, I know I've done a lot of things just to make others happy, and that was, for a while, attending my old church.

    Finally, my third issue with this post. Not all of us who are LDS, single, and female, can afford to go to a school in the heart of LDS country. You're bound to run into other members of the church, regardless of where you go to school. It seems you are limiting yourself, and selling those girls short simply because they aren't where you think they should be.

    Let me give you an example. I left a branch of about 60, and now live in a ward of over 150. In my old branch we had a decent YSA program. we got together for firesides, tried to meet at least once a month at the home of the people who headed it up, and generally got along. There were between 5 and 15 of us most of the time for both activities and Institute.

    Fast forward to now. The roster for the YSA's is over 100 of us. There is no YSA program, no reps called, no Institute. Out of the 100+ of us, only between one and two dozen of us actually attend meetings(and i know of at least two, maybe three, of us that are getting ready to leave for missions.)

    I understand, you are in high school, and it's possible you've not had a lot of eye-opening experiences. Here's my advice. Let Heavenly Father do the leading as to what school you go to. It's even possible you won't meet your future wife while at college.

    Let me know your thoughts. Sorry if this seems like a rant, I'm trying to keep it civilized.