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Everything posted by lannesackman

  1. I had chickens once.... We got some of the rejects from a local egg farm so thier beeks were cut... They looked rather pathetic! Then my DH said... well you have to have a rooster so they will lay eggs... So he bought a rooster from a guy on a corner... unbenounced to me the rooster was a cock fighting rooster (in NM cock fighting was legal at the time) Well that rooster LOVED to be the king of the coup... and apparently I was a hen that was in serious need of being disciplined... I swear that rooster attacked me when ever I got in a 5 foot radius of the coup! The rooster didn't last long after he attacked my son! After he went away I found the neatest little bante and a silky roosters.. they were cool. But after life took over and my DH and I divorced I didn't ask for custody of the chickens... My DH now grew up on a farm and has no real desire to deal with chickens... Up here in Alaska there are ALOT of additional predators... I say this as I watch a bald eagle soaring by my window... and saw a wolf last night! My SIL raises them though... and I helped her pluck them this summer... ick! I think I like my chickens in a package! Shan... good luck they look like really cute chicks
  2. He pooped in the potty yesterday! NOw if I can get him to pee with out sticking his hand in it... or it going EVERYWHERE!! But heck he is going.. mostly by himself and staying dry through the night.. so a little pee to clean up is no big deal. This is the 4th attempt to potty train. The other times he wasn't ready and it was a battle that wasn't worth fighting. This time he was ready and the last time he wore a diaper and it got wet he got disgusted and took it off. So I totally agree that it is when the child is ready.. My sister was 2, had no accidents.. My brother was 4 until he was fully trained.,.. and they are both very smart people.. So it is not a question of IQ.
  3. Thanks guys!! I think my posting must have been the laxative needed!! He went... on the floor... in my ROOM!!! So he had to help me clean it up..(icky). Since then he hasn't gone again.. but I tried the massage this morning.. we shall see.. He still stays dry through the night.. but gets distracted playing during the day... and has accidents (only when I am at work so it may be the sitter is a bit less diligent then I) Blessed - It is great to meet another Alaska person here!!! April - We are out of diapers and money to buy them... Hence why my almost three year old is potty training (he will be 3 in 2 weeks). My older son was done in 2 days.. This guy is being stubborn.. I have never been so thankful for my steam cleaner!
  4. I have been potty training my almost 3 year old... We have been dry for almost 4 days now, even at night. One problem.. He hasn't pooped. I am worried that he is going to get constipated or sick or something if he doesn't go. Any suggestions?? Thanks !
  5. Okay.. I am a convert.. and slightly confused.. Could you point me in the direction of that paragraph?? then I will develop 2 cents!
  6. Thank you!!! That is what I was trying to think of to say.. but all my answers were very long winded
  7. Wow Almom... That was really amazing.. I haven't really looked at it that way. That is so true and eye opening I think... You go girl Hugs Lindsay
  8. I have lost track of Rosie and from what I have been reading in the news I guess I am glad I work full time, have 2 kids and just graduated...not to mention only getting 1 channel of TV. (Hence I am not exposed to any of the "embarrassment:) That is a very intesting quote! Makes you think
  9. Stampermom Aside from the rest of the discussion (which has been very enligthening) I want to let you know that you are not alone. Although I was not raised in the church and just converted about 6 years ago I too feel that I have "missed" out. Not on the partying stupid stuff but to me I missed out on the whole traditional college scene. There would be nothing I would love more then to just go to school and worry about nothing else. I got preg. at 17 (I was a stupid rebellious teen) and even though I went to college even with my kiddo I also had to work 3 jobs to make ends meet. I have since then graduated (it took me 10 years!) I also wanted to travel, backpack through europe and see the world. Well I didn't get to do that when I was younger.... So I am laying out the foundations to do that when I am still young....that is when I retire. I have 2 more kiddos and a great husband. We try and have fun. We are doing a little adventure right now.. I am teaching in a remote village in Alaska. I read like it is going out of style and study lots. I also do crafts. Find something that you enjoy and go for it. Be happy with yourself and then you will be happy with your life. What do you feel like you missed out on most? Figure that out and do it. There are lots of things that you can do that don't cost money. Live for the now and don't dwell on the "what ifs". I loved going for drives, just random drives.. and when I lived in New Mexico it was a blast to go and see the old ghost towns. My kids just had to go along.. They get dragged everywhere with me...musuems, up hills, dirt roads, remote villages.... They are learning and enjoying and they will appreciate it in the end..(I know I do) Okay I rambled enough... Good luck and feel free to contact me. Lindsau
  10. I have also found on BYU radio they have talks on the Book of Mormon and the Old Testament. YOu can listen to the talks whenever.. They give you additional references and lots of fasinating information. I am also taking a bible study course on line and a class on the book of mormon from BYU (both are free)
  11. This is great! Thanks for all of the advice.. I am in the midst of potty training. I am really hating the smell of pee. My son is very stubborn and we have been trying for 6 months..on and off. This time I think he has got it. (I hope) I am taking some of your advice and trying again.. I have been doing the praise, party, treat method and it seems to be woring.. Thanks Lindsay
  12. I totally agree that modesty is more then what you wear on your skin. Modesty starts in your heart and no matter what you are wearing you heart shows more. I used to wear tight jeans, midrift showing shirts, clevage hanging out type of clothes... I have really changed, I found the church, got baptised and eventually, with a couple of huge bumps in the road, I have started to become stronger in my faith. As I grow closer to God and more active in the gospel I have seen myself change. I no longer even own the midriff/clevage shirfs and my jeans are tasteful, not painted on. But it is more then my dress that has become modest, my music, the movies, the chat rooms, even my emails have become "nicer". As for a dance costume... that is just what it is a costume. They are made that way for a reason and as long as it doesn't become the "norm" then I think it would be okay....only if my Daughter was comfortable in wearing it. Good Question Lindsay
  13. Hi Well let me first say that I am so glad that I am not alone! My son will be 3 in Feb. and we are in the midst of potty training. In alot of ways it feels like I am house breaking a puppy! Gotta love that "pee" aroma.. I think I have got him pretty well going in the potty as long as he is naked... Getting him into underwear is the next step... This is so much not fun! My son also has a fasination with boy parts but I am pretty sure this is normal.... Good luck and happy cleaning! Lindsay