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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. So, I was cleaning up the yard on Saturday morning and must have pulled some weeds out of a fire ant pile because all the sudden my arms were covered with ants biting me! Now my left arm is covered in ant bites that itch itch itch!!! I'm also having some sort of allergic reaction that includes a bumpy red rash! It totally blows! Anyway, I've been trying cortizone cream and benadryl, but nothing is helping.....Any suggestions?

    Also, Hanne got stung by two bees and her legs are swelling...any remedies for her? She's not "deathly" allergic, but something's up with all that swelling!!

    Thank goodness we're not doing a talk meet! What a sight we would be!

  2. What's funny is, I like that almost "dirty" look on men. I absolutely drool over Johnny Depp.

    So if I find Angel to be too dirty, then you know he's pretty dirty. Lol.

    omg! me too! that's pretty funny!

    and illusionists just freak me out. they're creepy. but i do like a good magic trick. i've got ONE killer card trick that freaks everyone out. it's awesome!

  3. memories of this summer.... my children have all been gone, so my fondest memory is being on the phone. Hearing the joy in each of their voices when they say Hi Mommy! It's the best. Now, I bet their summer memories are going to of visiting grammies and grampies and aunties...lucky kids! :)

  4. What gives the judge the right?! The government should absolutely not be able to step in and change a child's name! If she didn't want people to call her by her full name she could go by a nickname and when she's of age and wants to change it herself then she can do that if she likes. Her parents may have had a very special reason to name her Talula Does The Hula, we don't know. think that's what the T stands for in Dr. T?

  5. Reading is an excellent idea! I have an artist in the family so I always make sure he's got the supplies he needs. And the girls always loved to play dress up. Also, they both love to make scrapbook pages, so we've got that junk around, too. :)

  6. I find that during personal prayer I talk to my HF like I would talk to my dad (except with WAY less sarcasm!!). I just let him know what I'm thinking about, struggling with and how I hope things will go. It really helps me to go into my prayers like that. I first make sure I express the gratitude I have in my heart for everything I have in my life. It's amazing how starting with that makes me feel closer to my I realize that all the good in my life is a direct gift from him and that makes me feel closer and then I "talk" to him. Faith that He is there and listening brings vasts amounts of comfort and feelings of love when I need them most. Prayer is a wonderful gift that we should never be afraid to use. Miss has it right... Put yourself out there and trust that He will take care of the rest :)