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Posts posted by JoCa

  1. 3 minutes ago, lostinwater said:


    Yep - i think you've hit upon the crux of the issue.  We have fundamental differences here. 

    You place unconditional faith in the man you believe to be a prophet.  And this is fine.

    i do not share your view as to who is a prophet, and beyond that, i believe that prophets are still imperfect men - whose imperfection is, at least occasionally, reflected in the words they speak and write.

    i know people don't believe this, because i didn't get the answer they did, but i did ask.  And i believe in the answer i got just as much as you believe in the one you got.

    What about Scriptures?

  2. 5 minutes ago, Godless said:

    A majority of black people, however, just want some white allies to empathize with their concerns and help bridge the divide.

    Empathize??? My empathy will do jack for them.  You know what will help them out.  Get married, stay married, get off welfare, don't do drugs, get a job, work hard.  Do those things and it will turn out okay; I can't empathize for you when you don't follow the basics of how to actually get ahead in life. 

    I've had the opportunity to be in black communities and the thing that always amazes me is that the actual modern immigrants from Africa have a harder work ethic, more spiritual and in general just better people than the blacks that go back 3-4 generations and kvetch about slavery.

  3. 1 hour ago, Vort said:

    Does the Church claim that God made you perfectly?

    As long as you are not disruptive, you are always welcome at Church. I think it would do you good to go. Hope you do.

    To the 1st sentance.  The Church never has said anything like this; in fact it says the opposite.  The "natural man" is an enemy to God.  We are all fallen from God-we live in a fallen world with sin and we are all sinful.  The purpose of the Gospel is to provide a way whereby we can be reminded of how to become more like God-how to repent of our sins (even if we keep making them) and ultimately overcome the natural man.

    As to the 2nd-I would say as long as you leave the homosexual behaviors at home, sure you are welcomed. This should obviously be done out of respect for those there.  You wouldn't expect a man who is committing adultery to come to Church with his mistress and that'd be peachy queen now?  Will anyone say anything (probably not), but just out of good manners one would recognize it would be inappropriate to bring homosexual behaviors into church . . . unless one has an agenda of trying to force others to become comfortable with them.  

    Honestly, I'd walk out of Church if a homosexual came in with his partner holding hands . . .I have kids and my kids (who are young but old enough to ask plenty of questions) do not need to be exposed to homosexuality at Church (the one place in the world where they should be safe from it).

  4. 5 minutes ago, Godless said:

    Who said anything about scholarships? The issue is police violence and the apparent lack of accountability for it. This is literally a life-and-death issue in black communities.

    Umm, you do realize that the actual cities where the most "police violence" occurs are in cities with black mayors and black police chiefs???? Baltimore, Atlanta, DC-etc. the cities are all run by black individuals . . . .seems they should be directing their anger at someone else beside the "white man". 

    Or maybe it's all just a ruse, to rile people up against those who are white . . .maybe there are some black individuals out there who want to start a race war???  Food for thought.

  5. On 9/28/2017 at 8:49 PM, uns4 said:

    I'm not going to stop dating men, I have a fiance and everything.

    Whelp . . . if you are not willing to obey God over you wicked desires then nothing anyone can really do for you.

    Couple of questions for you.

    Were you ever abused as a child? How did you find out about homosexuality?  Did anyone older ever inappropriately touch you?  (statistically speaking a there is a very high correlation between being homosexuality and sexual abuse).  When and how did you start acting out?  Did you start looking at pornography on the internet?  Did you start watching homosexual porn?  Did you start online chatting in homosexual forums?

    God did not "make" you like this. . . that is a total utter lie by the Father of Lies. It is possible to live a different life, you have to choose, you have to change.  But you have decided to not obey God, nor His scriptures, nor his Prophets and have sought your own god made in your own image. 

    It will never bring the happiness that is found within a marriage between a man and a woman raising a family together.  NEVER.  So you can choose to have a counterfeit or the real thing.  Good luck in your choice and may God bless you. 

  6. Just now, Godless said:

    Yes, they wish this country was the type of country that the flag and anthem are supposed to represent. Some segments of our society feel that America and its ideals have abandoned them, and that's why they kneel.

    lol abandoned them??? Give me a flipping break.  Affirmative Action anyone?  Oh my, claiming minorities are "oppressed" is just asinine.  How many scholarships are available to you if you are black, asian, LGBT, etc. vs. just plain ol' white.  

