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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. <div class='quotemain'>

    What am I supposed to say to these people?

    "I will repeat part of the "Mormon Creed," viz, 'Let every man mind his own business.' If this is observed, every man will have business sufficient on hand, so as not to afford time to trouble himself with the business of other people." -Brigham Young

    Love it! As usual!

  2. I'm going to have to agree with Jason, Checker and Ma.... be honest. His choice is to not attend church right now. Hopefully, they will ask if they can help and you can let them know what they can do to help fellowship your husband so he feels comfortable in your ward again. :)

    To be honest, my husband goes through periods where he doesn't feel like he needs to be at church, either, for whatever reason. (there are myriads of I just have to say "he's at home" when people ask. If they want more info than that I let them know he decided to stay home that day "just because". I never make excuses for him. (does that make me a bad person?)

    Good luck!

  3. Hi Checkerboy!

    Here are my two cents on forgiving someone else. Just do it. The only person that you're harming by not forgiving her for what she has done is YOU. You can't change the facts of what has happened and how your life has changed because of it. If you walk around with bitterness and anger for her it doesn't affect her. She's fine. (well, maybe not fine...but you know what I mean) The best thing that you can do for you is to forgive her. It will make everything that you have to do easier. It will make seeing her easier, talking to her easier...all that. Because, honestly once you've forgiven her, she won't have as big of a hold on you as she does now. There won't be that bitterness in your heart and mind when it comes to her and that will make you feel so much better. It is a choice that you need to make. Think of the Saviour and what he would do. He would have compassion and empathy for someone like her, you know that. Let the anger go. You can't change what happened. You can look forward to what YOU can do to make the best life possible for you and your boys. They are so lucky to have a dad like you because you do want to make it better. You want to make it all better and that says so much about the man that you are. ( i happen to think you're awesome and then some! but i am a little biased since you are one of my favorite people ) anywhoo...sorry about the long ramble. basically, my advice is this... forgiveness is a choice you make. let the anger go. every day it will get a little easier. I promise. oh! I really like Alaskagain's thought of writing it all out and then saying out loud "x, i forgive you for all this" and then shredding it. That would be very healing. maybe you should try it. :)

    love you buddy!! you're doing good! don't ever forget that!


  4. I'm with Jason on this one... You really do need heal yourself before you're going to be any good to anyone else. As others have said, your ex is an adult and needs to be held accountable for her own actions. You need to take yourself out of this situation and truly take time to figure yourself out without her "right there" so that you can make the best decision for you. Good luck!

  5. I had my 2nd child when my daughter was 22 months old, too. The thing that I let her do was "help" me as much as possible. She loved doing all the running for me...whether it was to go get a diaper, or maybe a change of clothes for the baby. Or to sit on the couch and hold him while I sat next to her. She really was a blessing to me then and has been for the last 16 years, really. I always tell her that Heavenly Father really knew what He was doing giving me her first! :) So, while your son is a rambunctious 2 year old, I'll bet he will be an awesome big brother who can't wait to help all he can!

  6. pam! you better tell me you love me after that... :sparklygrin:

    I'm with Frank...I don't think people pay much attention to candidates marital track records. While it may say something good about them that they've been able to keep a marriage together, I don't think that makes them necessairily better able to run this country.

  7. <div class='quotemain'>

    Jason, I'm from Baltimore. My crab pinchers are bigger than yours! ;)

    K I am confused cause Siouxz has claimed to be from California so how does this all work?

    she's six years older than me...i'm the only one of my siblings born in the great state of california! :)

  8. I too loved the TWILIGHT series! I am generally not a fan of vampires and werewolves, but WOW did I get sucked into this story! Stephenie Meyer does a great job of bring each character to life with such unique and individual personalities. Edward is of course perfect (can I keep him?) and I love the way that Jacob is very unapologetically himself. And Bella, well she's just as nutty as the rest of us are. Poor girl. I read the books over the course of a weekend - just couldn't put them down!

    I coulnd't agree with you more! Love the characters, the setting, all of it! I think I'll start reading them again tonight once the house work is done and everyone's settled in.... :)

  9. Velkommen HLJ! See, I'm a quick learner!

    I also love to sew! And I agree that while talent has something to do with it, sewing is a skill like any other that people can master if they want to. :) It's a lot of work, but worth it!

    I look forward to getting to know you better, Hanne Line!

    Hanne! This is my sister! Yay!!

    love you hanne! have a great day!

  10. Way to go, sister-of-mine!! :sparklygrin: I so totally love you!! I'm super stoked to see that you're on here! It's a great place to be! I hope you enjoy getting to know the people on here as much as I have.

    And listen to Lona...ignore the_jason. He'a daddy! I think it's why we get along so well. :)

  11. I just tried Chat and it says my browser does not enable Java Script. Well I checked and yes I have Java enabled. I won't be able to address this until after I get home tonight.

    that's the same error i'm getting iggy!

    captain jack can help us :)