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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. awww! sorry she took it Orin! My daughter and I "share" the books, too. :)

    I agree with you Karan. I like Stephenie's more innocent vampires. I just kept wanting to read to find out what was going to be revealed next! Like why they really can't go out in the sun. That was great! And the fact that Bella is such a disaster magnet just cracks me right up!

    Stephenie is a really entertaining author. The story is written in such a way that the reader can really get immersed in the story. The history and mythology of the Quillute tribe is an interesting twist to the whole story line.

    I can't wait until the next book in the series is published...Fall of 2008?! Heaven help me!!

    ps...Karan, you can have Jake! I'll take Edward!)

  2. i've been in the chruch my whole life and been taught of a heavenly mother. there are some here (i'll admit i've not read every single post here) that are saying the chruch implies a heavenly mother but that it's not doctrine. did i misunderstand something? i thought that is what was being said anyway. so does anyone have an official chruch source that says difiniatively yes or no about the doctrine/belief of a heavenly mother? maybe it's already been posted and i missed it, sorry if that is the case. i did find this from though.

    Lesson 3: I Am a Child of God,” Primary 2: Choose the Right A, 11

    "We also lived with our heavenly mother and all the rest of Heavenly Father’s children."

    Vaughn J. Featherstone, “A Champion of Youth,” Ensign, Nov 1987, 27

    "Women are endowed with special traits and attributes that come trailing down through eternity from a divine mother. Young women have special God-given feelings about charity, love, and obedience. Coarseness and vulgarity are contrary to their natures. They have a modifying, softening influence on young men. Young women were not foreordained to do what priesthood holders do. Theirs is a sacred, God-given role, and the traits they received from heavenly mother are equally as important as those given to the young men."

    Lesson 9: Chastity and Modesty,” The Latter-day Saint Woman: Basic Manual for Women, Part A, 60

    President Spencer W. Kimball, speaking to Latter-day Saint girls in Mexico City, said: “You are daughters of God. … You are made in the image of our heavenly mother. … Your body is sacred to you and precious” (in Conference Report, Mexico City and Central America Area Conference 1973, 108).

    two of those are lesson manuals, what we are instructed to teach in our classes. do we not teach doctrin in our classes? there were some others, but i think three is sufficent for now.

    Nice post, ALmom! I've been in the church my whole life as well and have always heard about and learned of a Heavenly Mother. And you're question is great... We do teach official Church Doctrine out of the manual in our classes. :)

  3. Alrighty...This is my absolutely favorite story about my now 14 year old son. Those of you know know me know that he is adorable and could quite arguably be the best son in the whole wide world! :sparklygrin:

    I learned that he was very special while he was still quite young. His thinking has never been "inside the box" but very much outside of it.'s always been very fun to see how his little mind works!

    In California they start to show the "growing up" videos in 4th grade. Bryan skipped 3rd grade so saw the first video when he was 8. His older sister was in 5th grade and had somehow missed the movie the year before. Anyway, they get in to the car after school and I ask them how their days were and what did they learn from the videos watched. Ivy, bless her little heart...says, "Mommy! I've got eggs in my ovaries!!" and then there's my son... my wonderful little boy... "Testicles! Mom! That's a really funny word! I used it as much as I could this afternoon!"

    Yup! That's my boy!! :) more Bryan story.. if you can..picture a little pudgy Opie Taylor...that was my boy!

    This one happened when he was 5 or 6. We were at the beach with my mom and he asked if we could go for a walk to look for shells. So off we go hand in hand, just me and my little man! Strolling under the pier he finds a little bitty sand dollar and is very happy with his little self. That is until mommy comes in and says "oh! let me see!" and sticks her thumb right in to the middle of it, breaking the dollar. I was very sorry and he says.."It's okay, mom. Let's just go jump in the waves". So, off we head to jump in the waves. He puts his little bucket of shells down right next to him and is having a blast when a big little wave comes in and knocks his bucket over!! ack! We scramble to get all the shells gathered back up and now he just wants to go back and sit with grandma so we start to head back. We walked along in silence for a couple of minutes when he stops dead in his tracks and says with such consternation and exasperation in his little voice... "Great! Just great!" I say, "what is it honey?" and here's where it get's good. His reply? "First, you broke my sand dollar! Then the waves knock over my bucket! if my day couldn't get ANY worse.. now I've got the hiccups!!" I'm sorry to say my reaction wasn't very mommy-like.. I tipped my head back and laughed and laughed to which he replied... "gah! And why do adults always laugh at what I say?!"

    it's cuz yer funny Bryan...really really funny! :)

  4. props man, my thoughts exactly.

    Alas, I'm afraid there are many people in the church that are a tad uptight, and think that every specific thing they do must be "OK'd" by a "church stance."

    You're right on bro. While Church Leaders are here to help us through our lives, they are under no authority to introduce new rules or "do not's" unless they are the prophet of God, and luckily, the Prophet usually does not say "whats ok and whats not" about every little thing.

    Talking about the whole plastic surgery and caffiene examples, to each his own man.

    Since God, through his prophet has not said anything specific about them, we are free to choose for ourselves.

    russell... are you by any chance related to our beloved Doctor Steuss? :) your use of the word "man" is positively groovey :sparklygrin:

  5. 3rd grade division (yuck! I just remember fully hating that class.. I was not picking up what my teacher was laying down at all! so, i'd just make up answers...heehee! finally it struck me that division was just a different version of multiplying! yay! from then on i did fine :) )

  6. Why are alot of Married LDS women severly Obese then?

    a lot? really? i'm trying to picture my ward and how many severely obese women there are? maybe 5 or 6. i wouldn't call that a lot. and of those 5 or 6 it seems to be a health issue that explains why they've put on any extra weight.

  7. <div class='quotemain'>

    hee hee hee! Poor Snow!!

    I used to work with a guy who tried to dye his very salt and pepper gray hair brown... it turned purple!

    edited for spelling

    Was his name Barney??

    I'm sorry, really, I'm really, really sorry...

    lol! was... ummm... gosh! i forgot! but i remember the purple hair! and his wife's name was Ginger. like on Gilligan's Island. but she was a short blonde, not a tall red head. Mark!! that was his name! man...sometimes i even amaze myself!