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Posts posted by Aphrodite

  1. Im sure most people feel the same about snow. To have to come online to be nasty to strangers and make derogative comments and then say 'im just expressing my opinion' is like a kid shoving another in the playground and saying, 'I can do what I like'. Its quite sad and quite pathetic, and as snow is one of the top posters here just goes to show what sort of life he must have-mostly stuck in front of a computer instead of having a real life. Snow seems bitter about life in general, and bitter people give out an ugly vibe. When I see snow's name on a post I automatically think 'ugly'.

    Incidentally, the people on this site who have helped me the most are non-members. What a great example Snow is setting as an LDS thats all I can say.

  2. Aphrodite: Do you, your husband, and your dad live with your mother? If she lives alone that would be a different answer

    No we dont live with her but my brother who is only 20 does. He's probably suffering more than anyone having to live with her.

    If she did not pay her rent because she has a substance abuse problem, getting a loan to bail her out will make you an enabler and prolong the problem indefinitely.

    Yes she has alcohol problems. We now think she must be an alcoholic. Its difficult to know exactly as she lies so much and so well. This is whats doing my head in, we dont know the full extent of anything because she hides everything. She's also seeing a married man at work which Im disgusted about.

    What happens if she get evicted (where does she go)?

    I think she'd get put in a hostel, a room with shared bathroom and kitchen facilities

    She may have to learn this lesson through cold, hard experience

    I agree. However, my Dad and I agree that losing her home would not be the answer, she would never come back from that, it would destroy her as shes so emotionally weak and then there's no telling what she might do. Plus theres my brother to think of. He doesnt deserve to be homeless.

    While you may give a very slanted view it doesn't seem that she is doing anything for herself (she just looks at the floor?) You can't be her continual savior it will drain the life out of you

    Rosie thats exactly how i feel, the life is being drained out of me. Shes not doing anything for herself. Every time I try to bring up things she literally gets this glazed look and shuts down. Shes so selfish. She plays mind games to try and get things out of you, material things. She even concocted this whole story that she went to see the bishop about her problems, had a good chat with him and she feels shes finally getting better. The whole thing was total bull. I spoke to the bishop and he said she hadnt been to see him in weeks. How dare she lie to me. I was furious. Shes not normal. I feel like screaming and throwing something at the wall that will smash! No mother treats her kids like this. Its affecting my health too. I feel like giving her an ultimatum-unless she faces her problems with us and gets help I wont see her anymore. Maybe thats the wake up call she needs. I mean it too. Im not feeling very christlike towards her at the moment. I feel shes ruining my life.

  3. We just bought a house which my husband wanted and I am struggling with that decision. Since he is the head of the family, I am letting him make this decision hoping this will be good for the family even though I worry about the financial part.

    So, you didnt want to buy the house but your husband did. Arent couples supposed to make the decisions together? I dont agree with this head of the family business because then things like this happen. My husband and I are equals and make decisions together. He is no more head of me than I am of him. It sounds like your husband hasnt really considered what you want from this situation. It sounds like more an issue with yours and his communication-tell me, if you didnt buy this house, would you have been able to stay at home with your son?

  4. So I just found out my Mum hasnt been paying her rent for like the whole year. The church is paying most of it, £200 a month and she's supposed to pay the rest which is i think somewhere between £100-£150. So she owes about £1000. I just couldnt believe it when I found out. I didnt find out from her, she called my Dad. Now she's being threatened with eviction and the council are notoriously hard lined and unless she can come up with the money in full they might evict her. I havent spoken to her about this yet, im too angry at her stupidity and selfishness and might say something i regret. I dont know why she hasnt been paying, she just sticks her head in the sand in the most ridiculous way possible. What did she think would happen??

    Me, my husband and my Dad are trying to work out a solution. The bishop is furious with her and told her so. Somehow, we're going to have top come up with the money. I dont even know where to start. We have a fairly well off businessman in the stake who is very generous and is always giving money to those in need. Rob used to work for him and we are friends. I was thinking of asking him for a loan to pay it. But then who would pay it back? Me? Im just about to go to uni and am taking a drop in money.

    The anger and resentment Im feeling towards her at the moment isnt healthy. But I cant help it, is she trying to ruin my life?? I dont know how we can ever repair our relationship she seems intent on destroying it. Its so upsetting, im at a loss.