    Every generation has got to have something to complain about, I guess; they are just spoiled brats.

  7. 1 minute ago, MormonGator said:

    Partially because the modern age is truly amazing. We've eradicated diseases. We've created amazing technology-like I mentioned before 40 years ago you wouldn't be able to complain about how bad things are on the computer. 

    Here's what funny. I guarantee you that 40 years ago, cranky people complained about how bad things are and how good the "good old days" were. People did this in 1900. In 1800. In 1700. In 1600. Notice a pattern? Human nature. Life is actually getting much, much better. 

    Are you really sure about this?? I'd like to actually see where this is documented.  People say this all the time-but it flies in the face of what the scriptures tell us about the time before the 2nd coming.

    Great, technology is better-that's awesome.  But when you look at it, it is modern "convenience".  What is the real reason we are here . . .to live in "convenience"-no. We are here to learn how to be obedient to God. 

    There is absolutely no way you can claim that today people are closer to God today than at any other time.  So great life is getting better in the things that don't count and worse in the things that do count.  I don't call that "progress".

  8. 2 hours ago, Grunt said:

    People have difficulty distinguishing between patriotism and nationalism.  

    Yeap, one is love of people, culture, heritage, the other is love of Nation.   I wouldn't have a problem if they didn't want to say the Pledge; fine-the Pledge is more Nationalism.  But the Anthem, man that is a symbol of everything this country ever was and would hope to be.

  9. 4 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

    @JoCa continuing with that thought: This is, imo, clearly and obviously also demonstrated by all the reaction of "conscience" concerning homosexuality.

    Oh definitely; and this new conscience concerning homosexuality will eventually destroy society.  Once you go down this road of changing homosexuality from behavior to identity, then all you need to do to develop a new conscience concerning some behavior is to change it from behavior to an identity and convince enough people that it is an identity rather than a behavior.  Some really, really wicked behaviors (worse than homosexuality) are up on deck-give it 20-30 years.

    Pedophilia-I'm looking at you.  Don't say it won't happen.  People look at pedophilia today with the revulsion they felt towards homosexuality 40 years ago-it is coming.  May God have mercy on us, 'cuz we are going to need it.

  10. Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

    Right. That's not what I'm saying. We DO know that gender is an eternal characteristic (see Proc to the Family). What I'm saying is we do not know why Heavenly Mother does not interact with us, if this is the standard and requisite eternal nature of mortal interaction with gods, etc. Yes...probably. Just that we don't know.

    Okay, copy . . .got it.  Totally agree.

  11. 8 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

    So, what you're saying, is you are pitting your conscience against the word of God as given by living prophets? Your own gut feelings outweigh the pattern God established to provide us the path back to Him?

    Yeap . . .the older I get and the more the world spins into decadence and away from God the more that I wonder about our "conscience".  The more that I actually tend to believe (and it does go slightly against modern Prophetic teaching, but not necessarily against scriptures), that what we call our "conscience" is really something that is taught to us; it is taught through parents, leaders, teachers and culture.  And that the Light of Christ isn't our "conscience" it could be; but I'd say our conscience is more about which spirit we are listening to.  The Spirit of God or the Spirit of the Devil.

  12. 2 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

    To be fair, and please note that I tend to believe what you're saying is correct, but...this is unknown.

    I agree . . . I just can't imagine why a HF would give us gender proclaim in the Proclamation of the Family that it is an essential characteristic just so in the hereafter we all become androgynous humans . . .doesn't make any sense to me.

  13. 42 minutes ago, Vort said:

    While I heartily agree with the thrust of what you're saying, I disagree with the above sentence. Equal does in fact mean same. I believe the whole discussion of "Are men and women equal?" is doomed to failure because of this. Of course they are not "equal"! They're fundamentally different!

    Now, if you're asking if men and women are of equal value in the eyes of God, then I assume the answer is yes. But again, equal means same. Men and women hold the same value in God's eyes. In that sense, they are absolutely equal. And in the eyes of the law, they are (or at least should be) absolutely equal. There should be no legal favoritism based on sex (or race or religion or...). And yet again, that equality means sameness. The law should not care or even look at the defendant's (or victim's) sex.

