Winnie G

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Everything posted by Winnie G

  1. Yes I am vary much in to genealogy and am jammed up on one side of the family the Wilson's side witch in Eng is like a one straw in a haystack, My husband also needs to get his line going. He has not started on his as of yet and he is from Newfoundland half Irish and half Scottish. Another haystack, I told my hubby of your suggestion and he thing we should extend our time in Salt lake by a day and spend some time at the library. good idea thank you. Any more ideas out there?
  2. I think you miss the point, it is issues such as a man or women from a country were gender traditions clash. A small example would be----- What age dating is allowed or allowed at all, This may not become a issue till children of that union become teenagers. You have to see the bigger picture, In Canada those ingratiating to Canada have to sign a agreement that they will not do or even involve them selfs in genitals circumcism or remove Canadian born children out of the country to have it preformed. this is not a religious mind set it is a tradition, any medical doctor must report such a act, (emergency room, child care workers etc. Just like a gun shot) Traditions run very deep in some cultures, The church has to deal with this all the time. Body piercings are a tradition is some cultures. We have friends who's parents were mission presidents in one of those arias of the world. My remarks about class had to do with finding out marriage in my ex husbands family was not the norm even his own mother buried three husbands not being married to any of them having 8 children who did not think twice about shaking up. This I found out on my wedding day, I remembering thinking to myself and then later to my new husband, "Your oldest brother was born in 1947 ??? your mother had three Smith children???" she never married their father or yours??? Now think about that? what kind of women in 1947 lives with a man has three children with out being married, then two more husbands not marrying them and having five more children?? Once married this moral mind set became a Big issue in my marriage ending it with in ten years. Class, Cultures, Traditions all play a role you add race in and it has a story all its own.
  3. OK when I read that my memory bell went off, do any of you remember witch president said that marrying out side social, cultural back ground was not wise. It would have to have been in the last 30 years because that is how long I have been a member. It had a lot of wisdom in it, because of exasperation's and traditions. I may sound like social a bigot but in truth even social class comes in to play as well. I say this because in my past marriage, never meeting my husband's family was a big mistake and would have been a deal breaker if I had known them.
  4. Are you looking to stay in the states? I'm from Michigan but live in the Mormon Bible belt of Canada southern Alberta, Lethbridge aria. The cost of living is grate, and you could buy a "Nice" house for your price and our health care for us is $300 a year. Wards are large and full of young families. Alberta is crying for any one that has a oil / gas or infrastructure back ground. UN-employment is low. It is not that hard to come to Canada, and with hand gun bans Canada is low on crime compared to were you live now. I have family there. Lethbridge aria is down right boring when it comes to crime.
  5. My hubby and I are going to April conference, Are any of you going? We want to stay close to the trax so we can come and go with ease. we are not willing to blow big $$$ so do any of you that live there have any ideas as to were to stay? Also do any of you have any suggestions as to what to see while we are there? I am a big used book store fan, I always go to Desseret Ind. for used books. i have a growing library of church books because of my thriftiness. (cheep) Lets call it what it is. We would like to attend the Temple as well, i know it is closed though conference so is the day before or after a better time. Finlay anyone want to meet for Lunch or a picnic on the grass during conference?
  6. Did Person B check the Temp ? Most people do. Its changed with each load does it not? Darks cold, P- Press warm , whites hot and so on. So why could not peason B see the leavle needs to be changed as well?? I thinK B needs to check it all and not blame A for B mistakes
  7. It came to me that i have lost al the older women in my life and now that makes it me. This grief has been unbearable. none should do this if four months. my bishops right i feel beat up, if im miss spelled Live with it I do
  8. Dear Friends. It is with deep sadness I tell you my mother Shirley Jonas passed yesterday afternoon at her home with my brother Harry and Aunt Franny by her side after battling cancer for nine years. Moms health took a turn for the worst after the loss of my sister Leslie this passed September. Mom will be cremated and buried in the family plot next to her husband Bert at St. Katherine's Church just out side Lansing Michigan this summer. I want to thank any of you that loved and supported me with your prayers and love as my mother struggled with this horrible disease. love Winnie g and Family
  9. President Hinckley legacy of Temple Building gave me my eternal family and endowments because he built the smaller temples so those of us who could not travel to receive our endowments and be sealed as a family. Since then those small Temples have given my ancestors the gift of their endowments and eternal families. His vision has done so much for me and mine and for the world. I thank thee oh God for the prophet
  10. YouTube - The Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley grab a klennex
  11. YouTube - The Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley grab a klennex
  12. YouTube - The Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley Grab a Klennx
  13. It just gets down to weather guy or stright does not make anyone less of a soldier. separation of church at state should stay that way,
  14. She is to young for the surgery since she is not married and seen a stable she has to be over 28 or have medical problems. we live five hours from her now. Dad seem to have lost interest once the bar fly moved in. What a mess the youth can get in to. We went to see the stake p today for Temple recommend interviews he said don’t loose hope you never know she might do a total 360’ and come back to the church and bring the new boy friend with her, have faith.