    Plus we have to work out what we're going to say to her. A massive talk is in order. I have no idea how to get through to her. When you talk to her she just looks at the floor and doesnt say a word. Im beginning to think shes mentally unstable, no normal person would do this kind of thing. The stress off this is keeping me awake and I just dont know what to do or where to begin with this. If anyone can help me with yet more problems from my messed up life....lol

  5. My wife is a stay at home mom, she cooks, cleans, does the shopping, nurtures the kids, gardens, takes care of the food storage, pays the bills, is active in her church callings and still finds the time to to be a loving wife to me....and she would have it no other way. I am the provider for the family, I work 40-60 hours a week away from my family, I also am responsible for the protection of my family. I help around the house after work and on weekends.....and I would have it no other way.

    So what would you do if your wife said to you one day, darling I want to get a job? Would you be happy about her working?

    My first wife was a feminist...and it was the major cause why our marriage ended....she wanted everything both ways, she demanded her choices. So, she and I would both work and we'd share the responsibility of raising the kids, housework and the like. She would then feel it was her choice to quit her job if she felt like it and cause me to take on another in addition to sharing household responsibilities....(this happened 3 times in our marriage).

    Thats not feminism thats selfishness and stupidity. The reality is, most couples now in the world have to work. I find it interesting you compare the 'ideal' of your wife as one who stays at home, and the 'not ideal' as your ex wife that did work and then didnt or whatever. Me personally, I love my job and would never give it up for two reasons. One, we could not afford to live unless I did work, and two it is deeply fulfilling and satisfying to me. When we have kids I'll probably take a years maternity leave-but I have to go back wheher I like it or not! Women working is not abnormal, its normal its life, not some radical choice.

    When we first got married I didnt work for 6 months as I was trying to find a job. Rob was so supportive, he said its up to you what you want to do. Now I want to further my career and study again, he's more supportive still! Even tho its a drop in money, he's willing to support me as its only temporary.

    Personally, I could never expect my husband to work extra hours than the usual 40 or so, or even take extra jobs just so I could be at home. I think thats quite selfish. As equal partners we both work, both look after the house etc. It works-when I wasnt working I felt so depressed and bored and isolated at home. I realy did feel like the little wifey while hubby was the man and brought home the bacon-it didnt feel equal, I felt somehow inferior. Working now, I feel happier, and a total equal to my husband.

  6. People like that just want a reaction. If you react to them whether its in a positive way or not they have what they want. They have riled you enough to come and talk to them. My husband said they protest about things that we dont support anyway, like abortion! Just ignore them.

  7. This is a good topic.

    My Dad was my greatest influence growing up. He went back to uni at the age of 46 to get a degree so he could have a career he loved. Since then he has been a great advocate of education and was always there to help with homework or essays, no matter what he was doing, he ALWAYS made time for us kids. When we were younger we used to have a 'dad day' where one of us would go out with him for the day, wherever we wanted, to spend quality time with him. Those things I feel are responsible for my relationship with him today.

    My Mum is harder as we dont get on that well now its hard to think back. But she was always there, willing to pick us up and drop us off no matter what the time of day or night. We didnt have curfews either, we were trusted to make our own decisions, which we never abused. we realised we had a good thing!! She aimed to give us everything she could so that we had a great life, even if it meant going without herself.

    As for mistakes...hmm. For Mum it would have to be not facing up to her problems and subsequantly lying to us about things. I dont think she realises how much damage she has done with that.

    With Dad-Growing up he wasnt very tolerant of things that he didnt think were good. like, our tv programmes, or our opinions. If they didnt match his, they were wrong. I have to say since the divorce he has changed a lot and become much more mellow. He wouldnt be like that now.

  8. What happens if you dont have health insurance? Would a hospital refuse to treat you? I cant imagine having to fork out a hundred quid a month for health insurance, altho my taxes go towards the NHS I suppose. I know the NHS isnt perfect but I feel lucky its there. What do lower income familis do, or people on benefits???

  9. My Dad and stepmother didnt have a wedding list as they already had an established home. They asked for money or John Lewis vouchers. They still have some of the money left and have bought some beautiful pieces for thier home like art, vases, expensive bed linen. So vouchers are a good idea too.

  10. Just a thought...If the couple were to move in together, but had great willpower and just co-habited as friends, not having sexual relations or sharing the same bed, would they be trusted on this, or would this still possibly make them subject to disfellowshipment or excommunication?

