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Everything posted by Shoofly

  1. You have it down pat. Hooper, sounds like hooker. (don't anyone read anything into that)
  2. I have been immersed in Proverbs as of late. Not sure why. So just about anything in that book is tops for me. But it can and will change at anytime.
  3. I'm not sure but everytime I read your name that Hymn gets stuck in my head. But that's not a bad thing. I love that Hymn.President Hinckley would certainly be an example of your hypothesis.
  4. Doggone, they said it was cheaper by the year but I wouldn't believe them!
  5. Well golllleeeee Rick (in my best Gomer voice). I'm in Hooper, just a tad south from you.And BTW I am the biggest fan in the world of The Andy Griffith Show.
  6. Congrats Peg. Hold onto that joy. Satan wants to remove it from you. Study, pray and live your life in accordance with the Gospel and you won't go wrong.
  7. Where abouts in the Beehive state are at Rick?
  8. Hmmm, Maybe I did better on the enterance exam.
  9. Really? Why they charged me $1.19 to join and said it was nonrefundable! You think I got taken?
  10. Thanks for the welcome everyone.Garden Girl, I have a sister in Seaside. Is that anywhere close to you?
  11. Shoofly


    I have got to tell my Berean Baptist friend this one. I hope he can take it.
  12. I think first off the Priesthood holder needs to fully understand and appreciate the blessing hes has recieved and the power for good he can use it for if done in accordance with Gods will.Second, we should be living our lives that is in accordance of the commandments and doing all we can to know the will of our Father in heaven and be prepared to act according to his will in a moments notice. Third, Make certain we always realize that the power of the Priesthood is indeed a blessing and never be used unrightiously or without reverence.
  13. Same here. I try and catch him all the time.James Dobson is also one I like. KSL radio even airs one of his Family in Focus shows daily or weekly.
  14. So if your area is not Tithing worthy do you meet in an In-n-Out instead of a Stakehouse?
  15. Just recently registered over at the MADB board and learned of this place. I hope I can contribute to some good thoughts here. Long time member. I have my struggles like most folks. Not with my testimony. Maybe more with some of the culture quirks that may be particular to Utah. Anyway, hope you can accept me in your club.