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Everything posted by melissar

  1. I know that I had a real problem with feeling accepted when my husband and I first joined. Of course it does not help that I was painfully shy at the time. It is so much better now though. I had to make myself go up and introduce myself. It was worth it though because now I have close friends in the ward.
  2. I loved the books. I could not put them down. I am so wanting to see the movie when it comes out.
  3. Welcome to the site. Thank you for sharing your amazing conversion story.
  4. My husband was sick today so we were unable to go. However, last Sunday people graduating from seminary gave talks. One talked about how seminary really strengthened her during trials in her life. The youth in this Church amaze me by their strength and unselfishness. When I was in high school I could not imagine getting up early like they do.
  5. Welcome to the site Listener. I also would like to hear about your work when it is appropriate
  6. What a wonderful idea for a book. I will have to think of think of what to contribute
  7. I read the book in middle school, but do not remember very much. I will have to check it out of the library to refresh my memory.
  8. Also when my son Joshua was 3, my mother had come to visit. As she was preparing to leave, Joshua grabbed her hand, looked at me and said "Tell Daddy I'm going to 'Zona.
  9. My six year old asked me if all his bones were taken out, would he turn into a snake. I could not help but laugh.
  10. Hello and welcome to the site
  11. melissar


    Welcome to the site. There are awesome people here.
  12. The zero tolerance policy has gotten so out of control it is ridiculous. I am seriously considering home schooling because I don't feel my children are learning enough in school. My two oldest have learning delays and I worry that their teachers are just passing them off without them learning what they should.
  13. Welcome to the site. I think you are definitely in the right place.
  14. There is a temple in St. Louis MO
  15. Welcome to the site. The Book of Mormon is a wonderful book. I am reading it also now and just love it.
  16. I have seen it. It made me cry also. I thought it was pretty graphic and should of focused more on the resurrection
  17. Living gospel principles, reading and pondering the scriptures, and prayer even if it feels like you are just going through the motions will increase your faith. And eventually it will not be just going through the motions