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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. I feel kind of left out bc my little ones aren't so little anymore they are 23, 20 and 18. So I will work with what I have. :lol::lol:

    I have always taught my children to be self reliant and so if you can't find something in the grocery store you ask. My hubby was craving some spicy crackers and so we sent our two youngest to go to the store and pick them up along with a few other things.

    We couldn't actually remember the name of the crackers but we thought that they were called NIPS.

    So Nick and his little sister went off to the store in search of these crackers and couldn't find them. Nick decided to approach a employee whom he thought might direct him to the crackers. He walked up to this employee and asked "Hey where are your NIPS' The employees mouth dropped at the same time his chin touched his chest and his eyes got huge. YES! He fortunately had asked a guy. The employee replied "where are my NIPS"? Nick said "yeah those crackers". The employees then showed him where the CHEESE NIPS were... LOL :lol:

    this is me wiping away tears!! That was great!!!

  2. A synonym for faith is belief. And we all know the primary answer for faith.. that is the belief in something we cannot see. And on the entry for faith says this:


    The Apostle Paul taught that "faith is the substance [assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Alma made a similar statement: "If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true" (Alma 32:21). Faith is a principle of action and power. Whenever we work toward a worthy goal, we exercise faith. We show our hope for something that we cannot yet see.

    My faith in Jesus Christ grows as I learn more about Him. Through personal scripture study. Through the sharing of testimonies by others. Through the Gift Of The Holy Ghost that gives me a "burning in my bosom" when I do these things. It also grows as I do the things that He would have me do and I see the blessings that He has promised become actualities in my world. :)

  3. I have to admit that I'm very upset about seminary this year. Our school district has moved back the start time for HS from 7:30 to 8:30, but because of the need for our seminary teachers to work we still have to have seminary start at 6am. While this is fine with me and I don't mind driving the kids to and from seminary, my husband absolutely refuses to allow them to just "hang out" between seminary and school. I while I give him the logical solution that I can pick them up, bring them home, they can finish getting ready and hop on the bus, that is not a good answer for him. So now my children are not "allowed" to go to seminary and it breaks my heart because at least one of them really wants to go. :( What can I do? Should I just disregard his adamant refusal and take them as was my original plan? So far I've decided not to fight it because it's just too much stress, but really I think it's ridiculous. well, thanks for letting me vent and if anyone has any good input for me...i'd really appreciate it.

  4. ” (why does it feel like I just made a drug reference?).

    tee hee! know why! ;)

    But seriously, what Doctor Steuss and Morning Star say is so right. We wouldn't want that continued revelation to end. Especially not now. And having a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants us to learn all we can in this life, it makes sense that He would continue to give us "more".

  5. Here Here, Acez! My sentiments exactly! I truly appreciate your insights, Elphaba. I love the fact that you're so well rounded in your input to the discussions and that you always back up what you say. These forums are meant to be a place of discussion. You state your view, I state mine and there should be debate. It's healthy. I'm sorry that anyone would personally attack you or sensor you. Okay...I'll step off my box now and actually go read the letter.

    Long Live Elphie!! :sparklygrin:


  6. Welcome here...Start with your Bishop and get some Home Teachers and especially Visiting Teachers. Go to a Relief Society activity.

    Pa Pa

    Listen to Pa Pa. He is wise.

    And like it has been said before, your Bishop has probably heard it all. Don't be too scared to go talk to him. I know it sounds corney, but he already loves you and will approach anything that you bring to him out of that place. :)

    oh! And welcome to our little home away from home! you really are amongst friends, here.