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Everything posted by RooTheMormon

  1. @pam ,

    I love your comments on topics! You are super awesome!

    Also I heard yoy created this site (idk if that is true) but if you did thanks, its been a lot of help to me! If not, thanks for helping make this site what it is!

    Love always,



    I love the emogis on here!

    1. pam


      I didn't actually create it. The company I work for did.  But I have been with the site since the very beginning in 2003.

    2. pam


      And thank you for the lovely compliment.  You are too sweet.  I'm glad you have come to join us. :)

    3. RooTheMormon


      Of course ;)

      Im glad to be here!


  2. Well, good thing I like all of those things! Im not going to be on a strict vegetarian diet, just when I have the option!
  3. @Latter-Day Marriage Thanks for the advice. I haven't gotten Molly Mormon yet, but I have gotten plenty of Goody Goodys and Goody two shoes! I know it is really a good thing
  4. @Snigmorder @Mike @Fether ^ ^ ^ Heres a couple more recently active people to tag! @anatess2
  5. Okay Imma tag a bunch of random ppl who may or may not be active!: @my two cents I know shes active im surprised she hasnt been tagged yet! @honeybear @RebelMormon @small thyme @findingmyway @k102174098 @QDJones @I_Am_Seeker @The Mormon Nerd
  6. Service is service to us mormons! Its no different from anyone else's! Thanks for sharing!
  7. Everyday in our lives we see acts of service. Some acts of service go unseen, and some make a big impact on someones day, or even their lives. I thought it would be fun to start a tag where you recognize an act of service, however you'd like. Maybe share a story, or just say I saw so and so do something great today... If the service was done for you, maybe write how it impacted you. It can be recent, or old. Everytime you post something, tag someone to share theirs on this thread. I'd like to tag a bunch of random people to start this! : @NeuroTypical @Sunday21 @MormonGator @sarah_22 @DoctorLemon @pam Dont forget to tag a bunch and like this so we can spread it! Galatians 5:13 "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free, but do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love." "May we show our love and appreciation for the Savior's atoning sacrifice through our simple, compassionate acts of service." -Elder M. Russel Ballard
  8. @MormonGator, I didnt catch that. I just know some people actually feel that way hahaha @Backroads What the heck. Hahaha, Im sorry to them, but I dont think thats ever going to happen.
  9. I dont have one right now, although they are trying to call a new YW council. I hope I get something good. I know Heavenly Father will choose what is right for me.
  10. Thanks! And yes my parents are okay with it. I have everything figured out regarding my nutrition & such! And thanks everyone else as well! And @MormonGator I think God wants us to love all of his creatures. I am not a fool for feeling this way.
  11. I am seriously considering going vegetarian, or maybe even vegan. Why? Well first off I love animals, and I hate their lives. Birth, grow in a pen with crap for food and no love, die, get eaten. I have chickens and I love them literally to death. In the case of me starving, I would find something else to eat. So latey ive been considering this, but also for other reasons: a vegan lifestyle is actually very healthy if you get the protein you need, and it has been shown to have so many amazing benefits. And I know your thinking im only young and not to worry, but its extremely important to me. I am also a dancer, so a slimmer body is preferred. But I was worried that it would be bad in terms of the word of wisdom, and also that God gave us these animals to eat. I just think maybe theres a rule about this that I havent heard about?
  12. Is it possible to change my username from RooTheMormon to something else that I prefer? Any advice would be great!
  13. My parents call themselves heathens, so I know I am not insulting them. Also I think that your standpoint on this is very one-sided, therefore you do not make a valid argument @Maureen
  14. @Maureen Isnt it great that you were raised in the church. Might as well leave out others though, because no child is mature enough to make the right decision for themself. And also these children have very little faith and will probably leave the church eventually. Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it. Sorry but this really got under my skin. And I call my parents heathens because that is the correct definition for those who dont believe in a God. If anything, calling my parents heathens is harmless in terms of disrespect compared to all your nasty comments on here.
  15. @Maureen I just went through and actually read almost everything. I had no idea this was all bout me. I also dont know why I didnt find it sooner. I think that (to say this in the rudest way possible) you should just stop. Why is it any of your busniess? Honestly you want the church to make it so that people with non mormon families should not be allowed to join the church? Wow. Just wow. If anything Im glad I was baptized young because if not, I probably would not have the same standards i have through the church that I have grown to follow. Also I think that children who make that decision should feel proud, not scared. My circumstances are very different than most cases and you only know the details of what i have shared. And my parents are not idiots. Also they do what they think is best for me, they dont know whats going on with how i feel about it because I havent shared it with them. I dare you to blame it on my parents when you have little knowledge of my situation. You have no place to make that kind of judgement. Thats all and I bid you good day.
  16. *cough cough* I was baptized when I was 9 and I have non-lds parents. For some reason, I get the feeling that people take us faithful children who have heathens for parents as nt as faithful as those raised in the church. If you love the church and Heavenly Father, and if you truly do believe with all your heart, you will get through it. I think its ridiculiousridiculous for anyone to thibk otherwise. Heavenly Father never gives you a challenge you cant overcome. And no one could understand the struggle of this unless theyve been through it themselves, but its a test of faith. Go read my post "How Being The Only Mormon Has Affected Me" Im sorry, but this really irritated me. Who are you to say what people can and cant overcome?
  17. Status Update: Gonna go read some articles on in a bit! ;)

  18. Status Update: Being bored! :) Anybody have some good scripture stories? Comment me the chapter(s) and verse(s) and Ill go read them.

