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  1. It is really about balance. Traditional marriage and relationships has the man as a primary provider and as such a woman should look for a man who can fulfil that role. That is one reason why up until recently there was a much bigger age gap between men and women getting married. The man needed to establish himself to some effect to demonstrate he was worthy of a woman. So a woman can go and try and catch the mid 6 figure income guy . . .but those guys are few and far between, but she could also catch the hard-working guy who provides an average life as well. If she is trying to catch the mid 6 figure guy . . .well she's got a lot of competition, so what does she bring to the table that the guy will say, "I pick you over all the over girls". A pretty face and looks is one, but then there is ability to keep a clean house, take care of kids, etc. Ultimately though, if a man or woman is not looking to God to help bring them together then they are in for a rough life. The income is very temporary, the looks is very temporary, in fact most things in this life are very temporary. The best way is to look to the traditional Christian views on what relationships between men and women should look like and there you will find the best recipe for success.
  2. I thought you weren't LDS anymore?
  3. We see it everywhere the hubris, the egotistical haughty attitude, "oh that will NEVER happen here", we know better than anyone else who has ever lived that's why we allow things that societies have said were wrong and horrific for thousands of years. God will use the wicked to chastise the wicked.
  4. Meh, you only claim to not care b/c your guy isn't in charge. It's all about power. You've admitted to being petty and that in effect whether one side is using the power of the government it doesn't really matter...b/c it's not "your guy". But as soon as "your guy" gets in charge, you'd either a) do the same thing to others or b) moan and groan if it was done to your guy.
  5. 100% it isn't the irreligious and the godless that are causing this mess. It's the salt that has lost it's savour.
  6. 100%. Politics is downstream from culture.
  7. No apology here. US is a morally bankrupt society that is on fumes...only thing holding it together is the ability for people to make money in the US. It has no cohesive united story that binds people together . . . except money. When the economy and US dollar goes (which is will), the US will tear itself apart. How long will that take?? Whenever the US loses a big war or a big fight with a near peer competitor.
  8. The Hunter Biden vs. Trump is asymmetrical. 1) Trump reimbursed a lawyer who used personal funds to have a porn start sign an NDA. Trump has fully denied having anything to do with a porn star. 2) The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT provided classified briefings to Congress saying the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian Disinformation. The two have literally nothing to do with each other. One is using personal power and the other is using the force of the government. What should really happen is the individuals in the Federal Government who pushed the Russian Disinformation nonsense should go to jail. . . .but Fed. Gov. is never held accountable. Hunter Biden is just a pawn (sadly and I feel for the guy . . .he's a messed up dude from a messed up family), hiss father is the one who should be hauled up on impeachment charges for corruption and selling influence through his son. Hunter Biden . . .his mother is killed in a car wreck and his father is banging some chic prior to his mother's death who his father then marries quickly after the accident...messed up.
  9. People get the government they deserve. Don't be surprised when your guy is locked up b/c someone else decides to be petty.
  10. You should look up Robert's Rules of Order. The original system (which is effectively based off of Robert's Rules of Order), was not a strict majority. It was majority+. Ultimately, any official business has to have AT LEAST 50+1 of the vote. However, business cannot be closed or shut down unless at least 66%+1 say it can be shut down. What this originally meant in practice is that in order to take an actual VOTE on whether to pass a bill, it required 66% of the body to say "yes we want to vote on the bill" and 50% to say "yes the bill should pass". When adhered to what this actually generated were bills more likely to pass with a very strong majority. Changes in the bill would occur to get enough votes to shut down discussion of the bill (requiring 66%) and move it to an actual vote to pass (50%). You do realize that Mike Johnson has passed bills that have not even garnered 50% of the Republican vote right!!! That ain't 1-2 people complaining...that's a MAJORITY of the Republican Congressman saying, NO we shouldn't pass this bill .....and it gets passed anyways b/c Mike Johnson is power-sharing with the Democrats.
  11. I've been in political situations where we didn't have a majority, but had a very strong minority (like 40%) and the majority didn't want to work with us, so we got fussy and whiny. One perspective is they are fussy and whiny and no one wants to work with them b/c of that. OR another perspective is the majority side doesn't want to give any crumbs to the non-majority wing and therefore the non-majority wing becomes fussy and whiny.
  12. old school republicans would rather ally with D than the right; Congress right now is basically power-sharing between Rs and Ds, thanks to Mike Johnson. Literally he has given them control over Congress in exchange for him being Speaker.
  13. Not true; The Supreme Court has routinely engaged in overturning laws that impinge on the 10 amendments. While the 10A originally only applied at the Federal level over time the Supreme Court has ruled that it also applies to State Laws. Therefore, SC could rule on 1A issues (gag orders). 5A issues (why was it not tried at a Federal Level and the retro-active felony charges), 6A issues (denial of move of venue to neutral location) and 8A issues (trying as a felony something that has previously been tried as misdemeanor). The SC does what you say it doesn't do all the time. We will see what happens.
  14. It is not. Do you not understand what homosexual behavior does to the physical body? Anal cancer, anal leakage, throat cancer, extremely high rates of STDs, Grinder ain't named grinder for nothing! The hundreds if not 1000s of sexual partners. Anyone who denies the actual real destruction of the physical body due to homosexual behavior and the mental/spiritual damage due to living such a lifestyle is in utter denial of reality. It's actually quite disgusting that those who advocate the most for these types of behaviors and identities are the ones who care the least about the massive destruction these things do to the individual. It's actually quite demonic; it's very similar to the drugs given to those who are suffering from depression and suicidal thoughts. If you ever look on the actual known side-effects of drugs given to "help" with depression and suicide, the KNOWN side effects are suicidal thoughts!!!! Giving people medicine that has the exact side effect of the very thing they it is supposed to cure...it's almost as if the doctors WANT to kill off those who have depression and suicide. It's the same thing with LGBTQ+; the physical, spiritual, and mental damage of it is massive. Sadly, most of these individuals even prior to engaging in the LGBTQ+ lifestyle/community/identity are already suffering from some form of sexual abuse and trauma...so what does society do???? Encourage them to live a life that introduces MORE sexual abuse and trauma...brillant, just brillant. https://www.arcjournals.org/pdfs/ajad/v3-i2/11.pdf and look up "The Health Hazards of Homosexuality"
  15. Ah...but there is the rub. You claim they are bigoted but if they gain enough sway then you'll be labeled the bigot and their beliefs will be the right/true/compassionate believes. Lol....the utter fickleness of modernity. No wonder people are so confused, up is down, down is up-wait a few years and then up will be up and down will be down. So glad there is something that has been teaching the same faith for 2000 years. I never have to worry about this junk. So nice.