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Everything posted by LeSellers

  1. See trusts me (and with good reason). It's more about the scripts and the plots/story lines. I'd ask more specific questions, but I really do not want to prejudice your thoughts. Lehi
  2. You're one I've been looking for. How did you like the movies? (As movies, I mean, since you can't see the books in the films, your opinion is important to me.) Please review those you recall, irrespective of your assumed lack of attention. Lehi
  3. How so? "Alma" means "young woman", not "virgin". In Italian we say traduttore, traditore, the translator is a traitor. When Joseph translated the Book of Mormon, we know that his familiarity with the AV colored his work simply because there are so many passages where he uses the same wording as the AV to give similar concepts in the Book of Mormon. We also know that the LXX is no more than a fair translation of the Hebrew scripture. Isaiah 7:14 does not use the word בְּתוּלָה bethûlâh but עַלְמָה ‛almâh, not "virgin", but "young woman (of marriageable age)". But the LXX uses the Greek παρθένος, parthenos rather than παιδίσκη paidiske (young woman), as alma should have been rendered. So, again, how so? Lehi
  4. We can safely infer that they were. He is the Father of Jesus Christ — literally. No matter how that fusion occurred, He is His Father. It is necessary that their DNA was present in Him because without the dual (and mysteriously mutually exclusive) characteristics of an immortal Parent and a mortal parent, He could not have completed His mission of Atonement. He must have been mortal so as to be capable of death, but immortal so as not to be subject to death. Only by being "outside" of mortality could He be the Atonement because were He subject to death, His death would not have been a sacrifice. But were He to have been immortal, He could not have died at all. If we believe, as we do, that Father is a physical Being, with a glorified body of flesh and bone, then He has DNA. We and He are of the same species, and, being thus, He and Mary could have a Child, just as interracial couples can have children that share the traits of each parent's race. Thus, Mary and the Father's DNA merged to form the body of Jesus Christ with the required traits of mortality and immortality in the One Who needed both. There is no doubt that He had His mother's chromosomes. There is no doubt that He had 23 pairs of chromosomes. the other 23 came from Somewhere, and the testimonies of prophets from ancient and modern dispensatonis attest to where that second set cames from. Lehi
  5. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it depends on what the definition of "virgin" is. Keep in mind that Isaiah's "virgin" was translated into Greek as parthanos, so when Matthew quoted it using the LXX, and the AV translators used "virgin" instead of "young woman", that definitely influenced Joseph Smith's translation of Nephi. "Alma" in Isaiah did not mean "virgin", since the prophecy's first fulfillment was with Isaiah's own wife and their son Mahershalalhashbaz. Again, however, I feel more and more uncomfortable even peering down this lane, much less traveling it. Yes, we believe in the "virgin birth". But we still do not know what that actually means. Lehi
  6. I understand and understood perfectly what you meant. The statements stands: "We have no concrete information about how Jesus' body was formed." Nor do we know how it was not formed. I, for one, am uncomfortable with discussing Father's love life. Lehi
  7. Pornography is a male thing. It is dangerous to the man, to his family, and to society as a whole. It makes him immune to "real" women, and, particularly, to his wife. The air-brushed hotties on the page/screen are beyond real, and the original woman in the picture is only the canvas on which the pornographer paints his images. (Other, similar points can be raised about videoporn, but we need not explore them independently.) However, what escapes too many is the fact that "romance novels" (and other like kinds of "art", e.g., soap operas and many "chick flicks") fulfill the same role for women as porn does for men: the "heroes" are not real men, either. They make women immune to real men, they are dangerous to the women reader and to her family, to her husband, and to society. In either case they set up a "standard" no human being can achieve, and the reader/viewer contrasts his spouse with the imaginary, "perfected" man or woman in his mind with the one he's "stuck" with. Invariably, the spouse falls short, and the addict is dissatisfied with his own life. He turns to more and more of the imaginary world, where everyone fulfills fantasies and there are no obligations or costs. Porn is more visible, less accepted (in the Church and "polite society"), and the user can safely be disparaged. Romance novels, just as powerful and destructive, are seen as harmless, and no one (a few of us excepted) castigates the reader. Unless and until we also level the guns of morality on these targets as well, we will have the continuation of the destruction of the Family and of our culture and society. Lehi
