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Posts posted by wyarwehere

  1. Am I the only one who thinks that this whole "relationship" (if you can call it that) stinks???

    What part of dysfunctional do I have to describe to say to stay away from this woman???

    Is the world gone mad???:confused:

    Long distance relationships aren't anything new, so why does this type of relationship bother you?

    What is your definition of dysfunctional? Simple because she has medical problems beyond her control? Most of the general population has health issues they can't control.

  2. Okay, so after three years of medical issues that didn't let me work, except in a sheltered workshop, I'm back searching for a job. I have my Nursing Assistant license, so that should at least give me a little boost in looking. My question is, what can I do to help my resume/applications, since it has been three years since I used my skills, and before that my nursing home job only lasted four months(again, due to health reasons). Any advice/insight would be welcome.

  3. I think the shame part comes in when you have to own up to it. My parents, too, took me back to apologize to the store manager when I took some pieces of candy. Backroads had a point, that the shame is good at times, avoiding the humiliation. And for some kids, the thought of humiliation works too. Growing up, my mom had the philosophy that if we embarassed her in public(throwing tantrums when we were old enough to know better(6-9 age range) or mouthing off(as we got older) she would embarrass us by coming to our school in her pajamas and showing affection. I never tested those waters....

  4. Welcome. I too am from PA. You can still be a part of the Mormon community out here. I'm not certain which stake you would fall in, but to be honest, right now, PA has the lowest percentage of LDS members of any of the states(at least, it did), so being here and a witness to those around you may be what Heavenly Father wants of you. You could go to BYU as well, like was mentioned above. Your local ward/branch would provide you with members that you could socialize with, both in and outside of church. Just my thoughts. Feel free to message me if you'd like. I'm always interested in meeting/conversing with people who are from the Northeast(not that the rest of the country isn't great :) )

  5. Ok, so I just moved into a ward, and their YSA program is virtually non-existant. The bishop gave me a list of the people in the ward that fall into the YSA category, and there are over a hundred of us, but less than a dozen of us actually attend meetings. So, with his encouragement, I contacted the YSA rep in the neighboring stake(we don't have any reps) but now we're trying to figure out what we can do for a dual stake activity. We live in the Northeast, so the weather isn't really cooperative right now, but if anyone has any ideas for activities, that would be great.


  6. I don't want it to seem as if my first post is complaining, but I'm hoping to get some outside input from people who don't know me.

    I converted to the church when I was 21, from a Baptist/C&MA background. When I first started studying with the missionaries, it shocked most of my friends. I had some tell me I was making a horrible mistake, others said that if I did join the church, they wouldn't speak to me. One friend went to the point where she introduced me to a friend of her's, who was a former member. My family basically hated the idea, and in no uncertain terms, told me of their opinion. After five months I decided to go ahead with baptism, but this wasn't without a lot of reservations.

    So I got baptized. Less than a month after that, I got kicked out of the place I was living(with three days notice, which is technically illegal here). So I ended up staying with my bishops family. I ended up being there eight months, until I could find a job and a place that was affordable. Sounds like everything is good, right? The job I was working was as a CNA in the local nursing home. I would work 12 hour overnight shifts six to seven nights in a row. Durng this time I would go to church as often as I could, even when sometimes it meant I fell asleep in RS. Four months into this schedule, I ended up in the hospital for severe depression/Suicidal ideation. They had trouble getting the meds regulated, so I ended up being transferred to the state hospital. During this time, my bishop and HT's were wonderful. Checking on me, watching my apt, providing encouragement, etc. So I ended up in the state hospital, that time for a period of nine months. To make a long story short, in the last three years, I've had eleven hospital stays, three of them in the state hospital.

    My most recent one ended this past December. While I am grateful to have made it this long(it's been nearly three months, and before this, my longest period between IP stays was six weeks), it's not been the easiest. See, while I was in the hospital, it was easy to let anything spiritual slide. I wasn't able to attend church meetings, my living situation was in a different ward, and the bishop there didn't stay in touch the way my first bishop had. So I let everything slide. Now, I'm out, and tho it took about six weeks, I've started attending meetings again. But I'm still struggling. I'm in a ward now, whereas when I first joined, I was in a branch of about sixty. I don't do well in crowds where I don't know most of the people. And it's hard for me to go up and introduce myself to people. So, as you can figure out, I don't speak up in SS/RS. So now I feel totally isolated, except for the few(three to five) people who've managed to break the ice with me.

    The past few Sundays I've been going, but not feeling anything. I was hoping since this week was a F/T meeting, I would feel something, like I used to. No luck. I went home feeling disappointed, but still a little hopeful, since there was a YSA broadcast Sunday night. I watched it, hoping, but still nothing. My ward doesn't really have a YSA program, no Institute, and no stake YSA rep. The bishop and I have talked about a couple of ideas, but out of the list he gave me(107 YSA members listed in the stake), not even a dozen of us attend meetings on a regular basis.

    So now I'm not only confused with why I'm not feeling anything, I'm frustrated. I feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to, and nothing is happening in my life. I don't have a calling, I don't even have a job right now(although hopefully that will change soon), and I'm feeling kind of worthless. I have to wonder if it's even worth it to keep going to church/meetings or if I should just give up on organized religion altogether. My one VT saw a very brief synopsis of this post, and got concerned, but it wouldn't be that hard for me to drop out of the church scene, with knowing so few people, it will be less who I have to say good bye to.

    Anyways, sorry this is so long, I could just use some outside advice. Thank you

  7. Hi all. I did a google search and this forum came up. I've been looking for a new forum site to post on since I kind of outgrew/distanced myself from the one I used for about seven years. I've been looking around and it seems pretty neat here. Looking forward to getting to know some of you. :)