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Posts posted by mightynancy

  1. I know that church isn't work - we're an all-volunteer organization at the ward/branch level. That said, we often must deal with unkind people in our lives, and lessons learned in one place may be applied in another.

    I'm sorry my experience wasn't more helpful.

  2. I have the hide of a rhino. It has been a blessing! I had an arrogant supervisor at work, and tired of contention, I southern-belle sugar coated him. I cheerily greeted him every morning, asked about his kids' soccer games each Monday, complimented his ties. It was utterly insincere, but it did become fun after a while, like acting perhaps.

    Wouldn't you know that I won him over? After about three months of this, he saw me first one morning and cheerily greeted ME, and even said nice things behind my back to the owner. Go figure!

    That said, I couldn't have done that if I'd been in a place that let me take his surliness to heart. The thick skin and feelings of success elsewhere in my life let me keep his comments in perspective. We don't always have that. I agree with the advice you've been given, but in the meantime, be sure that you are the person you wish to be, no matter how he is treating you. "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

  3. You should have known what you were getting into when you bought a $400 vacuum cleaner.

    It's like owning a pick up and being surprised when asked to haul stuff;):)

    :animatedlol: hordak! This is why I drive a Corolla! I haul neither cargo nor many people...though coming home from girls' camp we were packed in there tight!

    And I didn't actually buy a $400 vacuum. It was a present. ^_^

  4. The definition is in the eye (hands) of the person doing the labor. How that person feels about it, defines what it is.

    So if I can muster up a "Bless her heart", it'll be okay? :D

    Serving can cross into enabling...and then it's no longer service. If I lovingly cripple someone by never facilitating self-reliance, that's not service, no matter how reverent I am about it.

  5. When you've known for over a year that you'll be moving, the new job is landed, you brag about how much more money your husband will be making, you leave and ask the Relief Society to clean the house you've sold and left filthy.

    I was never so happy to have a soccer game to get to. That place nearly wrecked my Dyson. :cursing:

    Really, it becomes free labor when you're doing something that a person can do themselves. I don't mean that people need to be physically disabled to merit service...sometimes it's more important that the person have time to focus on his loved ones or some other pressing need. If we can fill in the gaps so they can attend to more important things, I'm all over it. To each according to his needs.

  6. In Costa Rica, store clerks and strangers on the street alike will call others by endearments like "Corazón" or "Cariño", and if it applies, "Jovencita" or "Bella"...even with physically-derived nicknames like "Flaquita" or "Huera". I took it more as flattery (sometimes sincere, other times not) rather than inappropriate familiarity. The former doesn't get under my skin, but the latter does.

    Is "Hon" a southern phenomenon?

  7. I'm amazed at all the 70-degree people! 70 for us is really, really indulgent (and too hot anymore)!

    I heard a fellow on the radio who was talking about windows. He said for short-term return on your investment, it's better to find all those places where pipes and vents and such come into your house, and seal them up.

  8. If your thermostat isn't programmable, get one that is! Ours is programmed to have the heat come on to 66 at 5:30 a.m. (I get up at 5:45), then at 7:30 it drops to 61. At 2:30 p.m. it comes back on to 65, bumps to 67 around 7 p.m., then drops to 60 at 10:00 p.m. I would totally forget to turn it down, so I'm glad it does it on its own.

    We wear warm pajamas and have warm bedding.

    Our TV's are plugged into a power strip, and we turn off the strip when the TV isn't on. There's a phantom load with a lot of devices. Anything that has a little light is drawing power. Anything that feels warm even when it's off is drawing power. Anything you can turn on with a remote control isn't really off, it's on standby. No one device is taking up very much power, but if you add them up, it can be a lot.

    Have you noticed much of a change with your lightbulbs? We were surprised!

  9. I was walking through the common room of my dorm at UC Davis when I saw & heard about the Challenger shuttle.

    I was at work when I heard of the explosion at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. Everyone was murmurring about Muslims and Arabs - I had a strong feeling that this was done by an American (OKC just isn't on the international stage!)...I was so sad to find out that I had been correct.

    I was still in the hospital after having my son when they announced the OJ verdict. It was the only peace & quiet I had because everyone was glued to the TV.

    I turned on the TV moments before the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Center. I was getting my son ready for his day at kindergarten.