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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. But, then again, I’m 27 and single. So, what the crap do I know…

    tee hee! but don't forget doc...all the chicks dig you so you must know a lot! :P

    I do have to agree that meeting in person will help them sort out the promptings of the spirit.

  2. okay...i've got a couple!

    1) a scavenger hunt. leave a clue on her doorstep and lead her all over the place until she gets to her gift. (i know...totally corny!)

    B) what about doing the whole put it in a box, wrapping it.. putting that in a bigger box, wrapping it... putting that in a bigger box, wrapping it...

    what do you think?!

  3. I think we've all come here looking for friends and of course for the thought provoking coversations that go on in the chat room!

    I have been very pleasantly surprised by the great threads out here in the forums and how much fun it is to read and respond to them. (was that a huge run on sentence?)

    And just think, if I hadn't joined checkerboy I'd never have met you! My fellow lover of all things ska! :P

  4. checkerboy is absolutely right, Jarod. There is no church that would not want you there. I think I read on one of the boards here that a GA said that he loved the smell of cigarette smoke in sacrament meeting because that meant there was someone at church that really needed and wanted to be there. And raising your kids in the gospel is such a wonderful goal! I teach the 9 year olds in primary and can I just tell you that nothing makes me happier than knowing that their parents have taken the time to bring them to church?! Go ahead and take your family to the ward you're living in and when you're comfortable talk to your bishop. That is what he's there for and even though he doesn't know you yet you know that he already loves you and will help counsel you through it all! Good luck, brother!

  5. One of my first blogs was on this very subject. I just want to say that I'm so blessed to have the parents that I do. Thanks to my mom aka Mimi for teaching me about art and music and flowers and the gospel and to always judge people by who they are on the inside, not how they look on the outside. Thanks to my dad aka Big Daddy for also teaching me about the gospel and music and books and that learning is a life long endeavor. Sure, I got in trouble every once in a while..what kid doesn't?! But I'm so thankful to be able to say I wasn't scared I would get hurt by parents, but rather I would hurt them if my behavior wasn't what it was expected to be. I really was lucky to grow up in my wonderful family, brothers and sister included!

  6. How exciting! I was just thinking about my babies this morning and how you can't help but reminisce on when they were that young. My oldest daughter (16) just hates it when I say...I remember the day you were born... but there's just no stopping it! Enjoy every minute, Susie! It goes by fast! :)

  7. I just joined the church a few years ago and have few lds friends with which to discuss questions I have relating to the gospel. I'm hoping that I can gleen some insight here. I love the Book of Mormon! I don't know what I did without it all these years! My friends think I am crazy to have such an interest in what to me is such a beautiful gospel.

    I have been reading the Doctorine & Covenants lately. I came across this scripture recently but did not ask in Sunday School. I tried after class but he was busy with other members. So my question is this if D&C 84:86 says this....then why do the missionaries, even the ones who converted me not follow this. D&C is straight from the Lord right?

    D&C 84:86 says:

    Therefore, let no man among you, for this commandment is unto all the faithful who are called of God in the church unto the ministry, from this hour take purse or scrip, that goeth forth to proclaim this gospel of the kingdom.

    Why do we no longer keep this command? And if not, where is the scripture changing this command?


    Maybe I'm reading the scripture wrong, but to me it's reading, in my own words... let no man accept or take money that is out there preaching the Gospel. Our missionairies go out unpaid into the world to preach the Gospel. As a matter of fact, they usually pay for their missions themselves. Also, we have a lay ministry which means that we all give service in the Gospel without pay. In other churches the people who would be equivalent of our Bishop get paid, etc. If there is a change then it would be conveyed to us by the First Presidency.

    Also, in response to asking Jesus why we no longer have animal sacrifices... We no longer have animal sacrifice because Christ sacrificed himself for our sins so there is no need. The answer to that question is in the New Testament.

  8. <div class='quotemain'>

    If we have a girl, I want to name her Molly. It's so cute!

    But am I condemning her to a life of being a "Molly Mormon?"

    Anyone know a LDS girl named Molly growing up? Did she hate it?

    It's so cute, but I'm so torn!!


    I think the name Molly is absolutley adorable and don't listen to anyone that tells you otherwise. I knew a girl from school named Molly and I've never heard anyone make fun of her for it. I think if kids are going to make fun of someone, they're going to make fun of whatever name they have haha.

    I have to agree with Marii... Kids are going to make fun of whatever name it is or whatever else it is that they choose to pick on. My daughter was named after one of my favorite bands and after a song I love by The Mama's and The Papa's. How could any one make fun of a sweet name like Ivy?! Well...I didn't take in to account that ever famous song here from the 50's or 60's (not sure which) called Poison Ivy. And long about 3rd grade those little Pokemon things were popular so she got her fair share of being called ivysaur, poor kid! Now that she's in high school, people just think her name is pretty cool and very unique. So, I say, go with what you love and she will love it too...especially if she knows the story behind it. :D

  9. Another good thing to keep in mind about Happiness is that we always have the choice of how we're going to react to any situation that is thrown at us. Happy is something that I choose to be every day. I can choose to be loving and forgiving of those around me or I can choose to be mean and unforgiving. Look at my glass as half empty or half full. And, really, wouldn't we all rather be around people that are rays of sunshine in our lives?! That's what I though! :D

  10. Welcome! I'm pretty new here myself! I have found this website to be great fun! So many interesting discussions and topics to look at and ponder and respond to.

    I'll put in my two cents about the baby names, too!! For a boy I really love the name Jeremiah and for a girl... how does sioux-z strike you?! :)

  11. Hey! I'm pretty new at this, so I'm keeping this first post pretty general. Has anyone out there read this series of books by Stephenie Meyers? Does anyone think (like my husband) that these books should not be sold at church book stores because they're about vampires and werewolves? Let me know what you think and also what you think of the characters and story lines, etc. I'm very interested to read other peoples "take" on this series of books. :sparklygrin:

  12. okay...I'm new to all this so I hope my avatar shows up. You all should be seeing Blossom from The Powerpuff Girls. I chose her first cuz she's got red hair like me and b, my daughter told me long ago to choose her for my avatar on aim since she's the leader... Does that mean I'm bossy?! :)

  13. I've got a good one for you all... When my daughter was 4 years old we were driving by a monster church that had 3 giant crosses out in front of it. She asked me why that buiding had all those T's our front and then answered her own question by saying...oh! It must be a turch! ... I had to pull over the car. :sparklygrin: