Being Honest in Your Dealings


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When I was little, a gumball machine once gave me 4 gumballs instead of one. I was very concerned and told my mom I wanted to give them back, but she was in a hurry and said it didn't matter. I'm sure the manager would've told me to keep them, but it bothered me that I got more than I paid for.

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I am assuming that the subject of "Being honest in you dealings" also includes Student cheating in High School and College, which seems to be at epidemic proportions.

Makes me wonder in the future, if the neuro or heart surgeon, finanicial advisor or banker, or other professional I or my loved ones might require during our lives, will have achieved their knowledge honestly or by cheating. Also, if they cheat their way thru Acadamia, will they also cheat when being interviewed for a future temple recommend?

One last thought, I sure don't get any warm fuzzy feeling about honesty being alive and well, when I take a hard look at our Congress, Washington D.C. and many of our local government leaders track records.

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A number of years ago, I was manager of a convenience store. the company I worked for was opening their new flagship store in the Desert east of Palm Springs, of which I was selected to be the manager. To establish the starting cash operating fund, money was to come from another store as a paid-out. The manager of that store took it to the bank to buy my change fund. He then brought it to my store. As I was putting it in the safe, i was counting it. There was about 500.00 too much. I asked him, he confirmed how much it was supposed to be. Boy, was the bank teller happy I called, they were trying to balance the drawer. She probably would have lost her job.

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As a manager of a convenience's amazing how many "honesty" tips I get. Meaning..when I realize that a customer gave me too much money and it would have been so easy to conceal it..I inform them..I've had many tell me to keep the money just for being so honest.

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I am pretty dense so I have to learn to do good by first doing bad...and pay the consequences.

So this is how I learned about honesty...

When I was in 6th grade we were going to have this really hard surprise test on grammar. (if you haven't noticed, that's not my best subject).

A couple of us noticed the test answers just laying there in the open on the teacher's desk. My friend walked away, but I quickly got a pen and wrote all 50 (yes FIFTY) answers on my tiny hand.

So as the test is going I'm trying to not make it obvious that I have the entire key to the test on my hand, but the test was so long and I got lazy and figured "eh, whatever" and just put my hand where I could see it on top of my desk and started jotting down the answers.

Next thing I know, the teacher says "let me see your hand" I showed her the other hand... she says "let me see your other hand." Then she pryed open my hand to reveal all the answers just crammed on there...***BUSTED*** I just winced in embarrassment.

The test was so hard everyone that else in the class got Cs and Ds but because I tried to cheat... She gave them all A's...I of course got a big fat zero.

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