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Posts posted by siouxz72

  1. Hi Fiona! I've really enjoyed reading this thread. mightynancy is my sister and a GREAT mom! She and I did things very differently when having children. I had all three of mine by the time I was 23 and she was just a tisch older than that when having her first! So, as far as money is concerned... It seems to all work out. You have to be willing to sacrifice sometimes to make it though but it is definitely worth the sacrifice. Kids are the best! We have so much fun with ours! That's the thing that sticks out in my mind...I just LOVE being a mommy! I can't imagine anything more fun than being a mom and the relationship that we have as a family. My kids are all in their teenage years now and I love it when littlemisschatterbox comes home from school with a story that ends with her friends all knowing that she was going come home and tell me! Also, if you go looking for reasons why NOT to have a baby, you'll always find one. Don't wait "until" something ..until you have enough money...until you graduate...until whatever..because there will always be an "until" out there. I guess what I'm trying to say in my very round about way is that having a baby is a wonderful blessing that's just waiting for you! Go for it! Can you believe that our HF loves us and trusts us enough to care for these little souls while here on Earth?! It's really just amazing! I'm in awe! And when I think of the knowledge that He has of us and what we need... I tell my littlemisschatterbox all the time that HF knew I needed her first because He knew if I had Katieloowho first that would have been the end of it! :lol: hee hee! Well...I hope what I've said helps. Good luck!!


  2. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH....Please...Forget the flowers...I know the way to your heart..a nice tasty po boy...some etouffe...and a few hot beignets...

    Lessiez Le Bon Temps Rollier

    I have to agree! take her for a nice meal and great conversation..tht's the way to a girls heart!

    on a side note: I didn't get flowers from my husband for forever... his reasoning? Because they'll die. My reply? So will you and I still like you! I get flowers a few times a year now :D

  3. can't say that most cities have an LDS bookstore...that's too broad of a stroke my friend. I live in the greater Dallas metroplex and the closest store to me is over an hour away. My little city doesn't have it's own.

  4. Is this only about being preggers or can I post something?! My good news is that my son got approval to take the necessary classes this summer along with ACT and SAT tests so that he can graduate a year early from school! yay! He's way stoked about it!

  5. hee hee! This has been great! You would think that having older children (16, 15 and 12) would make it a little easier on me...but no! I have one particular daughter that is such (:rolleyes:) a trial to me! Could be that she's just like whole family calls her little Susie! So, thanks to you all for reminding me that I'm not alone in my trials... and we do have the funny stories to balance it all out. Case in point...the other day littlemisschatterbox and friend were out shopping when she grabs a shirt and says "ohmygoondess!! I love this shirt!!" friend oh so nicely points out "ummm....That's cuz you're wearing it!" hahahahahahaha!!!! :roflmbo:
  6. I agree with morningstar... the son probably should has asked the teacher if he could step outside and take the call. I know that I would have been heartbroken not to be able to talk to my daddy and would have taken the suspension just so I could have a few minutes with him on the phone. :)

  7. hee hee Moksha! I always pick the one on the left, too! Or the odd number... odd numbers are so much better than even ones, don't you think?!

    seriously, though, MKW. I would have to say that whatever ward you move in to will be the best one for you to attend. I bet the Bishop of that ward would agree with me and everything! :)

    good luck!

  8. Hi SF! Like the rest, I'm so sorry to read about your father's declining health. The comfort that we have in the knowledge that this isn't the end of our familial relationship is the one thing you can lean on right now.

    So far as your son's boss is's my thought. How many times did Nephi forgive the brothers that had no remorse for actions they had taken that had endangered his life? How many times did our brother, Jesus, do the same? The peace and the comfort that will come to you when you release the anger will do so much more for you than it would ever do for the man who isn't seeking it. And I know that you're strong enough to do it. Is there anything that you can do to change what happened? No, but you can look forward with a brightness of hope because you still have your son with you. You're still able to love him and be loved by him. That's the important part. How sad and horrible would it be to be the boss? Someone who is not taking responsibility for his actions, someone who's just going on with his life with no concern for how his actions affect others? Man! It would SUCK to be him. lol! I hope what I've said makes some sense and helps a little. You have my number if you want to talk. Love you sister!!!!