  8. We have no concrete information about how Jesus' body was formed. What we do know is that Father's DNA and Mary's fused, exactly as is the case with every child ever born on this plant. To claim "Jesus Christ was born outside of this sexual construct" is going well beyond any authoritative, doctrinally sound statement. Lehi
  9. Please don't forget that I spent decades as a technical writer: I got paid to pick this kind of nit. To be on the list, not at the top of the list, is demoralizing. Lehi
  10. Technically, bacon does not taste good "in the tummy". It tastes good in the mouth, and smells good in the kitchen. Lehi
  11. I will accept responsibility (on behalf of all mankind) for "Global Warming" when "scientists" can answer these questions: 1) Why is CO2 (a minuscule fraction of the atmosphere) the culprit when H2O (a much, much larger fraction of the air) and which has far higher specific heat not considered a (or the) problem? 2) Why have Mars and Venus also experienced "global warming" during the same period as Earth (and proportionally at about the same rates)? 3) If man has caused global warming, why have there been ice ages in the past, with subsequent periods of warming following each of them? 4) Why is global warming a problem in any case? Do plants not grow better with higher levels of CO2. Would a warmer climate not make Russia and China, Canada, Chile, and Argentina more productive of grains and other food products? 5) Who's paying for all this "science" that tells us we're the guilty parties? Why are global warming alarmists to be believed any more than deniers when their funding comes from those who would benefit from the proposed governmental controls "required" to reduce "greenhouse" gas emissions? 6) Why do the countries who have the lowest per capita emissions have to pay for further lowering theirs while countries with the highest per capita emissions get to do nothing at all? There are a couple more questions, but these will do to start. Lehi
  12. "… don't we have an actual planet full of greenhouse gasses which is hotter than the surface of the sun?" Eh, no, we don't: Sun: Center (modeled): 1.57×107K Photosphere (effective): 5,778K Corona: ≈ 5×106K Venus: mean surface temperature: 735K Lehi
  13. The answer to the question you asked is "Yes." There are dozens of them, both "relative" (i.e., with places shown without reference to any known geography, just distances and directions) and "absolute", that is, putting these places onto theoretical locations in the real world. They're likely available at Deseret Book, or any other primarily LDS bookstore. I like the presentation in Joseph L. Allen's Exploring the Lands of the Book of Mormon. He includes several others, as well, so you can get a good view of the "competing" theories. Lehi
  14. I only have the VCR versions of IV~VI. Dunno if we have any of the "first" three. Lehi
  15. A Staff Sergeant was the Branch President, the Elders' Quorum President was a captain in the same battalion. When the Branch President called the Elders' Quorum President about both military and ecclesiastical business, he'd follow this template: SSG: Good morning sir, I'm calling about the recoil pads you ordered. CPT: Yes, Sergeant, we needed two dozen by last week, but now we need three dozen. I'll send the requisition this afternoon. SSG/BP: Fine, sir. Now, President Carson, I'd like the quorum to make sure Sister Williams has her walk shoveled this weekend. She's fallen twice this week, …. CPT/ EQP: Yes, President. We already have it done, but it looks like more snow this afternoon. BP/SSG: Great. Keep me posted. Now, captain, when I get that requisition, we'll expedite it, but it will still take three weeks. Division supply is back-ordered. CPT: We'll get along, but I'll have to send my report up channel this afternoon. Do you have a contact at Division we can talk to? SSG: Talk to SGT Nelson or Lieutenant Samson, Sir. Either one can help. CPT: Roger, thanks. SSG: Out. Lehi
  16. Irrespective of my ignorance, God said it would be an eternal Priesthood, yet they don't have it any more. His words in Torah were "X", His words in The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints say "not-X". Lehi
  17. Yes. http://falserapesociety.blogspot.ca/p/prevalence-of-false-rape-claims.html Professor Eugene Kanin (a feminist icon, until this study) researched a mid-sized US city over nine years: 41% of all rape claims were false. He also found that 50% of all rape claims at two large [unnamed] universities were proven false without the use of polygraphs (by cross examination, investigation, etc.). USAF found that 27% of rape accusers recanted (does not mean that all were false: there are other reasons for recanting). Independent studies show it is 60% false in military. In USmerica, Canada, and New Zealand studies show that 10% of rape claims are false. FBI shows that women lie about rape more than about other crimes. It is erroneous to assume that only a small number of rape claims (by women) are false because the evidence is to the contrary. In 2008, 216,000 men raped in prison (not rapes, victims, most raped multiple times. There are more rapes in prison than all other places. US first country in the world to count more man raped than women. (Don't blame the victim: only 8% of people in jail are there for violent crimes. Most