  19. For the longest time I have struggled with testimonies. Never in my life have I gone up on a fast Sunday and shared my thoughts on faith with the church. Im that person who so badly wants to go up, but I dont know what to say, and I was always scared that someone would think that my feelings were wrong. At testimony meeting someone would go up and bear their testimony and then go sit back down. I would start to stand up, and then sit. I would tell myself, Okay, ill go after this person. But I never did. Then came Girls Camp. Testimony campfire. I think all female mormons know what that means. I heard so many beautiful testimonies, and one by one a girl would stand up and share her feelings toward the church. By the 2nd girl to share her testimony, everyone was either balling or had tears running down her cheeks. I remember that year I felt so badly that I needed to stand up and bear my testimony. The bishop asked if there was anybody left that wanted to share. I felt the urge to stand up. Stand up! But I didnt, and that concluded the testimony meeting. The next year for Girls Camp came around again, and I knew I needed to share my testimony. I felt even stronger this year that that was what I needed to do, it was what Heavenly Father wanted me to do. Once again the Bishop stood up and asked for any last testimonies. I didnt stand up. One of our leaders stood up and bore her testimony. Then again: Anyone else before we close? But this time I stood up. And for the first time in my life, I bore my testimony. After the campfire was over, I pondered on how I got that strenght, that courage. I felt so strongly that there was a reason that that time, out of all the testimony meetings and talks in church and campfires at camp, that was the time I got the strenght to bear my testimony. I looked through my camp manual and found the mission statement for beehives on page 3: "A Beehive becomes a Young Woman of Truth as she follows the promptings of the Holy Ghost, seeks truth, and strives to live and share it." I knew then and there that this is why I felt the need to share my testimony. The Holy Ghost was promting me most definitely. But the part that I thought most of was strives to live and share it. As a beehive I had not been striving to share it, though I had been living it. As I said my prayers that night, I realized that sharing the truth is not just about helping others to find it for themselves, it also helps you. Sharing my testimony shined a whole new light for me, and never had I felt the spirit so strongly than at that very moment. I knew that the spirit was with me, and that Heavenly Father was proud of me for listening to that still small voice. My Heavenly Father wanted me to fulfill my duty as a beehive to share the truth with others. That was my last year as a beehive, so I am so grateful I was given the strength to do what I needed to do. As I prepare to become a Mia Maid, I will share my testimony and feelings with others as much as possible, because I know I can feel that spirit again.
  20. By saying why people 'hate' mormons I was just overstating to imply my point. All of my family is non-lds and I am constantly hearing their coversations about despising mormons for certain things. Especially the LGBT thing. I am not with this post trying to imply that people hate mormons for this reason, rather that people judge us because they dont understand why we do these things. Thanks for your imput @Carborendum
  21. I agree that the pictures dont match the death mask, and I did go and see it in person. But I also agree the he did fall from a window. But even after this his face should still probably have a similar face shpe and such. I think the bottom one is him, but im not so sure about the top. The two pictures arent very similar.
  22. We Have No Respect for the LGBT community: We believe that God loves ALL his children no matter what. We only dont agree with LGBTs because God created a man and a women for a reason: to create life! Without this, He could not grow His kingdom. Gays are to be respected, but Heavenly Father wants union between a man and a women, because family is one of the most important things to mormons. We dont drink alcohol: Ive seen a lot of people look at LDS members odd when they turn down a beer. But why dont we drink? Alcohol is not good for our bodies. It can be addictive and harmful. Our body is a temple, and our Heavenly Father wants us to take care of our bodies, and provide them with nurishing foods. Alcohol can damage our bodies and do bad things to our minds. So if you ever have a mormon turn down a drink, maybe you should consider doing the same. We are not trying to be rude, we just want whats best for our minds and bodies. We are too restricted: There are a lot of topics, conversations, and words you wouldnt want to use or bring up around a mormon. Some people find us as very restricted people, because we have so many rules. But if you really think about it, we dont have these rules to make life boring or to make us feel like we have no freedom, it is to protect us. Each and everyday as we try to be like Jesus, we must try to have a clean mind and body like Jesus. As we choose not to watch bad movies or listen to bad movies or to swear or to be dirty or vulgar, we are protecting ourselves and others. Think of it this way: we are all on a path leading back to our Heavenly Father. The Holy Ghost is our flashlight to help us see in the dark. The scriptures are the map. And so on. When we have a clean mind, the path is clearer and easier to follow. When we have dirty minds, the path is hard to see, and often rocky and challenging to walk. Whether you are LDS or not, it is always better to have a clean mind! Everyday I see stereotypes that people set for mormons. I think that in order to judge a mormon by their actions, you should better know why we do what we are doing. If you know why, things generally make a bit more sense. These are only a few of the typical LDS labels. Can you name a few? I am not saying everyone does this or anything. Just putting my thoughts out there. Heavenly Father loves everyone no matter what, and dont you ever forget that!
  23. Ive tried some books by all the authors except the last one, but that was a few years ago, so maybe I will try revistiting some of their books. Thanks!