    Does anyone have an official stance on this. I didnt live with my boyfriend, but Ive slept in the same bed as many of my male friends when we used to crash over each others houses, including boyfriends. If I stayed over, we slept in the same bed, tho nothing ever happened. My closest friends are male and i stayed over my mates one night and we all slept in the same bed together, me in the middle, two blokes either side of me. We were elbowing each other all night saying 'move over!' and 'get off!!' hardly sexual, like sharing a bed with your brother. Me and Rob shared a hotel room when we got stranded one night after we missed the last train home. They had one room with a double bed (i kid u not!) we thought it was stupid for rob to sleep on the floor so we cuddled up in bed. nothing ever happened. so is it bad? I know we should avoid the appearance of evil or whatever yadda yadda-but is actually sharing a bed an 'offense'? Ive never confessed any of this to a bishop. Rob knows I shared a bed with other guys as he was there half the time before we were going out. sp is it officially bad??

  11. About May time we had unseasonally hot weather, at 25 degrees or so from the beginning of April. We were so looking forward to a hot summer. All the global warming people were jumping on the bandwagon saying how its getting hotter etc. After those two weeks it has been the worst summer I can ever remember, people are saying its even the worst summer in England on record. Its mid August, should be the highest temperatures of the year, yet today it was a pathetic 13 degrees. I cant believe it, weve been cheated out of a summer. I cant wait till next month when were going to spain for some long awaited sunshine!!!!

  12. a Stake President explained to us that certain feelings due to addictions would follow us as well. Such as smoking. You would still feel that nicotine withdrawal but unfortunately never have the cigarettes to satisfy. So sort of a living hell in that aspect.

    How can that be? In that case wouldnt you feel hungry and thirsty too?? That does sound like hell to me!

  13. My parents both have them, but I think they are still a little too young to consider it.

    Why do your parents have them? You would only have one if you were really old or terminally ill and suffering surely?

  14. IMO, putting someone to death, for whatever reason other than self defense and war, if murder.

    So you believe killing someone in a war is ok but reducing someones suffering is not? Thats a bit twisted sixpacktr. To me, people who partake in wars and kill other innocents as it inevitably happens, are the ones who will have to account to Heavenly Father. Killing in a war is murder pure and simple. They will have to say, yes I took part in a war that wasnt even started by me yet I got involved and ended up killing other human beings like myself. Or, yes I was suffering unimaginably and measures were taken so that I didnt have to suffer any more. I know which one Id rather say.

  15. Once again Ive had the unfortunate experience of watching someone die a slow, agonising death. The man in question was well into his seventies and dying from a respiratory disorder. As he entered his final hours we realise that his Do Not Attempt Resucitation form had not been signed, and there was a mad rush to get it signed before he died, other wise this poor individual would have the degrading (and unsuccessful) action of people jumping on his chest and shoving tubes down his throat in an effort to prolong this mans wretched life and suffering, for only a few hours, maybe minutes more. Thankfully, the form was signed, and the man passed away peacefully in the end, albeit with a great deal of suffering.

    Up until recently, I thought it was the patient that decided their resus status. Now I realise that it is actually the doctors decision. They decide it, and their decision is final and legally binding.

    Obviously Im totally in favour of this but do members agree this is acceptable, allowing someone to die? Just wondered what peoples opinions were on it, as its not eutanasia, but of you think about it, it is a form of euthanasia (which I am also in favour of).


  16. How will you pass through the veil without such sacred signs, names and tokens? Is it your belief that men have just decided to put them there, and HF doesnt think that they matter?

    Frankly, yes.

    If you do not respect those covenants, you will not be keeping them.

    No Im not. My post about church leaders is where all my feelings on this is known so I wont go over it again.

    I have several issues and am trying to work through them. The problem is, Im happier 'breaking' covenants if thas how you want to put it than living it. Living them makes me miserable and bitter. Not doing them makes me feel happy and free. My family and loved ones make it complicated and I only do what I do for them really. Maybe that will change one day I dont know. CK gave me some good advice and im still thinking about it, but again, the things id have to do to get to the temple are to me so difficult and hard to do, they outweigh the reasons to go.

    At the end of the day I still dont believe that a loving and true God would deny his children access to his prescence. What about all the billions of people that have gone before us?? With only a smidgen of a percent doing temple work, doesnt seem like the best way to ensure ones salvation.

  17. When our kids get older(our oldest is 3) we're going to have a set waking up time, but no bedtime, so they can stay up late, play games all night if they want, but they have to pay for it the next day.

    I assume you mean this for school holidays, not during term time. If this is the case, can I ask why? One of the best things about being a kid/teenager in the holidays is the freedom to go to bed when you want and get up when you want. I used to love staying up late chatting with my sister till the early hours knowing everyone else was asleep-theres something magical and fun about it. We were never penalised for that by having to get up at a certain time. Im just wondering your logic behind it?

