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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. Welcome to the site!

    We all hope that we can help support you in what's going on in your life. bytor could be sounds like depression. And one thing to keep in mind with his threat of suicide... That would never be "your fault". That's a choice he would be making all on his own for his own selfish reasons to make you suffer. It sounds like he's manipulating the whole situation pretty well for his own benefit.

    Remember to stay close to the Lord during a time like this..He will guide you and bring you comfort...even if it's in the form of us :) We're all here for you.

  2. Thanks, Elphie! I would like to read this book as well.. Church History is one subject that I'd really like to start delving in to and have just not yet. Oh sure, I've read The Work and The Glory....but that's not really history. lol! :) Do you have any other books that someone just starting out studying actual church hisory should read? Can you PM me a list? or post it here so others interested will have the list, too...

  3. Hi VoL!! You've gotten some really good advise from everyone in these posts...the other thing I would like to add (sorry if someone already said this) but you can go to you nearest vitamin shop and get a blend of herbs that help with mood and stress.

    I have one issue with your OP that I will PM you about since I don't want to derail...

    Good Luck!



  4. TNT... glad you found out the temple worker was wrong and that you're still able to use your recommend. :) the calling will come

    so far as that chocolate pudding cake goes... me and silvergirl ate it all up and it was deeelish!! ( sorry kish)

  5. Hi Sweetie Pie!! Guess what littlemisschatterbox is doing this summer?! Being a nanny for her three little cousins (ages 11, 9 and 4)! She's getting paid $120/wk + is being spoiled rotten by her favorite aunt and uncle...lucky girl! So, you should ask her what she thinks...and here's what I think. it's 7 hours a day 3 days a week and the kids seem fairly easy to take care of. They're not causing you any grief are they? If you're happy with what you're doing, then just leave it be. If you think that they're enough of a problem that you need $15 more dollars a week, then go ahead and ask. And you can ask just like the others said know something like you thought over the phone the agreed upon price was $135. whatever you do...don't let your mom call and yell at the lady. That happened to me once and I was so embarrassed that I had paid the girl incorrectly that I never called her again and probably lost what would have been a great babysitter for my kids. :( anyway, good luck and have fun! :)

  6. First of all...cancer is not the answer!!

    secondly... pmom's got it right on this one! it is a very personal that we've all faced at one time or another. talk to your bishop, go to the temple all that.

    and maybe as just a little ray of husband and i were once "separated" for almost a year. intense counseling and lots of prayers and becoming each others best friend again helped us mend what was broken.

    good luck, sweetie! know that i'm thinking about you and hoping for your happiness. you can message me if you'd like and we can "talk" more :)



  7. lol! councilled to death! love it!!

    you know...they have stuff at the vitaminshop that helps, too. like a mix to help your mood. what about that? not so chemical. more natural. i got some for my son who gets really overwhelmed easily. has to do with being an overachiever and somewhat ocd. it's helped

  8. awww...pmom! sorry to hear you're feeling so bad today. And I hope this is not out of line, but have you thought about talking to someone professional? maybe someone who could help determine if it's a chemical thing making you feel this way? there are a lot of professionals out there that can help!

  9. Hi Savannah! I'm from Texas, too. Up near DFW. My kids don't have myspace either so my oldest daughter is on her...she's littlemisschatterbox. You should send her a message. and as pmom said..lots of teenagers on here, so just take a look around. I'm sure you'll find one somewhere :)