Serviteur du seigneur

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Everything posted by Serviteur du seigneur

  1. I do it by taking a day at a time, and not concerning about the future, because he knows the way ahead and will lead me in security in this horrible world back to safety. And you ?
  2. That answered well, only god knows, theres a lot of circunstances indeed. Close topic hehe
  3. Do they reach peace ? And can they still go at least to the telestial kingdom ?
  4. And i would see it sometimes before sleeping in fact, exactly when the lights were off
  5. Thats interesting, the bible says that the devil could appear in any form, including that of an angel. I dont know, i'm sure it was there. It was not alucination or shadows, it was clear, idk about demons, but i believe that it could be an entity, or somehow the human brain is so powerful that can create a vivid thing in front of you
  6. I think that defining it as a demon explains the situation very well. Sure, if it was a demon indeed, that would be a experience. I just asked because that was very supernatural and no one ever explained satisfactorily what it was, apart of demons. Also, i dont speak about that out of anonimity, because people would certainly think i'm crazy. So there's not any diference in it, i am just really curious because of that.
  7. Not really, i was awake and yet i could see her, it was definitely not such thing as dreams or anything.
  8. Weird classifying antisocial people as psychopaths, that's completely not true, i am a person without friends and all that, but that doesn't make me a psychopath in any way.
  9. I feel you.people where i live are just crazy for soccer, sometimes they even fight among themselves because of teams and all that thing.
  10. I have serious family issues that unfortunately makes serving a mission very hard for me, at least in this time of my life, but im thinking about strechting myself out to the maximum so i can serve before 26 years old.