    Okay, before I do this I want advice. For this summer break I have several teens who have been playing X-Box until like 2 or 3 in the morning, then they sleep in and then seem to have a bad attitude during the day. The younger kids are also getting consumed by the games. Now I especially want the little ones off but I know that if I take the X-Box and pack it away for a couple of weeks until school starts and people budget their time better then teens are going to scream this is unfair and they should be the ones to decide what they do with games and the like. Of course I have asked them to head to bed by midnight but that doesn't happen.

    What would you do then?

    I dont know what I'd do, but when me and my brother and sister were younger (11, 9 and 7) most of our arguments revolved around the nintendo we had. (I have to add my Mum probably played it more than we did and was involved in the arguing over who went next!!) Some things never change!! We outgrew it eventually but I think we had a limited amount of time in the end, like 2 hours a day. My husband has an x-box but doesnt go on it that often as he says he doesnt want to become a computer nerd lol

  18. Its not that I dont like it, I'm indifferent to it, i dont care one way or the other. I dont even have a temple recommend, so it will make no difference to me. I may have one in the future. If they have a barcode on it...they have barcode. I dont think its 'from the Lord' tho. Not everything like this is. Im sure its a practicality on the churches part.

  19. Not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but still yummy to me Steven Tyler of Aerosmith!

    ugh!! No offense pushka. Definitely not my cup of tea.

    I agree with that article to a point. Men with more feminine features, or softer looks generally have the personalities to match. My husband has the best of both. He has fair hair, fair skin and blue eyes. He has a really kind looking face, an honest face. He doesnt have a johny bravo jaw line, but yet his face is very masculine. Hes definitely not effeminate, but not arnie swarzeneggar, a perfect in between. Thanks to his job, he has great muscle tone, but not too much which i think looks horrible on men. And while hes a sweet, sensitive person, hes mentally strong and very stubborn when he wants to be. So I do agree that less macho looking (is probably a better way to put it) men are more attractive to women. Well, they are to me anyway!

  20. Theres a girl called Molly in our ward. Gabelma is right, it is so popular over here that i wouldnt name my kid it.

    The subject of names is very interesting. My name i feel is unusual and thanks to my husband my surname is now Lavender. I am determined to name my kids striking unusual names. There'll be no sarahs amys or gemmas goin on in my house!!!

    In fact, I have the names all ready for when we do have kids. For the girls, Lexi Lavender (how wicked is that, thats a definite, well i just have to persuade my husband!!!I'll forge his signature on the birth certificate if i have to!) Athena and Cadence are options, but i worry cadence will get shortened to cady which sounds like katie which i hate. I also love the name Electra.

    Boys are more tricky. I love Levi, Darius, Darren or Robert after my husband but my husband wont agree to any of them. We're going to have really hard time naming our kids as we have such different agendas. I too have two names, double barrelled and so does my sister. Our names preceded us at school and were a big feature growing up, people loved our names, Lori-Lee and Carrie-Anne, we needed no surname. My brother is Dustin. My sister grew to hate the double barrelled thing, she thought it was babyish at about 13 so she dropped the Lee. My immediate family dont call me Carrie-Anne, but to new people I meet I can use just Carrie or Carrie-Anne. People ask me what I prefer and its nice to have the choice. I've always loved my name and my married name is better. When people read my name badge at work Im always complemented on my name, though its no thanks to me lol. So thats my inspiration for an unusual, yet not stupid name that no one will forget!! Molly is not too bad though, Ive heard a lot worse! (i.e my husbands choices!!!)

  21. I have noticed that a lot of Fiannans comments are based around sex, nudity, body parts, birth control etc. I think he's more than a little obsessed. I talk to my girlfriends about this stuff, but not as much as Fiannan does to strangers. If I knew my husband was talking to strangers about this kind of thing Id be really concerned.

    Also, self examination is the most effective way tp prevent breast cancer. Yes, we need sunlight but that doesnt mean lying out in the sun baking as that increases your risk of skin cancer. It means being outside, but not necessesarily in summer, just not being cooped up indoors all day really. Oh, and of all the women I have lost through breast cancer (auntie, two friends, grandma) have all had children. All we can do is eat healthily, exercise, wear sun cream and check ourselves regularly. The bra stuff is nonsense. Ive actually heard that wearing a bra prevents breast cancer as you have more support. Especially for larger breasted women. I could not go without mine. I would be sore and in pain by the end of the day-surely not a good thing in the fight against this awful disease.