Questions from non LDS regarding food supply


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I am so happy to have found this site. I am a married woman, 3 children, non-LDS. it seems I have always known LDS's and always enjoyed the fellowship. We recently moved to a new state , GA and due to the obvious, I feel the teachings regarding food supply and emergency plans are something my family should take more seriously. The question, where to purchse, how to begin. I have read much, finding myself more confused. I am curious how I will be looked upon here on the board, being non-LDS. That being said, I have always stated and believed, The Church (LDS) really provides a wonderful enviroment for it's members, I regret at times that my beliefs don't line up, I would have enjoyed the fellowship and consistancy that I have only ever seen with LDS. As you know, we outside Christians tend to argue the darndest points! Often... Thank you all for you for consideration.

Oh, one more question, do many still keep daily journals, another habit I wish to instil with my children.

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Welcome to the site Maisy. Glad to have you. You will find some wonderful information regarding food storage under our Preparedness forum.

And yes we still believe in keeping a journal. A good habit to instill into your children.

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Happy Hello to you. I just returned from a trip to GA. Absolutely loved it!! Such beautiful trees. I am jealous. I live in a desert! :)

Food storage is something that can be daunting at first. We have been working on ours and are almost to our goal. We have stored water, 3 month supply of canned food and supplies that I need and use all the time and we rotate that. Then we are working toward a more basic food supply that we don't touch... wheat, rice, beans, etc.

I love the idea of journals too. My college roommate was the best journal writer I have ever seen! Hers were a lot like scrapbooks. They were filled with lots of visuals; ticket stubs, pics, etc. And they were halarious! She would read us excerpts and we would all be in stitches! My kids grandma buys my kids journals every year and we help them write. So fun to look back at their thoughts and feelings when they were younger.

Anyway.....welcome to the site. Hope to see you around.

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You can start small when you buy sugar buy two, anything that your family regularly uses applies . Start to acquire back -up of all the things you regularly use. As you get more into it increase your supplies and of course rotate use of food items... The church and internet has great preparedness sites as well as FEMA.

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Thank you for the welcome! I did find the Manual, duh, why could I not find it before??? Who knows... We will be working on it, first mt hubby and I will take an inventory and read it closely. It's funny, many of the basic LDS teachings about family and life I admire so. I have often said on various topics, honey we need to go Mormon and do this or that. Ideals like family life, being prepared, etc, I really believe you have it right. Face it, the better 'groups' of people who would fair the best are the LDS and...the Amish:)

I miss the friendships we had with those we knew, I really need to attempt to make more, which brings about the next question....What does the church teach regarding having relationships with those not of faith? umm I would rather say those with faith, just not LDS members? As I have come to another age in my life, 40's now, it has been my intention to re-examine, what I did not feel lined up with my beliefs, I doubt it will change regarding church membership, but still I would like to do so. Anyhow, again, I appreciate the information and welcome. Thanks again.

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Happy Hello to you. I just returned from a trip to GA. Absolutely loved it!! Such beautiful trees. I am jealous. I live in a desert! :)

Ga is beautiful...Savannah even more so. I am planning to take my children this summer on a road trip to see more of the US, the desert has it's own beauty, i have lived in WI, TX, OR, S.Cal, the visitors center in L.A. is beautiful, I have happy memories of many visits, i knew a LDS family in my late teens, I have lived near death valley. This is a beautiful country. I used to ask myself, why exactly did Jos. Smith choose Utah though???? (no offense intended to those who enjoy Utah)

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Relationships? Do you mean friendships? It's great to have friendships with people of other faiths and to find the things we have in common. If you mean boyfriend/girlfriend type thing then most LDS would look for that kind of realtionship within the LDS church due to our belief in the eternal nature of families and desire to be sealed in the temple marriage ceremony.

AS an LDS woman married to a non-LDS man I can also tell you that we miss out on a lot of things like priesthood blessings too.

I have a lot of non-LDS friends and some of them are non-Christian.

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There is a great place that I buy most of my emergency preparedness stuff from. Emergency Essentials - Be Prepared Emergency Preparedness Food Storage .

LDS have no limitation on who we make friends with. If you have children, depending on ages, I would suggest Boy Scouts for the boys and Primary for the little ones. Don't have to be LDS to enjoy them, it helps, but don't have to be.

Another site that is an LDS site is Provident Living Home that can help you determine needs for storage and prepardness.

Ben Raines

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Ga is beautiful...Savannah even more so. I am planning to take my children this summer on a road trip to see more of the US, the desert has it's own beauty, i have lived in WI, TX, OR, S.Cal, the visitors center in L.A. is beautiful, I have happy memories of many visits, i knew a LDS family in my late teens, I have lived near death valley. This is a beautiful country. I used to ask myself, why exactly did Jos. Smith choose Utah though???? (no offense intended to those who enjoy Utah)

I went to Atlanta. That airport is something else! Huge! I got the chance to go to a Civil war battlefield. I love history and loved the experience. They turned it into a park. It was strange to see joggers and dog walking over a place that once cost so many lives. I think I love the idea of making such a place into a place more uplifting and useful.

Yeah, why did the Mormons come to Utah of all places? It probably seemed a little strange to some of the pioneers, but then again, maybe they were just happy to find a home considering all the persecution they had endured within the US. They were probably feeling a sense of safety being in a secluded place where they could worship in peace. But, they did amazing things to the valley! Brigham Young said it would flower like a rose. And it certainly has done that. I mean having the Olympics in Salt Lake was an amazing thing considering the young history of the region. And I love the foresight of those early leaders with how they laid out the city streets; so wide and organized. Prolly boring to you......sorry. I guess I am a little fascinated by certain aspects.

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There's lots of information out there. Feel free to search for PROVIDENT LIVING. I have a website I put together for members of my branch that you are welcome to go to ... - Main Page - LDS Provident Living

There is tons of info and links to lots of sites all around the country. Plus also some great links to the church website as well as doctrine regarding emergency preparedness.

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Hmmm the streets sound interesting. One of the sights we plan to see on our road trip is Salt Lake, for what else, the temple. I enjoy history as do two of my children, and even taking all religious thinking away, there was a great deal of history made with the early church settlers, I believe Salt Lake will be interesting, and who knows I may be surprised by my preconcieved notions. I have worked very hard with my family to see they do not judge people, my husband was raised closed Lutheran, and in the eyes of my in-laws all others, well just are worth being around, so whay would they, that kind of thinking is something I am against and do not permit in my home, I am blessed my husband has been freed so to speak from that kind of thinking as well. Meanwhile I am looking into other sites, Again thank you all for you welcome.

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  • 1 year later...

I recently attended a major International Convention in Salt Lake and being a student of history was fascinated by everything I learned. One of the interesting facts was that the streets were made the width they were was so that a wagon and team of horses could turn around on the street.

Edited by California_Dreaming
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