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Posts posted by lagarthaaz

  1. Seems like  a few people are starting these I'm hopping in the bandwagon.


    I was never a prolific poster but I haven't been able to get back on the site since the changes in format occurred - it was one drama after another with technical difficulties and forgotten passwords and eventually I just gave up.  Then last night I had an epiphany and remembered my password and the connected email address - hooray!


    Nice to see the various discussions here and the support that is offered to those who are struggling.


    I often don't get time to post but do enjoy reading and sometimes trying to contribute something meaningful.


    Thanks to all the people here who unfailingly offer common-sense advice to those who need it. Nice to see you are all still at it!


    I have a talk to give in Sacrament tomorrow... I wrote it for last week but they cancelled those of us who were scheduled to speak as someone had forgotten that a member of the high council was going to address us. Now my talk from last week seems a bit redundant since Christmas is upon us and I really feel I should make it more relative to the season. It's almost 11pm and I just have to adapt 'Building the Lord's Kingdom in the Latter-days' to ... 'something related to Christmas...' - sitting here in a 'stupor of thought' procrastinating on the internet instead of adding action to my prayers.  :rolleyes:    Pray for me.. I'll need it!


    See you in the forums  :) :)

  2. Thanks for all of your input everyone... I am really finding myself right now. But Satan is still trying to hold on.   I keep getting memories of all the lies, no matter how small  they were/are.  It's hard, because it's stifling me and bringing on kind of a mini depression.. 


    It is no-body's business what your personal and private struggles are. It's between you and your bishop.  Do you feel you have the right to ask a teenage girl personal questions? Of course not!  Give yourself at least as much right to privacy as you do to others. 


    There is no need to continue beating yourself up with issues from the past - you have done what you need to in order to repent - good for you! Imagine what loving advice you would give to a friend in the same position - then take that advice for yourself. 


    You might also benefit from some cognitive behavioural therapy to help you change the 'record' of negative self-talk that's in your head. Is there a school counsellor who can help you with this?

  3. As I said in my previous post - do the work you needed to.  Then you can honestly say you 'earned' your right to financial assistance. Even if your teachers say they don't need the new assignments, insist that you want to do them anyway - for your own peace of mind. 

  4. I am a high school teacher. I've 'caught' quite a few students cheating (mostly plagiarizing from the internet) but have never had anyone confess on their own. I am really proud of you for doing the right thing, and can imagine that your teachers know that you are a good student who simply experienced some moments of weakness that stemmed from your desire to do well at the time.  In my experience teens don't usually cheat because they are lazy and disorganized (and yes, this does happen), but because they feel inadequate to the task and turn to desperate measures to get the grades they want.


    What I do with students who I have caught cheating is obviously to fail the plagiarized assignment. But then I tell them that if they want to pass and earn their grades legitmately, they can do the assignment again - but it MUST be on new topic. For example, if it was a History research assignment - they could choose a different historical figure or event to focus on that is distinctly separate to the plagiarized assignment. If it was an analytical essay based on a play or novel for English, they would need to discuss a different theme.


    This means the student has the opportunity to earn his or her grades legitimately, but they have to do extra work for it - in some cases a LOT of extra work. The end result - the student passes, but most importantly feel the satisfaction of knowing that they earned their grade honestly and were far more capable of doing well on their own merits than they originally believed.  This also helps to banish the feelings of inadequacy that drove them to cheat in the first place. 


    If you are really concerned about feeling like you 'earned' your grades towards applying for a scholarship or financial assistance, and your teachers cannot change your previous grades, why don't you ask your teachers if they will let you submit the same type of assignment again, but on a different topic?  If it's only a few instances where you have cheated, you could knuckle down and get it done in a few weeks, and while this new grade won't 'count' - you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did the work required. You will also earn the respect of your teachers by honestly fulfilling the requirements of the courses they are teaching.   I see this as win-win - and you never need to worry again that you didn't do the work required to pass your subjects.


    Then, you need to move on - accept that we all make mistakes and this isn't the end of the world! You've done all in your power to make up for past wrongs - you can't do anymore than that!  Forgive and love yourself, just as our Saviour does!  Change your negative self talk from " I feel absolutely worthless and horrible for all I've done" to "I am an honest person who has integrity. Yes, I've made mistakes but  I've made up for them and they are in the past. I have learned some valuable lessons and now I am moving on to an exciting and wonderful future." 


    Please don't walk around feeling unworthy - you are worthwhile and wonderful and have your entire future ahead of you. In fact, just based on what you've told us, I feel you are an amazing, intelligent young person who has shown remarkable maturity in dealing with personal issues.  Know that you are loved by Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven, not because you are perfect but because you are simply you, a child of god who is of infinite worth. 

  5. I'm looking forward to it, and I'll probably watch it before I attend as well.

    Would love to attend the actual Women's Conference one day - I have friends who have just traveled from my city to take a holiday in the U.S. and attend General Conference, one of their 'bucket list' items.

    I'm trying not to be jealous :)

    (though I'm not jealous their first day at Disneyland in CA was marred by a minor earthquake)

  6. Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot to me.

    Phew, I almost gave up on becoming a member.

