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Posts posted by mightynancy

  1. Women have been brainwashed by the feminist movement that being a mother is instead "popping out babies" or being a "baby-maker." As if we are just animals. Feminists teach you that you are not valuable unless you look and act like a man. Have a mannish job, make lots of money, put your kids in daycare so they don't hold you back, and that homemaking is pathetic and for brainless people. The world have jobs that need to be filled. Male and female jobs. God created us to be either male or female. Satan likes to blur and switch gender roles. It is really sad that so many women are taught by society that stay at home moms are brainless, or oppressed. ... Feminists also teach women to be selfish and that everything is about pleasing themselves first. You will never be happy that way.

    Where did you come up with this? I'm not a member of NOW, but I poked around on their site. I can see where you'd disagree with some of their liberal human rights issues (eg gay marriage), but I didn't find any man-bashing, nor any put-downs of SAHM's. Where are the radical feminists? Where did you hear the teachings you quoted?

  2. Well, yeah, we are accountable for how we raise our children now. Are we teaching them correct principles now? Are we preparing them for baptism now? Are we teaching them the scriptures now?

    Well, we're raising our children now (of course; tomorrow they'll be grown), but are we held accountable, administratively, now? That's what I'm wondering, and if the answer is yes, then how?

  3. Crazypotato, I disagree with you entirely about feminism. Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings.

    Listen to Rush much? Your rant is the propaganda against feminism, not what feminism really is. I am a feminist. I love being a mother. I love my work in the home. I love my divine role. I also spoke up when a man I was training was earning more than I was in the same job (pre-kids, don't have a coronary). I believe that women should have a say in how they are treated in the home, the workplace, and yes, at church. I'm a collaborative problem-solver, a connector of people, a feminine woman. And a feminist.

    Don't confuse feminism with man hating selfishness.

  4. Golly, I didn't answer the question really.

    What I make:

    The Casserole

    Boil Ziti pasta to al dente

    Nuke or steam some veggies: I use the frozen California Blend (carrots, broccoli and cauliflower)

    Cut up some cooked ham or chicken

    Make the sauce: melt 3 tablespoons butter in a saucepan, stir in 3 tablespoons flour. Whisk it while you stir in 2 cups chicken broth. Grate cheeses of your choice (I use whatever is on hand, often mixing American and Swiss) and melt them into the sauce, using 4 to 6 sandwich-sized slices.

    Mix all ingredients into a casserole dish, and bake until heated through. I usually top it with seasoned bread crumbs mixed with a little Parmesan cheese.

    Other times I'll make linguine with jarred alfredo sauce, with hunks of ham in it, a salad, and some cut up melon or other fruit.

  5. For diabetics, just make sure you use whole grain items rather than white flour items, and don't include a super-sugary dessert. My husband is diabetic, and we eat pretty darn normally, if plain wholesome food is "normal". He doesn't eat anything special, kwim?

    Food allergies/food restrictions are numerous among my daughter's classmates. By searching online, I found snack recipes to fulfill the no nuts no egg no food color requirements. I imagine that the same would be true of gluten-free.

    There's nothing you can do about pickiness! I just try to include at least one item most kids like: noodles, applesauce, fruit, etc, and just make the rest of the meal to my convenience.

    May you be richly blessed for your willingness to help, and for your concern for the recipients of your service. :)

  6. I totally understand that I'll be accountable to my heavenly parents for how I raise my/our children. But aren't all parents, regardless of whether a baby is properly blessed?

    I was just curious, and still am, as the quote you provided sounds like parents are to be held accountable in their stakes now. I'm not trying to argue...I've just never considered this angle before.

  7. Yep - let it go. When I have feelings I'm not proud of, I am thankful that I can overcome my initial feelings and choose caring actions. Feelings just are - how we act is a truer reflection of our character.

    I'll bet your daughter is adding the sympathy and nurture she feels toward her mom to her love for her and calling it all love. You can be very proud of her. :)

  8. Assimilate? What are we, the Borg?

    I worked for years in the immigrant communities of central California. I worked with many hard-working people who did their best to learn English in their "spare" time. Many worked under assumed/invalid SSN's so while there was tax witholding, there was no tax filing (hence no return). Yes, there were employers who paid under the table, but most of those workers didn't come to my program. Lumping all illegal immigrants in the same drug-dealing, disease-infected, freeloading basket is inaccurate.

    I'm not saying that there should be no border and no regulation. I'm saying the system is desperately inefficient and ineffective at accomplishing my aims and yours. And my take on this isn't fuelled by some sort of anti-American guilt. It's fueled by my love of "those people" and sympathy for their plight.

  9. "Only the Relief Society" ? What about Primary and Young Women? Keep in mind that there are women holding leadership positions in each of these auxiliaries at the General Authority level as well.

    True, but these women are only rarely referred to as "President" and are not included in the umbrella of "General Authorities." I agree that what women DO is very powerful. How women are PERCEIVED is not. I don't do what I do in order to earn any sort of status in the perceptions of others, but it is completely understandable that someone looking on would see women's roles as subordinate. I even know women who think that way.

  10. Our immigration policy is ethnic persecution. It isn't as easy as "Just do it legally!" by filling out a form and getting a plane ticket. It can take many years and thousands of dollars, which many (most?) distressed families don't have. I'm just not a fan of "I was born here. Screw you!" Sorry, I'm touchy...I live in a hotbed of anti-immigrant self-righteousness.

  11. Have you had the same professor each time? Sometimes hearing the material presented in a different way can make a difference. I always tell my students to let me know if they don't "get" what I'm explaining, so I can say it again from a different angle. After a few months of school, I'll come to know who loves a diagram and who needs a written list of steps.

    The example I share with my students is: my swim coach used to tell me my arms were too flat on my freestyle. No matter how many times she said that, I couldn't fix it. Then a teammate said, "Put your hand in the water a little closer to your face." BINGO! It wasn't that I was incapable of proper form, I just needed to receive the information in a way that clicked with my brain. I tell my kids that if they don't get it, then *I* need to do something differently.

    If you do have tutoring available, try to find someone who didn't ADORE Dr. So-and-So (whoever is teaching the course). Find someone who sees the math in a different way from the prof, so you can hear it from a completely different approach.

  12. We have lots of lawyers that are LDS so it is too bad they were not advising the Church on the laws.

    The church employs lawyers. It believe was just a mixup with the paperwork (I don't think they deliberately deceived the agencies to which they report - I sure hope not). That said, I was under the impression that the church itself didn't donate to the Prop 8 cause but only encouraged its members to do so. Sure, the Church didn't donate cash, but it did pay its employees while they worked for the cause.

    I think it's distasteful to turn a religious organization into a PAC. Let us preach our values, let us cry repentance, let us invite people to Christ. Let's NOT get involved in politics.

  13. THis is just wrong. The Church never forced anyone to donate time. People have a right to volunteer for campaigns. Isn't that what representative democracy is all about?

    No dear. Read again. Church employees evidently worked for the campaign while on the clock. Members doing volunteer work is not subject to reporting regulations.

  14. I don't force my son to participate in YM (he's 14). He enjoyed Scouts, and enjoys Sunday meetings for the most part. I don't force him to go for a number of reasons:

    The quality of the program is spotty. He's not going to go just to run around the building with the YM, playing grabass (or football, or frisbee, or basketball - he doesn't even like sports) week after week. We have a new YM pres who, I hope, will help the boys organize activities that -gasp- support the aims of the Aaronic priesthood.

    He doesn't connect with the other boys. If the program focused on what they have in common, say, the Gospel, I think more connections would happen.

    And last of all, if I desire for him to remain true to the Gospel, I'd better not make him hate church. So for now, he goes to the things that have meaning for him, and skips the stuff that doesn't.

    And if he needed to skip it all, he's still welcome to live here. I need someone to fix the computer, don't I? ;)