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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. Well i don't know about that....

    But this might make you feel better

    Do you know that no one on this earth is ugly..because what might be ugly to you is beautiful to someone else.

    I have to completely agree with Lolgirl. What is beautiful or attractive to me might make some people cringe. (as a matter of fact, I know it would) And what others find as attractive, I might not like at all. (like, my bestfriend has a thing for cowboys... cringe! :wacko: )

    I really dont' think that what we did in our pre-mortal existence has any bearing on what we look like here.

    Plus...haven't you met people that you thought weren't that attractive at first? But the more you got to know them, the better looking they were to you? That's happened to me many a time! :)

  2. ok...I've got two more...

    I already told the one about Katie and the big T's outside the "turch", right?

    So this one happened within the last year as we were driving to church. My son asked me what some signs of the apocalypse are. His little sister (who's 11 mind you) pipes up with.. "Oh! I know! That's when the moon covers the sun!!!" ... close Katie. so close! :)

    This one also happened while driving..I must spend my whole life in the car!! ... Well, as we were leaving church when son was in 1st grade and oldest was in 3rd he told me he couldn't remember why he didn't have school the next day and wanted to know which holiday it was. Before I could even really process what he was saying my know-it-all oldest says with such authority in her voice... "duh! It's Martha Stewart Living Day!" I almost crashed and then had to clarify... not Martha Stewart Living Day,honey, but rather Martin Luther King Jr. Day.... yeah. we were watching WAY too much Martha!! :blink:

  3. When my oldest daughter was in 7th grade and her little brother in 6th they attended a middle school that included 6th, 7th and 8th grades. We had been teaching our kids how to play poker (..i know, i know) and Bryan decided it would be big fun to teach his friends. As we were driving home that day he asked me what the highest hand in poker was. I couldn't quite remember so I said... "I think it's 5 of a kind, but we'll go home and look". Ivy was sitting up in the front seat and was all... "no it's not. The highest hand in poker is weedemanwee". I said "what?!" She looked at me at was all..."you know mom.. whenever somebody has a good hand in the movies or on tv the go like this"... here she gives a great big flourish and says very forcefully... "weedemanwee!!" I had to pull over... once I could finally stop crying I told her that they actually say "read them and weep" :) man I love my kids!!

  4. Some of both. The OT has gone through too many hands; I suspect that parts of it are not to be taken literally.

    I agree with whitlock. If you'll notice, too, when we study the OT in gospel doctrine or such as now with our challenge from the stake prez, we usually skip of may parts of the book. I think that is because of the fact that it has "gone through too many hands".

  5. I was at work. I used to work on a small quality response team for a computer company and worked the 6am-2:30pm. A gentlemen down the row from me (just happened to be in my stake) stood up and said...hey everyone a plane just crashed in to the wtc. I got off the phone as quick as I could so I could find out what happened. I thought it was just an accident. Then minutes later the other plane hit. I called home to let my husband know. He was getting the kids ready for school so they turned on the tv to see if there was anything on about it. We were living in California so it was still pretty early in the day. I just remember the shock. I was talking to Michael and we were just shocked. The people falling and then the building was all just too much. Nobody could fathom that we had actually been attacked. That's my main memory and feeling from that day... the utter shock and disbelief.... it was pure craziness.

  6. Thanks, Selek.

    What's funny is, nobody I've talked to has any idea why it's called "Eagle Mountain". Nothing in the area looks like one, nor have I seen any flying about. Maybe whoever it was just thought it would sound KEWL.

    I'm trying to come up with some witty response as to why it's called Eagle Mountain...but I can't think of anything. There really is no good reason for the place to be called that. My husband's cousin has a pizza place and lives out there, I know just where it is. :)

  7. The engineers had some forethought to try to keep the LV Temple outside of floodplains. I have heard that the baptismal font can get a bit full at times. And then there was that one time when the old woman had her cup overfloweth…

    The engineers were truly inspired!

    and seriously...where in Texas. I'm in Texas and haven't heard anything about this flooding the temple thing. Is that because I'm "stuck" in primary?! grrr....

  8. My salvation is deeply personal, between myself and Jesus Christ. He is the Keeper of the Gate. He employeth no servant there. He cannot be deceived. These truths comfort me, for I know that I will be upheld at the last day. Either I know Him or I don't. It really is so simple.

    WOW! That was so great! Thank you for sharing! :sparklygrin: (i just love this sparkly grin!)

  9. Oh, great, now I'm going to develop a complex!! :)

    tee hee! no complexes allowed! dreams are pretty cool! i had a nightmare last night. people were trying to get in my house. i saw them coming up the walk way through the peep hole. scary!! i didn't like it.

  10. So, is it weird that I had a long, involved dream last night about aliens invading Earth? Maybe I've been watching too much sci-fi. :blink: I couldn't really see the aliens themselves--they were usually in one kind of vehicle or another, or suited up in protective gear--but lots and lots of spaceships, the occasion explosion, and lots of hide-and-chase scenes. I was also held prisoner for a while with some other humans.


    Yup. That's wierd all right.

  11. Petty? PETTY!?!?!

    How dare you!?!

    It might be paltry. I'll even grant that it is incosequential... but petty?

    Wait... yeah, you're right. Sorry.

    Doctor Steuss

    Taking Secarian Strife to New Petty Levels

    hey! all ya'll back off the good doctor! at least HE is answering our question. HE must really care about those of us that were living in the dark. we are now enlightened. Thank you very much Dr. S.! where's that kissy face?! you deserve one! or a high five..whatever



    Hey! Thanks for asking!

    i like to read. i like to cross-stitch. i like to weed my weed garden. i like to go shopping. i like to watch tv. i like to talk on the phone. can my kids be counted as "hobbies"? they really should...they take up a lot of my time. :blink:

  13. Hi Deb! Welcome to the boards! Like everyone before me has said... please ask as many questions as you like and we'll ALL give our two cents! :) It's how we roll around here!

    Man...I'm so jealous..MorningStar never asked me about my hobbies... :sparklygrin:


    ps. i have three kids, too... but they're a bit older.. 16, 14 and 11