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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. Yay! puppies and dogs are great!! My husband and I had a tough time finding the right dog for our family too...part of the problem was that we just weren't ready for a puppy for a long long time. That all changed almost two years ago when we decided that maybe a chocolate lab was the dog for us. A couple of days later our kids came home from a fireside with the business card of a breeder living close to us so we called. They had one puppy left! I was thinking...uh oh! last dog! what's wrong with him?! As it turns out...nothing! He's the bestest doggie in the whole wide world and I love him to bits!! He plays with the kids, loves to sleep with whomever he can and will protect our house with his very life to whatever perceived threat comes in to his little doggie mind. I especially love it when he tries to protect me from the vacuum cleaner! If you go to my profile you can see a picture of him with my youngest daughter. Good luck in finding the right dog for you!!

  2. I would have to agree that if the washer setting is normally on high the person A should switch it back because person B just wouldn't be looking to see the water level setting. I've had this discussion many times with peoples C, D & E in my household as they do this to me all the time because they want to "help" and do their own laundry.... maybe I should have them read this thread!

  3. Wow...elphie!! What a great story! I do believe that your mother has been inspired by the Lord and you were the instrument He used! I've told you many times that it's a very loving Heavenly Father that brought you in to the lives of so many people, your mom being one of them! You were the one that when the Lord said "This family will suffer terribly at the hands of this man" you said... "Let it be me..I can handle it..Don't let anyone else in my family suffer like I will" You are a wonderful woman, elphie!! And an inspiration and a wonder to us all!! I love you and I love that you love your mama and what she is so courageously doing now. She learned that courage from one whom she loves just as much!! Thank you SO SO much for sharing this great story with us all!

    Love you, sister!!



  4. taking notes.... and did you say Becca? Who's that? (tis my name too!)

    Becca is Lbybug... and hey!! Rebecca's my middle name...we should form some sort of club! :eek: we could meet in the treehouse in my backyard..i'll teach you the secret knock when you get here!

    did someone say group hug?! :grouphug:

  5. Study the teachings of this church straight from the scriptures or for a more brief introduction go to If you want to learn more and really want to know if it's true, read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Ask our Heavenly Father if it's true, and if you don't get an answer right away, don't worry about it. Pray often and as much as you need until you find the answers you seek... God is always there : )

    wow! What a great post! Thank you for such a thoughtful answer. Pink Cow, listen to sleep...he is wise.

  6. I thought you meant he brought the cat to the table!! tee hee! grody!

    I'm glad to read they're getting along. My b-i-l has two dogs and a cat and those doggies just torment that poor cat! I'm surprised his wife hasn't declared a war seeingshow the cat was there first! (it's her cat) :)