  15. Selek the Canadian Military does not They just stepped out of the freedom to live ones life. A lot of people felt that way about Segregation of the races “people of conscience” fire hosed those who saw it differently then as well. Things chage and so can Ignorance and fear. The whole deal of guy or straight is not going to go away and the government should step out of the debate. .Selek that "premier battalion" was in need for being disbanded it was the battalion on my base before I met my husband. You take the hardest job and train them in to the hardest people who are sent in to do the hardest job none else will do and you might as well train a pack of out of control Rambo’s. They had the highest rate of alcoholism, suicide and abuse. Each tour was worse then the last so the battalion was disbanded and the men despised. Those men adjusted and have done well since. At lest someone saw a resolution and fixed it. They made them what they were and handled it. As far as low pay goes your wrong agin we cleared$ 4.500 dollars a month after housing. That’s not bad I say for hunky-dory. Canadians low enlistment rates are due to a higher paying civilian jobs. My husband would make four times that pay now as a civilian. Canada is replacing the aging equipment. Oddly enough waging war is not a #1 priority. Can you stay on topic by the way, we can. I hear fear and homophobia. Im going to ask you what I asked on of my eldist sons, are you scared of being jumped by some homosexual when he spouted such Ignorance and fear. Im not calling you names I am calling you to reflection as to were this comes from.???
  16. He had Full Custody and my daughter had visitation then out of the blue in the fall after a summer with a new girlfriend some how they became less his priority. Since we know very little once the date from the bar moved in and did not go home showed up we saw less and less of him and saw more and more of the girls then after dropping the girls off one weekend my daughter calls and says he just gave her the girls, No word no should the girls stay with you? Nothing. So now at 24 my daughter has three children under the age of four one on the way and two step teenage girls all in one house. Oh yes she works full time. My daughter is 95 pounds dripping wet and is slowly looking like a worn out polygamy wife you picture in your mind.
  17. Maureen, my daughter had a child little girl last June and is already PG with another (girl) again in June. My son-in-law gave the girls the first two back to our daughter in November. He has not seen them since, To add to my stress my mother has taken a turn for the worst and is now down to her last hours / days.
  18. First Selek As an American who’s father was a life long US soldier in three war’s and finely died during Vietnam. I want to reach though and slap you! :disclaimer:You are a typical self absorbed chest pounding US is best American. How dare you say: What makes you the expert????? I mean heaven forbid someone like me might know different. By the way Canadian soldiers were in Vietnam and every stinking hell hole from the Golan heights, Gulf War to Yugoslavia (Husband) Oh that’s right Afghanistan! I have worked and lived on just about every Canadian army base form BC to Nova Scotia. My last base Shilo Manitoba will be emptying out every able body soldier along with CFB Edmonton Albertaon the next tour to Afghanistan next month, so I do think cardboard cuts outs are going with these 1000’s of men and women in to combat with the Taliban. This thread has nothing to do with Canadian army bashing / US is best. It is why does some institution cant get over the whole guy thing, this is not marriage it’s the “don’t ask don’t tell” rule witch is homophobic. 17 years ago the Canadian army started to mind its own business and none has been found jumping a fellow soldier in a fox hole yet. <FONT size=5><B><FONT color=black><FONT face=Verdana>
  19. I was the one who pulled the short straw the morning it became law and I had to be the one to bring the captain his morning coffee and paper, I placed in face down on his desk and left, a load S###* fallowed but like most it passed with a whisper instead a boom. None really cared I think we need to give members of the military credit.
  20. Ok someone says the board is dry lately so I thought I ask this question. I Live in right Canada and lived and worked for the Canadian military for years before being OK to be guy in the military became policy. Canada does not have "The don’t ask don’t tell":rolleyes: policy it’s the we don’t care what floats your boat policy. I know of two women who came out shortly after it changed they live a as domestic couple with full benefits all around. You can get married in Ontraio. Our old neighbor two doors down was two guy supply clerks. My question is if Canada and other country’s can do it with out being freaked out over who sleeps in my tent during combat why is the US still so far be hide? This is not me trying to start a fight I just wondered why? Canada has it’s share of homophobes so if the government can come out and say Ok this is it, under the charter of freedom’s act, Gay or strait you are just as much a solder as the next guy. Then why cant Washingtion say ok here it is live with it?
  21. I have not found out how to do that on the new site OH how about cut and past to enlarge Ill try that, well that did not work i think youll be stuck doing it at your end or untill someone fixes it
  22. Dear: Friends and Board Members. Well I cant sleep and none was around to call and since I do not have any of your numbers to call not that I call in the middle of the night. So my sleepless reason is left unresolved. And since I have posted this on going family saga before not much of this should surprise you. So I am writing you instead at 2:30 AM. My ever so wonderful granddaughters called us tonight to say good night and tell us of their days goings on. E****’s potty training now in its ninth month and what funny thing happened in K****’s life though the eyes of a four year old and B*****’s newest giggle. We enjoyed telling them that Grandma and Papa found a new friend (puppy) for our dog B****. That was wonderful news to the granddaughters! We had to say hi to Papa of course and then the news broke, “Mommy’s having a new baby”! All that came out of my mouth was “WHAT”? Over and over again. My daughter took the phone from K**** and called her a blabber mouth and I was still saying “WHAT”? She said “don’t yell mom”. I said I’m not yelling I must have heard K**** wrong. K**** of course is in the back ground giggling. She then said “Ill know the sex of the baby tomorrow” that’s when I stopped saying “What” and said you known that lone? You know at Christmas and did not tell us? I gave her the mother’s curse, “It will be a girl you know that”? With all the birth control out there a drug store and 7/11 on ever corner she has had four babies in less then five years. My hubby and I should invest in Huggies, baby wipes and formula the rate our daughters going she could be our retirement nest egg.She is still married to Colt, nether of them has filed for divorce. I don’t tell people at church, I just avoided it all together. I can’t tell my mother in her kind hearted way she just say Oh another b***** grandchild. She has not spoken kindly about our daughter since she left her husband for **** and does not ever mention B****** but for using the term b****** when she was born. Most of my family will cringe so Ill keep it to myself for a while. Everyone is busy with mom right now her passing will be soon and they have their hands full.B****’s mother is a church member and does not live that far away from our daughter so I have asked mu daughter for me to ask her to take the girls to church. Their use to that and love going. It has not happened yet but using the thought of three extra hours of down time with out a couple extra children in the house will sink in. She has agreed so will see what happens. Its not just my daughters children she takes care of she is also a step- mom of B****’s two teenage daughters. There will be six children in that house by June. SIX and she is only 24!Every once in a while she calls me over some teenage crises happening in her house and I have to admit I do enjoy hearing her struggle. I try to tell her to remember what it was like to be 13 or 16 again. she does not get girls that are scared of bugs and don’t have her love of camping and heaven forbid they swim in a lake, the waters dirty. Their city girls and she struggle with cramps and teenage tantrum and calls me to just vent. When B**** thinks its funny I remind him that all these girls will some day sink up their periods our daughter included and he will be screwed! If my hubby and I can find something funny in all this is that “He’ll WILL BE SCREWD”!The other side of me thinks my children are trying to kill me.Well my dear friends that’s why it is 3:05 in the morning and I cant sleep.Write soonLove Winnie G whose long past turning gray and sleep deprived.