    I agree but slightly disagree.  In the eyes of God, yes we all hold equal value; but that equal doesn't mean same. We are taught and we know men and women will have different roles to play in the here-after.  A woman will never become Heavenly Father . .. Heavenly Mother yes, but not Heavenly Father-just as a man will never become Heavenly Mother.  So even in the hereafter equal does not mean same.  Both can be exalted, both can receive eternal life, but the roles played in the hereafter will be just as different as they are in mortality.

  14. 56 minutes ago, lostinwater said:


    Curious - what else do you feel we really have?  Someone else's conscience that they insist is the truth (and may, or may not, be)?  

    We have scriptures and Prophets.  Today, kids and society has been taught moral relativism, which is exactly what you said above-everyone's "truth" is only based upon their own subjective conscience.  Overall this will lead to a total break-down of society.  Society exists because a large group of people have a basic understanding of what is good and what is bad (i.e. conscience).  It is why multi-culturalism fails horribly, it is why different countries exists, why different cultures exist-because each has their own set of values that the herd/group/society collectively agrees on.

    The US is based on, and has been from it's beginning, a Judeo-Christian European conscience based on the Bible.  Once that underpinning is gone (and it is going fast), then each man becomes a "god" unto themselves . . .this is what is happening.  This will lead to a breakdown in society. 

  15. 22 minutes ago, lostinwater said:

    There's been an awfully lot of people who've said exactly the same thing over the past few thousand years.  Sometimes, good results - but from everything i've read, that's the exception and not the rule.

    Yeap, it's the "new" age of enlightenment.  God bless us because we are so, so much better than those racists, misogynist pigs who lived in the past.  We are the best that have every lived-no one in the past has ever had the knowledge that we do to look upon the "wisdom of the ages" and spit upon them.  Thank you God b/c we are so great!!!

  16. 18 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

    Actual woman here.

    I find it annoying when people try to tell me I have to be just like a man in order to be not be the "lesser sex". 

    Amen.  I find it so annoying to completely demean my wife when someone says she needs to be just like me in order to be equal. Her job is extremely important, and I value everything she does; I couldn't do what I do without her and she couldn't do what she does without me.  Her job (of raising children and ensuring a proper home environment) is of paramount importance. 

    Working together in her role and me in mine we can create something much greater than our individual parts. This is the beauty of family, the beauty of life.  Equal doesn't mean and never has meant same.  Equal means the man is not without the woman and the woman is not without the man; without the other they are incomplete. They each bring their own unique inherent designs into a relationship to create something more.  They are different and different is good.

  17. 15 hours ago, Lehite said:

    I think in the future we might see more mixed auxiliary presidencies. 

    lol . . .yeah right.  People seem to have lost their scruples.  Okay this is easy.  Men are naturally attracted to women and women naturally attracted to men. Generally speaking presidencies have a lot of one-on-one meetings together.  Women are (in general) better about making sure everyone is there (1st,2nd,secretary, etc) but there are going to be plenty of meetings at either the Church building, someone's house, getting up early to go to meetings where it will lead to a one-on-one situation.

    I trust my wife, and she trusts me, but no way in hades I'd want her as part of a mixed auxiliary and the same for me. . . . .(sigh) whatever happened to common sense.

    Oh yeah that's right, it's now sexist of me to not go on a business trip with only a female co-worker and to not go out to dinner in the evening . . . (sigh) . . . idiots.

  18. Except that wouldn't happen.  Taking a knee is protesting the entire entity, i.e. they wish the US were a different type of country.  It's so funny it's sad, they are protesting the very entity that allows them such freedom to do so.

    I think it's totally despicable.  But I'm kind-of resolved to the fact that I am living and will live to see the downfall of this nation.  It is rotting from the inside from decadence, immorality, and from being just plain spoiled.

    Personally, I don't think this country sees it's 300th birthday.

