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  1. While it's true that there are probably many hoity-toity vegans etc, something has to be said for their sheer will. I for one have been trying to find a balance in my diet for years. I want to try and make as little negative impact as possible, but it really is hard. Vegans have provided evidence that meat is non-essential. I would rather animals don't die for the sake of our stomachs. Wouldn't you? All that being said humans are imperfect, and of course finding a way to accommodate and feed a carnivorous, omnivorous, or even a herbivorous population whilst doing little harm to our planet is tough.
  2. Unfortunately I still fail to see the 'wrongness' in nudity. I am also confused why the killing of an animal for clothing is thought justifiable to simply cloth ourselves for the sake of modesty. There is debate on the literal meaning of the tunic skins also - some interpret it as literal (as in Adam and Eve's immortal and immaterial vessels being changed for solid, mortal vessels).
  3. I must admit I have debated an idea in my head for a long time. The bible and the teachings of the Mormon faith say on multiple occasions that men and women are made in the image of the Lord. We are born naked. Adam and Eve were supposedly naked and without shame. Why when we apparently return to the Lord should we feel shame in nudity at all? I have struggled with this notion for a long time. When I get into basic, simple principle, I see nothing wrong with nudity. Nothing inherently wrong. It is our natural clothing. I have heard many Mormons exclaim that the Mormon God has made such a beautiful world with many beautiful things and intricate designs. Don't you think that perhaps the human body and form is one of them? You did express a strong opinion that all forms of art depicting nudity were pornographic. I can only conclude that you believe the intention of these pieces of art is to arouse sexual excitement. I have to ask - do you think the Mormon God meant for you to shun one of his greatest physical designs?