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Posts posted by mightynancy

  1. "Thank you, BIL! Hey, next time there's an opening on the Committee to Run My Life, I'll be sure to send for your resumé."

    If you want assurance for your choices, you've been given some good references. I'd also tell my BIL to mind his own. That said, if you want to finish your degree, there are so many flexible options now (including online courses) that a SAHM can finish school. In many fields, it doesn't matter so much what your degree is in so long as you have the degree.

  2. When I was in Seminary, way back in the day, we had manuals/workbooks that went along with our scripture reading. I see such a thing listed in the church materials online, but I am wondering if they give these out in hardcopy at Seminary? Thanks!

  3. I'm not a big feelings person. I am more "moved" by reason than anything else, so you make a lot of sense to me. I also had a (not LDS) friend once say, "You're the only Mormon I know who can view the church from the inside AND the outside."

    The Spirit communicates with us in individual ways. For some of us, those ways may not include warm feelings of emotional attachment, rather, they may be intellectual in nature.

  4. If it were me, I'd let the kids know what dad is doing

    Try to get a default divorce without any attorneys

    No, no, no! You do not need to let the kids know what their Dad is doing. That's completely inappropriate. I agree with the "Dad made a mistake" if you must, as long as you can keep it vague. This is a burden of information that the kids do NOT need to carry.

    And, please, get yourself a good lawyer. You need a dispassionate third party to advocate for you legally.

    As for why this is happening, only your husband can say. Doing "all the right things" is no protection from trials. It is spiritual protection and peace, but we will all have trials because that's just how life is. Please don't think that righteousness means that things will always be sunshine and roses. The fact that y'all were doing these things together only tells me how duplicitous your husband is capable of being.

  5. Moroni 7, especially verses 12 and 13, come to mind. "...wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God." emphasis mine ~mn

    When anyone does good for a good reason, that's Godly. It's a double standard to say that the Muslims involved in this day of service are somehow different from the LDS people who show up to disasters in their yellow vests.

  6. I'm a lifelong member, and have many of the same struggles.

    I don't believe that prophets are infallible. I think the Church often gets sidetracked. That said, I believe the Gospel itself is true, and I have to work on forgiving our leaders when they are mistaken about something, just as the Lord forgives me for my mistakes and even my willful screwups.

  7. On one hand, I understand Bytor's concern. It boggles my mind why we often care so much about what color shirt an Aaronic Priesthood boy is wearing on Sunday, but not what he was doing Saturday night.

    On the other hand, I think that informing the Bishop is enough. A boy's worthiness doesn't affect the ordinance for the rest of the congregation. I think it's the Bishop's responsibility to teach the boy (again) the problem of hypocrisy and the courage it takes to repent.

  8. I guess the kicker for cloth vs. disposables is whether she has laundry machines in her home or close by. If you had to actually lug them to the car to wash at a laundromat, that would be a drag.

    We used disposables, and name brand/off brand depended on my kids' stage of growth and which ones fit. My son wore Kirkland diapers from Costco until they stopped fitting well and chapped his legs...he just didn't fit their mold anymore.

  9. All of those are great ideas.

    I also recommend thrift shopping and resale stores. Babies grow so fast that you can find a lot of nearly-new baby and toddler clothing in thrift shops. Same for mom, who may be out of maternity wear but not quite back to pre-pregnancy clothing...she can find inexpensive things to fill the gaps.

    Take the time to check recalls when you get 2nd hand toys, but they are also a bargain (not that a newborn needs any).

    You can take outgrown things to a resale shop to earn credit for new-to-you items.

  10. Which is?

    Being in the minority.

    If minority feels out-of-place in the majority--well, we've got to completely cater to that individual. But if the situations are reversed--why, he had it coming to him, and he should just deal with it!

    I never said that only we big, bad white people are awful. Any discrimination based on outward appearance is lamentable. When a white male is discriminated against for being a pale and carrying a Y-chromosome, that's wrong. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else?

    I think the OP is great to be concerned about a sister in her ward. My only caution is not to tell the sister how she ought to feel - justified or not, the sister feels racially disconnected; that's her reality.