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  1. I grew up in a household of alcoholics. Alcoholism runs in my family, on my mom's side. My dad was in the Coast Guard, and was away a lot. I lived with him, my mom, grandman and brother (younger). My grandma and mom drank a LOT! I hated who my grandmother became when she was drinking. She wasn't a nice person. Now, I swore that I would never drink, and even I've tried it a few times. I didn't like the way I was when I was drinking, and I just recently moved out of my apartment to get away from that atmosphere. (both my roommates were drinkers) My parents are divorced now, and my brother lives in California with my mom. My brother has been an alcoholic for a few years now. Everytime I talk to him, he's drunk or hung over. It saddens me that today's youth is starting to drink, smoke and do drugs younger and younger.
  2. While I lived in Utah, our ward/stake was so good about feeding the missionaries. Out here in Arizona, its like pulling teeth to get someone to sign up to have the missionaries over for dinner. Even my family isn't as good about it as we used to be. For some reason, people just don't stop to think about it anymore. Some of us are just to wrapped up in our own lives. God Bless those who still make the effort to feed our missionaries!! :)
  3. That happened to my dad. He bought a movie on ebay, and it wouldn't work on our DVD player. The DVD was made in another country, and was completely useless to us. The guy wasn't very pleasant when we contacted him about returning it, either. If I remember correctly, we had to file a formal complaint with ebay.
  4. wow...i must be weird. my boyfriend and i both, actually. i think that in-n-out is overrated. I dunno...I tried it once, and the line was way too long, the food just so-so. i must be weird though...my aunt and uncle come down to visit from utah, and their first stop is always at in-n-out!