  19. 5 hours ago, estowife said:

    Thanks everybody for your comments, I actually came on here to take the post down, but thought I would just add a couple of things real quick as i don't have much time

     1. I am a registered nurse, so qualification, education etc is taken care of ( I currently work part time)

    2. It's not a power struggle as such, its just I totally disagree with most of the actions he takes, and so will not support him. I think 'unrighteous dominion' fits the situation

    3. most of the time I am just back to square one of deciding to put up with him until it errupts again, things are ok at the minute, but it doesn't last long

    4. counselling is not too readily available in England, & my know it all husband thinks he is an expert in everything, you get nowhere arguing with him cos he just regurgitates all the books he's read. i fear counselling will back up his ideologies & make me out to be the bad guy.

    5. we spoke to the bishop a little over 6 months ago, his advice to my husband was to put the books down & listen to his wife more....he can't bring himself to do that - he knows best...

    I will just keep working with him ....

    I will probably take the post down in a couple of days

    Thank you x

    I truly hope you and your husband are able to come together to resolve this.  For #2, are the actions he is taking actions that involve actual sin? If that is the case, then I wholeheartedly agree with you.  If it's not sin, then unrighteous dominion involves demanding someone do something that they have no right to demand then to do. Which in a marriage relationship could simply involve either a power struggle or a severe lack of understanding of proper roles inside the household.  Again you are light on actual examples . . .a simple example (it could be made-up but at least similar) would help give greater insight.

    What books is he reading and what ideology is he getting?

  20. On 9/25/2017 at 4:36 AM, estowife said:

    So I have been married for 21 years, and have had plenty of ups & downs during that time as all marriages do, but the last 3 years have been unbearable. We have 3 daughters aged 16, 14 & 10. My husband is impossible to live with. He is arrogant, unreasonable, controlling etc he has destroyed every relationship in this family, yet refuses to acknowledge he has any part in it. 

    You have given a lot of generalities but not a whole lot of specifics.  But I do have a couple of questions.  I personally believe that there are several destructive ideologies that have permeated our current culture that is IMO absolutely destroying the family.

    First off, have you considered that you husband might be lashing out because he is outnumbered.  1 man and 4 women in a household could be quite challenging. I'm not saying you are doing any of the following, but just questions to consider.  How much do you let your husband take his natural role as head of household?  When ideas come up do you try and take the lead and "wear the pants" vs. allowing your husband to fulfill his natural role as provider, protector and leader of the family?  When engaged in discipline or conversations about how to raise children how often do you take your daughters side of things and dispute with your husband on the when's, why's, how's of raising children?

    If you are involving your children and taking their sides in issues, discussions, arguments then quite honestly you are doing it wrong.  I can clearly see how if a wife is snipping at her husband, constantly nagging, trying to assert herself and combat her husband at every turn that the husband will feel attacked and as if no one is on his side.  The natural reaction will then be to try and assert more control in order to regain any lost authority and or leadership.  This will eventually lead to a power struggle and a power struggle is never good.

    If I read anything, this is what I read in your words that you are engaged in a power struggle with your husband.  And quite frankly that is destroying your relationship with him.  It's the same concept with a toddler.  A toddler engages in a power struggle with the parent to assert control . . .if an adult stoops to the level of engaging in the power struggle then they have already lost and the relationship between the toddler and the adult becomes very, very difficult.

    So the questions to ask: Are you engaged in and engaging in a power struggle with your husband?  If so, why? It's not God's way, nor His idea for a God centered marriage.

    Ephesians 5:22-24King James Version (KJV)

    22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

    23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.

    24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

    Now I'm not suggesting you are (or any wife is) her husband's chattle or servant or anything of that nature.  Just simply that God has ordained and called the man to be the head of household; if that gives you problems, causes you to squirm or whatnot then you need to re-evaluate your priorities and how God has ordained marriage to work.  Since God has ordained the husband to be the head of the household, then let him lead.  Let him be masculine and not some emasculated shell of a man. Let him be the strong provider, protector, leader.

    Again in no way am I suggesting that he can or should exert unrighteous dominion (physical altercations, name-calling, any type of abuse is ungodly and must be stopped).  But if you are taking your daughters sides in issues, STOP.  DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (minus abuse) SIDE WITH YOUR DAUGHTERS. 

