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Everything posted by Teancum18

  1. Wow, and I thought I'd seen everything....
  2. If Missionaries want to be safe, they shouldn't go tracting on Superbowl night. hahaha had an unusual encounter in my mission Superbowl night. Didn't make that mistake again my second year. =D
  3. Yes, yes I am. I try not to be. I don't hate any race. However, I do have a tendency to think that some races are more adept than others in different aspects. I do have a tendency to feel extremely uncomfortable around other races, despite my long, extensive history with so many. I can't help the natural tendency, but I can help how I respond to it. I would hope that I am still very respectful and kind to other races.
  4. It's really funny because in some parts of the world, profanity is tolerated in Fast and Testimony Meetings. Do it in the US and the congregation will have a heart attack. The deal is simple: Study it out in your mind for yourself, come as close as you can to you own conclusion/solution, then pray and ask Heavenly Father what he thinks.
  5. You (I) last visited: 07-23-2008 at 12:39 AM. But don't worry, I didn't forget about this place or any of my info. I'll try to do better! Hope everyone has been doing well! Hopefully this place wasn't too ransacked about Obama, the Anti-Christ, Prop 8, and the LDS Church's involvement in things. Well, here's where I stand: Obama: NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST! Is he less compatible with LDS tradition and beliefs? Sure, but that doesn't make him the devil. I actually think he has good potential. Remember, the PEOPLE decide, not the "Mormons." Yes, "Mormons" are the people, but they don't include everybody. Anti-Christ: I don't know, but it's not Obama. In my personal opinion, American Idol is the Anti-Christ. Prop 8: I voted yes, however! I would not have cried and belly ached if it didn't pass. How people live their lives is not affected by the government or religion UNLESS THEY CHOOSE IT TO BE SO. i.e. whether or not the law passed would not affect the types of relationships people partake in. Church involvement in Prop 8: I think the church had every right to get involved. I also think the protesters had every right to be against it. However, that does not change the fact that no one can blame another for doing the same thing. i.e. if protesters are involved in prop 8 to persuade people to vote no, then they cannot hypocritically be upset at ANYONE else for being involved on the opposite side. Both are doing the same thing. Sorry, it's the Chicken calling out the Hen. Overall: Optimism and faith, people! Have it regardless! Love you all, it's good to be back!
  6. It would appear that some clarification is needed for the rude and ignorant. It's a good question to always ask yourself. Remember what Listener said. Are you seeking God? Because if you are, then it would stand to reason to seek someone who has authority from God. It's foolish to do so otherwise. As for your smart-alec comment, that is NOT what I was saying. Please exercise some intelligence and don't take my words out of context. If you want clarification, by all means ask. But not in an antagonistic way. Good advice from anyone is good and you should always listen. Even when seeking God. It's still a good idea to remember to seek those out who have authority from God. P.S. If you're going to say things on these forums that will tear down our religion or mock it, go somewhere else.
  7. Most of the time, that is our initial intention. Thank you for your words. As an LDS member, I am grateful for your reminder about how to focus our efforts. Most of the time, we start out responding to these defamations as non-confrontational efforts to clarify the doctrine that these Antis are distorting; whether accidental or intentional. However, the repeated attacks sometimes get the best of our pride and tempers and we snap. Having said that, this is always confined to the members of our church. The General Authorities and Ecclesiastical Leaders never make public comments about other faiths in anger or condescension. Over the years, I've learned not to get mad because this gigantic anti influence only proves our church right.... IMHO. If this church wasn't true, Satan would have no need to tear it down through these anti-mormons. Plus it raises questions that lead honest people to our faith. I trust you've heard the saying, "Keep hating me and talking trash about me. You're only making me more popular."
  8. Tarot Cards are always done by someone. So it would stand to reason that if you examine the person dealing those cards, your conclusions about them will be the same as the cards themselves. In examining such people, all you have to ask is, "Where do they get their authority?" If not from God, then why would it even matter what they have to say?
  9. I am feeling a lot better now. For some reason, posting this thread caused me to do a little research for once on separation anxiety. After studying it, I figured out exactly what I needed to do to overcome it. In fact, I realized so many things about it, that I look forward to my next visit from it. P.S. Yes, that is me in my Avatar.
  10. Dude, you're totally on the right track. Another way to look at this is your personal relationship with Heavenly Father. If you have a good, strong one, He will help guide you to do everything He would ask of you. If you don't, He will help guide you through all the necessary steps of repentance so that you can be forgiven. So when pondering what "after all we can do" means, maybe ask the Lord to help you know "all you can do." Let us know if you have any other questions. :D:D
  11. Your original understanding was, and still is correct. That sentence is implying that you will not be different after death. Which is the same as what you originally believed that we take our personality with us to the spirit world. Another fancy way of saying it is that the spirit which we take on in this life is the same spirit we'll take on in the next life. So that sentence is saying exactly what you originally understood.
  12. This is very insightful and made me think about it for myself. I am forced to recall upon the words of Paul to the Galatians in chapters 1-4 of his epistle to them. Paul basically reprimands them for believing that works (aka: obedience to Heavenly Father's commandments) alone could save them. He told them that their works only saved them if they were done with faith in Christ (He said the same thing to the Hebrews in Hebrews 11:6). I think that strikes the very same chord you're striking with this thread. So my answer to your question is exactly how I will finish off my explanation about Paul in his epistle to the Galatians. As we believe in Christ, we want to do as He asks of us ("If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14:15). The more we obey His commandments, the stronger our faith grows. It's cyclical. My testimony in Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the world, grows with my obedience to His commandments. That's my answer to your question. I totally agree with the first part of this quote. Couldn't have said it better myself. Well said, Traveler. As for the last paragraph, I don't agree or disagree. In fact, as much as I am intrigued by the notion you pose, I keep going back to the parable Christ taught about the 10 virgins and their oils lamps (Matthew 25:1-12). Essentially saying that there will not be enough oil in one lamp for two people. We must save our own oil. In other words, others' faith and works will not be enough to save another. We must have our own. So if we have our own, I would think that there would be need for us to stand before Heavenly Father and compare ourselves to others to set a standard. Truthfully, and this is just my opinion based on how I personally interpret this parable, I think those who try to point to others on the day of judgment will be reminded of this parable. I think Heavenly Father will ignore the standard and say, "You should have had your own oil, my child." Just as He said to the 5 foolish virgins, "I know thee not" (v.12). Those are my thoughts.
