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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. If you would like, post what internet browser are you are using and what pop up blocker software you may have and I can see if I can write out step by step instructions. Or you can pm me with a day and time and I'll see what I can do to be on and we'll set up some messenger thing to walk you through it

    thanks captain jack! i'm on the 'net all day at work. so any time m-f from 7:30a - 4:30p cst will work. :)

  2. this thing on?!

    Well, first, my name is siouxz. I joined LDSTalk a couple of months ago cuz I was looking for a place to blog that was going to be somewhere that not eveyone out on the internet would read it. Does that make sense? Little did I know that I would become so involved in the whole talk scene. This place is awesome! Thank you Heather! :sparklygrin:

    I grew up on the Central Coast in California. A couple of years after getting married we moved to the Sacramento area and lived there for 12 years. We've now been in Texas almost 3 years.

    I have 3 very funny, very great kids. A truly hillarious puppy named Hunter...he's 90 lbs of pure comedy! And of course, there's my wonderful husband. He's definitely a keeper.

    I teach the 9 year old's in primary...Primary is the party that rocks the party! For sure!

    let's see...what else?! what else!

    oh! I enjoy reading, listening to music, long walks on the beach and quiet dinners with the family.

    and I'm a Libra.

    okay...that's it. :) I look forward to getting to know all ya'll ;)

  3. Did you clear your cache and reload your browser. The best thing to do when you clear your cache is go to or or a blank page and do it then doing it at the site you are having probs with.

    I need step by step instructions to do something that complicated! :) just let me know how to clear my cache and I will. I feel like such a doofus!

    and jason.. be nice! ;)

  4. I saw the name mightynancy and just had to click cuz I thought it was you!! Yay! I'm so glad you're here!! ...squeaky's jazz lounge...loving it!!

    And it's okay for you to out me in this situation. I knew how heartbreaking the whole struggle was becoming and I couldn't just sit there and do nothing! I loved you way too much to let that happen! I love you Schmancypants!!

    Best of luck, Lecahi!

  5. I'm so happy to see this thread is really picking up!

    Pammy, SF...when I get to Utah we can have a real gabfest about what happened in the books! Lunch is going to be so much fun!

    Lona, Daisy. Great Comments! I agree the books aren't G but am definitely grateful that they aren't R like the Anne Rice books. This way my teenager can read them too. :)

    Kortney- hee hee!! I can just picture you in the hospital with the book in the bassinet! haha! much longer do we have to wait for that fourth one?! aaaah!!

  6. I'm so glad you're enjoying the books, Pam! :)

    I agree with all the poster's here...they are books that you just CAN'T put down! I must read "just a little bit more" to find out what's gonna happen. It got so bad that I had to set a timer so I wouldn't spend all day/night reading! I know.. I'm a nerd! :sparklygrin:


    Would you post the link for us?

  7. Here were my little brother's two favorite jokes as a kid...

    Q: What do you say to a blue monster?

    A: Cheer Up!!

    Q: Where do sick boats go?

    A: To the Dock!

    tee hee!

    And Bryan's favorite when he was 5..

    Knock knock

    Who's There?

    Little Old Lady

    Little Old Lady who?

    I didn't know you knew how to yodle...

    hahahahahahah :roflmbo: