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Posts posted by mightynancy

  1. Tell them that mom has some problems and that you acted to keep them safe.


    Simply saying that Mommy is sick is dangerous - the kids will panic every time they are ill, thinking that it's cause for a breakup. James is right, too...ask them what they think, what they already know, and what questions they really have.

  2. LDS units have more than just scheduling issues.

    First of all, we register different units for each age group. Each ward will have 11-year-old Scouts (who are Scouts but don't camp without a parent present), Scouts who are 12-13 (deacons), Varsity (14-15 yr old teachers) and Venturers (16-17 yr old priests). This leads to nearly no continuity, nearly no opportunity for the boys to exercise leadership of the younger boys, and if you're not an Eagle by 14, your mother will have to make you do it. This is meant to keep the quorums distinct, but this could be accomplished by having different patrols in one large troop, IMO.

    We regularly change Troop (or Pack) leadership.

    If you're LDS and a male, you will be in Scouting whether you want to or not. This means we don't always have buy-in from the boys or from their parents. In a community unit, either the boy or his parents are invested in the boy's participation (both, if you're lucky).

    I love Scouting and I hate to see how little we take advantage of its possibilities.

  3. I agree with you, PC. Anti-intellectualism is not only alive among Christians, it's alive in general (at least where I live!).

    I also agree that all truth is of God, whether that truth is one that can only be felt in the spirit, or if it's one that can only be seen via a microscope.

    I don't think a person will gain a testimony of Christ solely through intellectual proof, but intellectual proof can certainly strengthen a testimony that is growing.

  4. That was my original thought too, and the answer is no - Rosanne's attempt was worse.

    bolding mine - mn

    A tip of the Grammar Queen's crown to you, Loudmouth, for your excellent use of the comparative. :D

    Moksha, I am very happy that I had swallowed my water before reading your last post.

  5. Has anyone noticed that President Obama DOESN"T have a plan for health care reform?

    Yes! Yes, you ARE the only one who noticed that! :notworthy:


    I think the idea is to let that venerable deliberative body (that would be congress for you non-library types) hash it out, so it's more of a collaborative effort. Clinton got skewered for pushing a plan from the White House.

  6. It's very interesting you should mention that...

    My understanding is that small children and older adults are not top priority, as they are considered to be unproductive to society.

    Umm, I think it's because pregnant women and school-aged children are more vulnerable to fatality from this flu. I don't think usefulness has anything to do with it. What do they do, administer pre-vaccine IQ tests? Check out your biceps? Read your resumé?

  7. Work of art my daughter made last spring:

    Posted Image

    That's one agile ox!

    I get the regular flu shot every year at work. I don't know if I'll get a swine flu shot if it's made available to me. I want to do more research, preferably from news outlets that don't use terms like Shocking! or Killer!

  8. Depression is a terrible thief...it robs you, and the people who love you.

    Ask your RS president/Branch president for help getting the medical treatment you need. If you can treat the depression and the PCOS, you'll be in a better frame of mind for cognitive therapy (for the depression) and you may be able to reduce or eliminate depression meds. Some people, though, must be on them long-term, and that's okay.

    Does your school have a health center? They may be a good resource for you as well.

  9. Thank you, Anne. Since her baptism especially, she is really converted and faithful. She sees it as a symbol of her love for Jesus Christ. We have talked about using our actions as a symbol of our Christianity (and she does this the best she can!), but she still wants one to wear.

    She has lots of other pretty necklaces, including a CTR one with a butterfly, and a beautiful mustard seed in amber. She's really pining to wear a cross. Like I said before, I have no concern with her wearing a cross outside of negative feedback from others. I just don't know what can of worms we'd be opening.

    It's a little like my son (13) and white shirts. It's preferred that a young man wear a white shirt, but a colored shirt doesn't make him unworthy to pass the sacrament. However, I know a lot of people are really hung up on that, and so as not to distress them during such a sacred ordinance, I have him wear only white shirts to church (even though the lavender and green ones from before still fit just fine). In this instance, the desire not to offend is more important than my desire to teach my kids to think things through for themselves. A necklace, however, wouldn't distract people during an ordinance...but people might feel moved to correct a little girl who is doing nothing wrong, KWIM?

    Sorry for the hijack, Mike! Thanks for doing that amount of research and sharing it with us all.

  10. Nice! Thanks for the link.

    It's timely for me. My daughter (8 years old) has been wanting a cross necklace for over a year. I'm totally fine with it, but I do worry about possible critical/negative commentary from LDS people, say, in Primary. I don't know where my place is in this; I don't wish to offend anyone, even if they're making a issue out of absolutely nothing. On the other hand, I think conformity for conformity's sake is a terrible lesson to teach my daughter. Confused.

  11. Ruben Studdard's career has been awesome! Maybe we differ on the definition of "flop."

    I adore Ellen! She's going to be a great addition to the show. She has a softer persona than Simon, but she'll certainly zing him into his place from time to time.

    American Idol is a fun show...fairness isn't part of the package. Do y'all expect it to be more real than any other reality show? Get real, dawg.

  12. This is an old thread (I wonder how it worked out?), but here are my two cents.

    My husband used to work nights, and I tried not to have anyone over when he was sleeping. The doorbell sets the dog to barking and the kids to running, and the living room shares a wall with the master bedroom. It just didn't work well, given our household and the layout of our home.

  13. Most children do get it from their parents. I'm tired of everyone bashing parents instead of supporting them.

    This is probably true for your children. In the school where I work, it's not that easy. A LOT of children don't get the "education is important" message from their parents. But hey, get this! We don't bash the parents (gasp!). We invite them. We invite them to decision-making meetings to help chart a course for kids who struggle. We invite them to events that help families help their students at home. We invite them to fun events on school grounds (ice cream social, dances, etc). We invite them to share their ideas with us. We are very grateful for the parents who help their students do their best without any invitation from us - they are the backbone of our school.

    A lot of "my" kids need to hear this speech. Education can be a wonderful equalizer...this is a country where nearly anyone can make a success of himself, and education is the key.