US prisoners are in for non-violent drug charges and many of them are falsely accused and convicted by fraud.) In 2010, 8,600 reported sexual assault victims in the US military were female, and 10,700 were male. The military estimates that less than 1 in five is reported, making it 63,000 soldiers* raped each year (over 5%). * Includes sailors, marines and airmen, too. You don't seem to accept that men can be raped, that men are raped more than women are, and most of all, you appear to reject the notion of false rape accusations. No one here believes that the victim of an actual rape is culpable. We all share your compassion for these people and would do what we could for them. The problem, as I see it, is that rape is over-charged, that victims often want to play their woe-is-me card forever, and that men are often accused falsely of rape. This last is worrisome for a variety of reasons. When this is the case, the woman who makes the false charge does not pay any price for her lying, and the innocent man must live the rest of his life in the glare or her accusation, no matter if proven innocent or even if she later recants. Where is the compassion for him? And, as mentioned earlier, most people don't even realize that rape more often is a crime against a man than it is against a woman. Men don't usually whine about it, as it makes them look weak. When the perpetrator is another man, it's vile, and most of us agree and would (were we to know) show him compassion. But when the assailant is a woman, we secretly think "Wow, what a lucky guy!" Lehi
  18. On the general subject, what do you feel we should do about the far greater number of men who are raped (often, but not mostly, by women)? Should we simply believe that these women raped the men, or do we need to investigate the charges before announcing that we need to comfort the victim and repudiate that heinous women who violated them? Men are raped more than women, both in absolute numbers and proportionally. Most rapes happen in prison, by other men. Many are in schools: boys raping boys, or female teachers raping the male students, some in the military, but by far, more men get raped than women. Do we have the same compassion for the male victims as for the female? Lehi
  19. When He promised the Levites and the Aaronites the Priesthood as an eternal heritage, but now gives it to many who are not of those lines (and not to those who are), has He changed comething that will not change according to His word? Lehi
  20. There's little or nothing anyone can do for it. We are to bear one another's burdens and comfort those who need it, but, in the end, it's all really up to them. Only they are in control of their emotions and feelings. Exactly. Life just happens: if you can control it, do so; if not, get over it. If you can control it, you'll find it is inside you. Lehi
  21. I haven't seen the new one (and have no intention of doing so for a while). What I want to know (or, better, who I want to meet) is if there is anyone who's seen the Harry Potter films without having read the books. I find the movies disjointed, with huge holes only Rowling's text can fill. But that's difficult to ascertain because I have read the books (dozens of times each), and the movies are only "based on" the novels. At least with Star Wars there is no book: the scripts/screen plays are the whole story (ignoring the cutting room floor), so the movie must fill in all the blanks. Some have said that Episode III failed to bridge all the chasms between I & II and IV (the first film). It was unsettling for me, at least because while, say, the origins of Vadar's scarred face was there, it was shallow, and an enormous gap (how he became Vadar, v. Skywalker) had a trivial explanation. For those who like the franchise, good on you. I'm getting more and more ambivalent. Lehi
  22. That they should let the system grind its grist. We may assume they are truthing. We may not assume he is guilty until all the facts are in. And, irrespective of whether they are truthing or no, they'll have to get over it because the system's "justice" will do them no good whatsoever. That peace can only come from Christ. How we react to the events of life are what make us who we are. It is not the events themselves. Lehi
  23. No current politicians mentioned herein. Hope it's acceptable in this iteration. There's nothing "funny" about it. It kinda depends on who you are. Jesse Jackson and Martin Luther King, Jr., each had or have multiple women who've accused them of inappropriate sexual conduct. The all-white Duke Lacrosse team were guilty until proven innocent. Bill Cosby, Jr., was called "America's Dad", his shows promoted traditional values. When he was accused of rape (even when the women acknowledged that he had told them in advance he'd be giving them drugs so they'd be more "cooperative"), his crimes were not swept under the rug as were those of others in even more egregious cases. Several other high profile, progressive elites have also shown that it's not the accusation, nor even the reality of the event that counts, it's how you cast your vote (or the way you are perceived to be likely to cast it). No, it's not funny. Lehi
  24. Yet it had nothing to do with the candidacy. Sorry. Lehi