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Posts posted by mightynancy

  1. Short answer: Yes.

    Look at all the vain displays (read: McMansions, or actual mansions) on the hills of the Wasatch front. My mother is a designer (retired) and while we were at a park we were looking at the huge houses on the hill above us. I'm not a local, just so you know. Anyway, I pointed out one that was particularly monstruous and particularly, um, beauty-challenged (it must have a special spirit, kwim?). "Yeah. That's the Coveys'."


  2. I often joke around with a friend of mine: she bemoans "Catholic guilt" and I rail against "Mormon perfect!" We don't do guilt, but we do "do" perfect, which is just as destructive. Those who don't understand doctrine are the ones who perpetuate the problem.

    I don't think the whole problem rests within women who compare themselves to others. There *is* a culture of doing it all, and doing it all well, and doing it all utterly selflessly in our church. I have a time-consuming calling (YW pres) so I say no to most other requests. I don't go to the cannery, I don't clean the building except when it's the YW's turn, I even did my visiting teaching interview over the phone.

    Those who don't have the courage to say no are the ones who end up depressed and overwhelmed. I'm not blaming them - "no" is a foreign concept for many of us. We need to watch how we treat people when they do say no. Lucky for me, I don't give a rip, but a more sensitive sister would have her feelings hurt by some of the feedback I get. Sometimes I think I have this calling in order to be the one who calls for a timeout.

  3. Okay, I'm back in business!

    Youth area of the site


    Personal Progress (not yet updated to reflect updated printed materials)

    LDS.org - Young Women Table of Contents - Young Women Personal Progress: Standing As a Witness of God

    Re: new Personal Progress materials

    LDS.org - New Era Article - What’s New in Personal Progress?

    And sugardoodle.net has great ideas for lots of YW stuff!

  4. I'm YW president in my ward. Your one young woman sounds awesome!

    Yes, yes, yes, let any 12-18 year old young lady attend! Your ward/branch is actually every person within its boundaries, and the YW presidency has stewardship over all the girls that age in the branch, not just the members. :)

    Let your YW plan her activities with your help. Has she earned her YW medallion yet? They have just added an "honor bee" that they can earn in addition to the medallion, which is great. Also, I don't think a girl needs to be a member to do Personal Progress, either...it would be a wonderful tool for the nonmember girls.

    My internet is being weird, or I'd link you to the Personal Progress stuff on lds.org. There's a good article in the January New Era (available online)...and there's a good downloadable video too, called A Brand New Year about this year's theme for the youth.

  5. I don't mean to be flippant, but your concerns in #1 would be manageable with an understanding of non-linear time. But I do see your point.

    As for 2, I'm so sorry you're not receiving answers to your prayers. :( I have had a long-standing "crisis of church" (rather than a crisis of faith), and it has been hard for me to maintain my faith in a number of things. That said, I am able to find peace in truth, which is often revealed as an answer to prayer. Have you tried meditation as a form of prayer?

    I, too, wonder how people can have conflicting answers to prayer - I just figure that one of 'em is wrong. ;)

  6. I don't think that Heavenly Father is a micromanager.

    When we talk about Him "letting" things happen, it's a terrible path to be on. I always cringe when some yokel is on TV after the storm, and claims that "God was watching out for me!" If that were true, then God wasn't watching out for the fellow who was washed away in the floodwater.

    It's not that I don't believe in the mercies of the Lord, but to ascribe everything to God's will is to take away our own.

  7. It seems that he isn't distressed by his behavior - and there's nothing technically wrong with it.

    Are you worried that he will turn out to be gay? Or are you worried about how other boys will treat him? If it's the former, there's not much you can do (I'm sure some will disagree). If it's the latter, you'll want to arm him with confidence. If he does get picked on, you can talk with him about either adapting his behavior or learning how to deal with bullying in some other way.

  8. I'm concerned with your level of anxiety. Is this due to a temporary stressor, or is it a chronic problem? (You don't have to answer me - this is just a thinking question). Someone close to me has an anxiety disorder, and is a whole new person now that there's treatment. He's able to do things that were off the table before.

    As much as we'd like to think otherwise, some callings are, well, ill-advised. Share your concerns with your Bishop when you receive a calling (or in advance!).

    What I or anyone else think of you is irrelevant - only your feelings and the Lord's approval matter. Yes, the Lord wants us to grow, but he doesn't want us to panic and be miserable. Prayerfully consider what's offered to you, and make your own best decision - really, that's all the Lord asks of us.

  9. I can imagine that is exactly why they keep their standards so high... so they don't become like other schools.

    We could insist until we're blue in the face (erm...we have) but many of my students' parents aren't up to the job. We don't have facilities to assist with greater hygeine issues, but we do have toothbrushes and paste, combs and barrettes.

    And, by the way, we serve a mostly-in-poverty population but do quite well academically. A fight over hair length in a public school is ridiculous.

  10. I hope you ocd sock people do your own laundry! Every week I wash a certain Scoutmaster's uniform shirt that has been worn (over a tee shirt) for exactly one hour and twenty minutes. I mean, a person doesn't go around changing his shirt every 80 minutes, so why can't this shirt be reworn?

    Back on topic: I have lived in a third-world country, and will eat just about anything.

  11. Really?

    I run into it all the time.

    A lot of people think it is all a game.

    You don't think that the current state of affairs has anything to do with this game?

    I thought we were blaming Obama? Now it's Santa? I'm having a hard time keeping up. ;)

    PrisonChaplain is "reaching" no more than those who claim that Santa Claus and a Christ-centered Christmas are mutually exclusive.