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Everything posted by melissar

  1. Hi Welcome to the site. It is so awesome that you are preparing for a mission.
  2. Thank you for that perspective. I do not think I have looked at it that way before.
  3. Congratulations! Please do let us know how your first day goes.
  4. I am a woman of few words also. You should bear your testimony as the Spirit directs, not how anyone else says you should.
  5. Doctrine and Covenants 88:118-119
  6. I agree that listening to Book of Mormon is a good place to start. I am not very social either, but everyone here is wonderful about answering questions and everything. I hope you enjoy it here.
  7. I have read Tuesdays with Morrie, I would like to read the other two books by the author
  8. I actually liked the book. It was not quite as good as the others, but still good.
  9. I am currently rereading the books. I enjoy them.
  10. What an awesome video! I really admire her.
  11. I have read the first 2 Fablehaven books and liked them
  12. I know that I have discovered in my life that when I am faithful in daily scripture study, then our family life goes so much smoother. However, when I am lax in doing so, both personal and as a family, then things become more chaotic and The Spirit is not there.
  13. Welcome Stacey. I hope you can find the answers you seek here. We have alot of wonderful people here.
  14. I will keep you in my prayers. I do not have any advice really except to pray.