    It is important that children see their parents united, it is important that your husband see your and united with him.  It is more important to demonstrate unity to your children rather than whether that particular instance is something you disagree with. It is 100% ago to disagree.  One can disagree and still present a united front to the children.  I will say this, excepting for abuse, divorcing will absolutely be the worst decision you can and could ever make for the future of your children.

    I hope I'm wrong with my interpretations.  I would love for a specific instance or two in order to help more.

  21. 19 hours ago, In Idaho said:

    And yes, there have been lots of things on here that have hurt me. So no, I don't usually respond that way

    I'm not quite sure you understand . . you might and I'm totally wrong, if I am I'd be glad to be wrong.

    There are two types of sorrow for sin.  One type of sorrow is the worldly sorrow or the "oh crap, I just did something bad" where we catch ourselves and are "sorry" that we got caught. This is one type that can eventually lead to the other type. The other type is Godly sorrow; this is an incredibly deep, gut-wrenching experience where we realize and recognize what we have done offends God.  In that type of sorrow, what other people have done to us doesn't matter, the reasons why we committed the sin doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is that we have offended the very Being who created us and gave us everything.

    11 And the angel spake more things unto me, which were heard by my brethren, but I did not hear them; for when I heard the words—If thou wilt be destroyed of thyself, seek no more to destroy the church of God—I was struck with such great fear and amazement lest perhaps I should be destroyed, that I fell to the earth and I did hear no more.

    12 But I was racked with eternal torment, for my soul was harrowed up to the greatest degree and racked with all my sins.

    13 Yea, I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was tormented with the pains of hell; yea, I saw that I had rebelled against my God, and that I had not kept his holy commandments.

    14 Yea, and I had murdered many of his children, or rather led them away unto destruction; yea, and in fine so great had been my iniquities, that the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror.

    15 Oh, thought I, that I could be banished and become extinct both soul and body, that I might not be brought to stand in the presence of my God, to be judged of my deeds.

     I personally in my life have felt this; while I don't know what Alma went through, I know what I went through and let me tell you to experience something close to this is absolute utter Hell. To wish to become extinct due to the awfulness of you sin.  When you go through something like this, honestly you don't care about what the "punishment" from the Bishop is . . .b/c quite honestly there is no "punishment" from the Bishop or the Church that could possibly be worse than the above . . .nothing. 

    The only thing that matters is that you have offended God and you will do anything He requires of you to get back in good standing with Him; in other words it is only through the Atonement of Christ that allows us to come back into His presence. 

    Now, I'm not saying you have to go through this level, but true repentence is a total change of mindset and attitude. . . . but from what I have seen in your words (and I hope I'm wrong), but I haven't seen a recognition that what you did offended God.  You say you made a "huge mistake" and you "feel horrible".  That is quite different than a recognition that you have done something that has offended God. 

    I am not your Bishop, and you should go see your Bishop and only he is authorized to be the Judge in Israel . . Judge how, well he doesn't forgive sins (only God can do that), but he Judges whether one understands and is on the path to repentance. Any type of "punishment" (and really it is discipline) is given out of a desire to help disciple the individual in understanding how to truly follow Christ.

  22. On 9/25/2017 at 5:38 PM, In Idaho said:

    It isn't that I don't read long posts. I just don't take people's opinions into my life if they are the kind of people who just want to get a rise out of others which is what that guy was doing. You are not doing that, so I gladly will read what others have to say

    Pot-calling the kettle black with regards to judging?? Pre-judge much? Nothing I said was in any way a malicious intent to "get a rise out" of you.  Yes, I was blunt, yes I was direct, but it wasn't out of a desire to hurt, but out of a desire to help you recognize the significant damage you have done to your marriage, to yourself and the offense you have committed against God.

  23. 1 hour ago, The Folk Prophet said:

    For what it's worth: The idea of giving advice without judgment is a theoretical impossibility. How can one advise if one hasn't made a judgment on how to advise?

    In my experience, when someone says don't judge me, in general what they really mean is I don't want anyone to tell me that what I've done is bad thing.  And in general when people say they just want to be accepted they mean not only do not want anyone to tell me what I've done or am doing is a bad thing, I want people to agree that what I'm doing is a good thing.