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Everything posted by LatterDSaint

  1. Well YEAH. Many people who knew Roy Moore liked him. That didnt mean that the allegations from 5 people that he molested them were false. From your logic here, you presume that those allegations from a minority number of individuals are false... Incredible. If your son or daughter was molested by a sicko and many people who knew the sicko backed him/her would you seriously tell your child "Well a lot more people who know this person say he is a great person and would never do something like this. I will take their attestations over your accusation because you are in the majority"... Or does your whole reasoning change when someone from your family becomes the accuser? Its common so Im not going to shame you too much for admitting so... and PS I think lying under oath is more indicative of the plausibility of this allegation considering that Kavanugh categorically and unequivocally denies the allegation....
  2. NO. They were not all there at the party in question where the allegation of attempted rape is said to have happened. None of the women that signed even claimed to be there sp none of them are "witnesses" to what happened at that party. They are women attesting that Kavanaugh "behaved honorably and treated women with respect" & has "stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity" If you didn't know someone can behave this way among many women, and behave a different way among one woman, at a party, drunk, with his friends...
  3. WHich kinda makes those 65 signatures worthless lol and grants more credibility to the allegation of attempted rape
  4. I seriously do not understand how someone could argue for this. Would you defend criminals in the highest office of your government just because they would promote the "stability in the long run"? YIKES
  5. Look I understand the point you are trying to make. I would hope that I would never be found guilty of a crime I never committed by the courts or public perception. But let me tell you WHY I am ready to "lynch" kavanaugh as you claim. 6% of his official records have been accessed. That is only 6 %. What does he have to hide? Gambling debts? Russian assets? My speculation is not unreasonable because he has not released all of his documents to dispute it. Until he does I can speculate as much as I want. Also Kavanaugh has lied under oath multiple times. Aren't we against lying or did it suddenly become a small deal because its a Trump appointee SCOTUS nomination? Really confused how politics all of a sudden makes many church members forget about the values Christ has laid out for us in the gospel....
  6. The most appropriate setting in regards to what is contained in scripture. Of course, respect should be a factor in a marital relationship so I expect that you also grant your wife that.
  7. I think attempted rape is defining of ones character no matter how old they were when it occurred. Especially if they aren't remorseful about it. That's just me though....
  8. I will not be as specific as you would like as to protect my identity some, but I am from a country in Europe.
  9. LOL I guess I just assumed that the rules only applied in regards to people in this forum, not to public officials and people not in this forum. Apologies
  10. I appreciate your response. However a "pretty mainstream legal position across American party lines" suggests that Democrats would not want a Democratic President to be indicted and Republicans wouldn't want a republican president to be indicted. I would want any President to be indicted if there was sufficient evidence that they violated the law. As you graduated from law school in the US, could you respond to whether that is an unreasonable position to hold?
  11. Hi Mod. I will push back on this here. Sometimes the statute of limitations prevents someone from even going to trial for an alleged crime. That would occur here. Presumed innocence in the court of law is one thing. Public perception of an alleged criminal is another. And as of right now, my presumption of Kavanugh's innocence gets less and less with the way Senator Chuck Grassley released signatures of 65 woman who were supposedly Kavanaugh's classmates (even though he went to an all boys school) within 24 hours of the allegation coming to light. That screams that the GOP knew that such an allegation might come to light and prepared this defense in case it did. Those actions give me much more reason to believe Kanaugh did attempt to rape someone while he was in highschool. Now can we all be forgiven? Of course, but I don't know kavanaugh well enough to extend my sympathies for him and not see this allegation worthy of some credibility....
  12. The truth isnt disrespectful and you are kinda saying the same thing twice... Interesting... Is it a problem for you if I do care about things like that (as a legal citizen)?
  13. Aboslutely, I don't, but I would have thought that as members of the church we would care about immoral people putting other immoral people in positions of power that affect a vast majority of other people. No? Women's right to abortion doesnt affect me but that isnt the only issue that will come across the supreme court will it. Who would want partisan hacks who believe a President cannot be indicted on the Supreme Court. Like I said, I care about people other than just myself or the party I affiliate with the most....
  14. You may not like what I have to say (that is your right) but I didnt realize that I didn't have the right to speak out against the government even as a legal resident... And I get that you support Trump. Is that just because of your 401K looking good or is it because he sleeps with adult ****stars?
  15. Whilst I understand this is politics and I am not an American Citizen, the "we" was in reference to us being members of the Church....
  16. Sorry man, didnt mean to hurt your feelings but I am going to tell it like it is rather than remain politically correct. If I said 1/4 of the stuff Trump has said WHILE he has been president alone, I would not be studying at BYU and I would definitely not be able to keep an office Job. He acts like a petulant child on Twitter mostly so if you havent seen his tweets, perhaps this is why you believe what I said is "disrespectful" rather than the truth...
  17. I definitely am not claiming that the democrats have the moral high ground in respect to its party's history but 2018 Dems> 2018 Republicans in every which way. The past is a useful tool to learn from mistakes. I believe that the democrats are learning from their past egregiousness. Republicans on the other hand appear to embrace it solely for Trump's sake....
  18. I also want to discuss the supreme court nominee Brett Kavanugh. Recently, a woman has alleged that he and one of his buddies attempted to gang rape her when they were drunk at a party back in high school, and that they turned the music up to quell her protests. Does anyone believe this allegation may have some plausibility or is it a smear job by the democrats to make Republicans look like rape apologists? I am still awaiting details on this case, but as far as I am aware, Donald Trump is not an honest man, and the people around him are evidently not honest people either with all the guilty pleas in recent months. Then there was the endorsement of Roy Moore. I still can't quite purge that from my mind, the way republicans desperately defended Roy even though any sensible and honest human being knew he was a pedophile... I hope that if these allegations against Kavanaugh are true, republicans will not make the same mistake that they did with Roy Moore otherwise they will get slaughtered in the midterms. We need to be able to trust these people who are occupying these Government positions....
  19. Hmmm. Whilst I do understand that It could be taken that way, its a little absurd to deny the political influence that spouses may have on each other. If her husband leans more Democrat than Republican then it would clearly not be the case. Even if he is on the same political isle as Anatess2 it still may not be the case. Im just curious that's all. Am I influenced slightly by LDS conservatives here in Utah? To a degree yes. I never thought I would like a guy like Mitt Romney. When he ran against Obama I thought he was the greatest enemy to mankind though I was about 14 then living in a different country so I really didnt know anything except from what my mother told me about that particular election race....