    Do I have to confess this YouTube thing to the bishop in my town before I can get baptized?

    And JFYI I have about 10 (if not more) YouTube accounts and a countless number of emails, it would be impossible for me to remember the email I used.

    I can link you guys to the account and perhaps you can write a comment about how the guy behind the whole things has changed his mind?

    God bless.

    First...yes you can most certainly repent, experience the joy of forgiveness and be baptized into the Lord's true church, just as others have.

    Paul had a similar experience before his life-changing conversion:

    For I am the least of the apostles, that am not ameet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. (1 Corinthians 15:9)

    So did Alma:

    Nevertheless he cried again, saying: Alma, arise and stand forth, for why persecutest thou the church of God? For the Lord hath said: aThis is my church, and I will establish it; and nothing shall boverthrow it, save it is the transgression of my people.(Mosiah 27:13)

    As to your youtube account:

    If it were me and I was as experienced a youtuber as you say you have been, then I'd probably know to go here first:

    I would also know that the youtube help center would be able to help me figure out what's what - even if it took a little while.

    And if it were me, and I had a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, I probably wouldn't be inviting members of the church to go and look at my anti-mormon videos, because a)I'd be deeply ashamed of the content and b)I wouldn't want to upset or offend anyone with the rubbish I posted. In fact, I'd want to distance myself as far as possible from said anti-mormon videos and I'd be putting my energy into contacting youtube instead.

    And if it were me who had been an anti-mormon campaigner, I would know that church members are generally dissuaded from viewing anti-material. I would know that some people use all kinds of sophistry to get church members just to take a look at anti-mormon content in the hope that it will shake someone's testimony and bring them to the 'real' Jesus. I know I sure wouldn't want to send my good and trusting LDS friends to a site that might upset them.

    But that's just me.

    All the best, and let us know how the missionary discussions go, and when you set a date for baptism.

  7. This is a question, that as a convert, I have always wanted to ask. How do the lds manage to do all the things that they do? Cart 4 kids from activity to activity, hold down a full-time job, read scriptures, and on and on. I am unmarried, no kids and I can barely do it. I quit working Sundays a few years ago and it nearly killed me job wise though I have managed. Still I have friends with 5 kids, unsupportive spouses and full time jobs who teach early morning seminary and still smile. I have no idea how those with kids and both parents working manage to keep going. Any thoughts?

    Things are not always what they seem, and while on the surface people might be going along swimmingly, there is usually a cost to family time or our emotional, spiritual or physical health. I have a friend in just that position who suffered a heart attack last week. Fortunately it was 'mild' and she's home now on strict orders to re-prioritize her commitments and lifestyle. There's a warning there for every one of us, especially as women who work and take care of families, to slow down and take care of ourselves, or our bodies will force us to do it. I'm certainly one who needs to heed that advice - and am re-evaluating all that I do.

  8. Are you sure? Most teenagers are pretty savvy online, and I'd hazard a guess and say that most lds teens have viewed at least one or two anti-lds websites at some point, whether intentionally or accidentally. It can be difficult to avoid them if you spent a lot of time online.

    When I was 14, I could give you the names of all the well known anti-lds websites that existed at the time, simply because I was curious and loved to compare them to pro lds arguments, like on

    Well, he's a pretty naive and relaxed kind of kid, and not all that intellectually curious. That's why I was worried about him because he might not have the ability to sift the truth from the fibs.

  9. Nope.

    I mean I, like anyone sitting in front of a computer, is only two clicks away from such stuff. But to date, none of it has sought me out personally.

    Same, it's the first time it's ever happened to me though. I have no idea how someone came up with the combination of our three names. Today some other local members said they had also received emails, so I think it's someone who is on a member mailing list who has perhaps since gone less-active and/or apostate.

    I wish people would use BCC for mailing lists...I dread to think what other SPAM is going to come my way now that my email address is out there. I might just change it to a new one.

  10. After much discussion and much consideration I'm going to allow a discussion on this subject.

    That being said...any links to or references to anti sites and the thread will be closed down.

    Let's keep the conversation civil. I also will not be allowing discussion on our original decision on this topic. Any references to that will also be deleted.

    British judge rejects case, calls it an 'attack' on LDS | Deseret News

    I started a thread on this topic today (which is probably your last night) as I was unaware that this thread existed. I actually did a search on it but I guess I used the wrong key words to get a result.

    I'm obviously not privy to the moderators' discussions and the 'inner circle' that exists here at this site, so the comments about anti-sites in the first post seem a bit cryptic to an 'outsider' reader like me looking in. Maybe someone posted some inappropriate links to do with this topic, but it sure wasn't me.

    I did not make any links to anti-mormon websites in my other thread - let me be clear that I never would.

    I posted the link to the Deseret News story, which had a very favourable article about this issue.

    I was interested in the first place, because some weeks ago I received anti-mormon SPAM in my email, addressed to me, my young home teacher and a member of our bishopric. The email subject gave the impression that it was from a church member, but when I opened it there was links to the subject of this thread. I was curious about whether anyone else had received anti-mormon SPAM of this nature. I'm more concerned about the fact that my teenage home teacher who is still in high school received the email and links and is probably in a bit of a head-spin since I'm fairly confident he's never seen anti sites before.