  13. Thanks!! No way!! This is much more prevalent than people realize. That is due to a lack of knowledge about it. I'm feeling a little better. I looked some things up in between my posts and that really helped! But hearing from people on here helps more than anything! :D:D
  14. Ughhh!! Does anybody else feel separation anxiety in their lives? I get it a lot. For those of you who do not know what it is, I guarantee you've experienced it. It's when you feel great anxiety over a loss, a change, a person, or for a specific time period; in which you'll feel completely separated from. Usually, you'll feel gaping pits in your chest that are physical manifestations of the separation you're experiencing. Well, right now I've been going through some changes in my life. Not the from-bad-to-good kind. Just the types of changes that everyone endure as a result of where they live, school, work, ect. So I have been feeling it really bad lately. However, I'm going to continue to try to control this. I think I'll go jogging and the usual things us Mormons do for comfort.
  15. Don't worry, Tom. I don't think he took offense. I know that you are an honest person and never mean to come across as rude, even when it does happen by mistake. I'm the same way.
  16. Pure Intentions?? What the crap is that?? hahahaha... j/k Welcome to the forums?
  17. Ummm.... John Taylor died in the late 1800's.
  18. Can you name a revelation that he received that is not approved? Only the ones people take out of context and misquote...
  19. Elpheba, if you're confident that you will accept the gospel in the spirit world, then I am so happy for you! Honestly, just have fun down here on earth, live the life you want, make the choices you want, be who you want, ignore what you want, do everything you want, and then take care of everything when you can see the truth with your own eyes on the other side. When faith is no longer needed. You are right 100% and I totally agree with all your logic. You've made your point, stuck with it, argued it, and you are right. Case closed for me. Later
  20. I am sorry you took so much offense to that. I wasn't trying to be rude, however, that's how you took it, and that is important. I tried to explain in the very next sentence (that you failed to quote) that I was chalking all my confusion up to being a forum newbie. Not that I was trying to "question your motives," as you actually ended up doing to me. That's ok, if you felt attacked, I can understand why. Regardless, it wasn't anything against you. I was merely demonstrating how confused I was. But I guess it's easy to take things out of context, isn't it?
  21. Thanks for lightening the mood there, buddy. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3,326 posts, a senior member, and you're on here begging the questions you are?? Well, regardless of my confusion, I sincerely trust that you have your reasons. :) I'm probably just too inexperienced on internet forums. No, that is not sarcasm. I really am still very new to this whole thing. Anyway, I never meant to be condescending, hurtful, and discouraging. Just straightforward. Many of you will learn that I am not a member of this church because my parents raised me in it, social status, or anything related to some inner desire to be "right." I am member of this church for two reasons: 1) the spirit beareth witness to me. 2) It holds the most accountability than any other Christian church. It makes sense, if this life is a "time to prepare to meet God," then of course we will be held accountable for how we used this time. If we screw up, then it will stand as a testimony against us. God wont even have to judge us. We'll judge ourselves. The same goes for me. If I screw this preparatory time up, I will pay the price. It will not be for me to say, "Oh I think God is not just if He holds me accountable for my actions." Essentially, that is general message behind all statements that start out, "I don't think God would be just/fair/kind/loving if...." Saying things like that will not relieve us of our responsibility. Not to mention the failure of logic being expressed. "I don't believe in God, but I don't think He is this way." If a person doesn't believe in God, how could they possibly know anything about Him? Personally, I fail to understand how so many churches can say, "Oh just believe and you're ok." I'm sure Heavenly Father is up there saying something like, "Why can't my children just do what I have asked them to do? Why do they always have to make excuses? Why do they always have to change their beliefs to justify their own actions? Why can't anyone just be responsible enough to be accountable for their actions? WHO IS GOING TO TAKE A STAND AND HELP BUILD MY KINGDOM?" Please don't think I am being contentious or condescending. I know it might sound that way, but that's because of how hurt I feel. What is being manifested in this post is coming ONLY from the heartache I feel. Nothing else. And that heartache is not directed at anyone in particular. I have felt this same heartache for years before I ever got on these forums.
  22. I'm getting a headache from this. Actually, as much as I hate to say it, but this guy who proposes the theory of the Nephites living between MI and LO thinks the narrow neck of land was the panhandle on the southeast corner of LO. How could that be if the Lamanites got everything south of the narrow neck of land in their treaty?? Everything south of that panhandle is the Golf of Mexico waters. Unless I misunderstood what that guy was saying about the narrow neck of land in his theory.
  23. Even if it didn't, Moroni was on the run for like 30 years from the Lamanites. It would make sense that he moved very far east, to upstate New York, to hide from them.
  24. This guy uses those mounds and other evidences to support his theory that the Nephites lived here in the U.S. He believes that the Land of Zarahemla was up around Michigan/Illinois/Ohio areas. The Great Lakes being "hte sea Northward, the sea Eastward, and the sea Westward. He thinks the land of Nephi was around the Louisiana because the very little panhandle on the southeast corner of the state is a very good candidate for the narrow neck of land. Interesting points! I like them!