    Then today I was browsing the news and saw the results of the court case (which I actually thought was a hoax story in the email), so decided to post and see if anyone else had the same experience.

    Can I also add that I have no problem with anyone simply deleting any thread I start that refers to an issue that's already been discussed.

  11. I doubt it VERY much. This is clearly NOT September Six, the Church has moved on from those past episodes for a long time now. They have worked fervently to let the world know about the Church and spent millions in the campaign of "I am a Mormon". They will NOT ruin it by doing anything that will make others say "See? Women in the Mormon Church have no say, they excommunicated them".

    The Church has been under constant scrutiny and they are going to be dealing with this issue (as well as others) through dialogue and understanding as they have been doing so far.

    I hope you are right.

  12. I certainly respect not wanting to make too much of a scene (by wearing pants, for instance)...

    Is it really so scandalous for women to arrive at church wearing pants in the US?

    We do see quite a few women on this side of the world wearing pants to church in winter especially, and many of the younger women get around the 'no pants' thing by wearing thick tights under a skirt or dress. Here we just think 'eh, whatever' and those who may disapprove generally keep it to themselves. I doubt anyone here would dare challenge a woman about their attire.

    Or did I completely misunderstand your post and you were referring to men who might make a scene by turning up to church in purple pants?

  13. I agree -- you probably are. I think it was more a plea to the group to help maintain an appropriate Spirit on Temple Square, than any sort of disciplinary warning or threat.

    I dunno, as another poster here noted, they've been told to pretty much go to the 'anti-Mormon protest' area. That's a pretty clear message. It's not too much of a leap to see they are on the path to being labelled as apostate and possibly facing church discipline.

    I do agree that they should choose a more appropriate way to have their voices heard - crashing any kind of religious meeting considered sacred by those attending is just plain disrespectful and tacky.

  14. Also, there's absolutely no reason for anyone to wear an LBD to a Relief Society activity, unless it's a mocktail theme night, which I would be very surprised to ever see get past a bishop.

    We had two 'mocktail' workshops as part of RS activities about four years ago at another ward I attended. They also themed the RS anniversary dinner with teapots as Emma Smith apparently held tea parties.

    So...nothing surprises me anymore :rolleyes:

  15. Of course you don't want to leave your baby- it's really, really tough to go back to work even when you know your child is with their dad or another significant person who loves them. We all go to work for different reasons, for me it was, and still is out of economic necessity.

    Quinn has given excellent advice - I can't add to any of it. But I can tell you what I've done wrong. You know that saying "If you can't be a good example - be a horrible warning"? :D

    My first time going back to work when middle daughter was about four - I was full of mother-guilt, and to stop her from crying in the morning when I left, I am embarrassed to say I resorted to bribery and promised to bring her home a toy or a treat at the end of the day (worst strategy EVER!). On my way home I'd stop at the dollar store and buy a cheap paint set or pony or whatever I thought she'd like...and it took me ages to wean her off the expectation that she should have a present to make up for the fact that mummy was going to be away all day at work.

    With my last child, I avoided that trap and now she is quite happy to wave me off in the morning.

    Quinn is spot-on about taking a few minutes for yourself somewhere close to home. If nothing else, try and take this advice, especially as you know how draining a day of teaching and then coming home to do preparation work can be.

    It may sound terrible, and your baby isn't at this stage yet, but having kids leaping on you before you even get a chance to walk in the door can be difficult to manage. We have a new rule - don't jump on mummy until she's been to the bathroom first!

    Good luck with your first day at the new job :)

  16. It's been awhile since I have been able to really study the Mormon church again in depth. While I remain very impressed, even baffled, by some of the Book of Mormon evidences, certain aspects of the Mormon faith seem suspect to me (if they didn't, I would already be a Mormon!).

    One of the biggest problems I see is with the Book of Abraham. I have read the Jeff Lindsay and FAIR Mormon responses to the criticisms of the Book of Abraham, and while many of those arguments make sense, it still seems very hard to believe that Smith accurately translated the papyri (whichever ones they are) when the first picture seems to be referenced in the text and does NOT appear to be accurately translated.

    What are your thoughts on the Book of Abraham? Any good evidence (that's at least somewhat easy to suggest) to support your claims?

    As I have said on these forums before, I try to be as fair as I can possibly be and I truly am genuinely interested in learning more.

    Thanks in advance!


    Just my two cents in response to the OP...because I have read the Book of Abraham and in many ways actually have a deeper testimony of it than any other sacred text, I am not at all bothered by the 'latest' arguments about the papyrus. When I read this book I felt as if the windows of heaven were opened before me - the teachings of the pre-mortal existence, among other doctrines are simply magnificent. So bring it on world - bicker back and forth about images and experts and whatnot, it makes no difference to me. In the end I have no doubt about the truthfulness of this sacred text - that's all I can say.

    Spiritually speaking, we are all traveling at different speeds, but I know if you put pray and put your faith in God, He will guide you to the truth.

    Good luck with your journey :)