Praise to the Man...Joseph Smith


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I wonder how many criticisms and insults and salacious stories were written about other prophets like Moses or Abraham. How many different versions of seeing the burning bush did Moses tell or how different were each of his accounts of receiving the Ten Commandments or parting the Red Sea. How did people really feel about Abraham having a child with Hagar...he was after all married to Sariah. Do you think books were published about how Abraham was just a dirty old man and Sariah never knew or that he couldn't be a Prophet after the way he lied to that man in Egypt about his wife being his sister.

So many of the stories posted on this site and the net in general are about controversial issues, I thought it would be nice to add some of the wonderful stories and accounts of the man who was called to usher in the last great dispensation of the gospel.

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You just hijacked my idea!!!! :eek:

I just had to tell you that you literally "read" my mind!!! Even the title of the thread... I was just humming this hymn thinking about the same, exactly thoughts you had and posted!!!! :eek:

That's truly amazing!!! You beat me to it!!! :P

Yes... Praise to the man!

I just have to say that when I read his stories, I'm taken back by his courage, boldness, perseverance, and humbleness!

I KNOW he was/is a prophet of Heavenly Father, and was called to restore His Church in this last dispensation! No, I don't know all things about him, but what I DO KNOW sufficeth me! I may not understand all things the way he did, like Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, David, Solomon.... nevertheless, I KNOW they were men called to be prophets, and the crucial message lives on regardless of several things: Heavenly Father lives! Jesus Christ lives, was, and is the only Begotten of Heavenly Father, our Savior and Redeemer!!! Heavenly Father still reveals His will to us through prophets as He did before! And I KNOW of these things because the Holy Ghost does testify of them.

Take care!!!

Edited by PapilioMemnon
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I add my two cents to this even though it is not worth two cents to anyone but me and my family. Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God! I find it cool that W.W. Phelps wrote in his Praise to the Man, "millions shall know Brother Joseph again" Can you imagine what a bold statement this about someone who restored a church starting with six members. Bold yet very true.

I don't let what people say about Joseph Smith bother me. He is in a long line of men of God who have been persecuted and continue to be persecuted. I know what I know and although I work hard to continue to expand my knowledge I don't let what anyone say affect my testimony of this work

I don't have any good stories at this time as I am in the office and don't have any good stories to share. However I feel this is a great topic hopefully there will be more addition to these posts.

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I admit that my testimony of Brother Joseph is weak -- but I know the comfort that reading the Book of Mormon brings to me is because of his faith that brought it forward. The Book of Mormon has helped me understand the Bible and who Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer is. I know by the power of the Holy Spirit that we are led by a Prophet of God today. I have been blessed many times by the power of the restored Priesthood -- the power of God. I have my own sacred experience/witness that tells me this is the church with the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

Yes, PRAISE TO THE MAN -- Joseph Smith!

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Thank you Bytor and Pap!!!!! for sharing a little badly needed perspective.

I love the Truman G Madsen cd's about the life of the prophet from his 8 different perspectives. I still think my all time favorite story is when he was headed to Carthage and he knew he wasn't coming home and he turned his horse around three times to say goodbye to Emma..... just one more time! I am teary even thinking about it.

My next favorite is the accounts of how Joseph and Sydney returned from their days in Liberty jail and how Joseph seemed to be more refined by the trial while Sydney was somewhat bitter.

Gosh....I need a refresh. I think I will listen to those cd's again. Thanks again you two!!!

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The newest church-sponsored movie out is "Joseph Smith--Prophet of the Restoration".

We have watched it three times, and I cried myself silly each time.

There is a scene where Joseph is beating a rug in the yard, and an English convert chastises him for demeaning his role of prophet. Joseph's reply is one which should make every woman smile.

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candyprpl-Keep doing what you are doing. It will come as long as you stay the course, read much, study more, pray the most.

Unrelated but have you read Christ and the New Covenant? I dont know why I ask but I think you should read it.

No, I haven't -- where can I find it.

Last year I went to Women's Conference with my sisters and we went to Temple Square and saw the JS movie. We all cried. And I did get a stronger testimony of JS then. I've read Lucy Mack Smith's book -- loved it! And I've ordered Rough Stone Rolling and Emma Smith.

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One story that comes to mind is the way he handled when people, mob, took him to the street, and put tar and feathers on him.... .... .... and how the next day, this man went to church, didn't address it, and just went on about Heavenly Father's business.

What he didn't say speaks volumes though...

(And I sometimes miss Church because of a bad night of sleep or headache... I have yet to grow so much.... )

While suffering in jail with others, his thoughts were turned to the suffering of the saints that were being persecuted...

I absolutely find it fascinating, touching, beyond words... the revelation he received while in Liberty jail, when He was reflecting upon the harships & sorrows he and all others were going through, and the Lord gave him section 122... (This section helps me so much...)

Another is regarding his endurance, faith, and long-suffering each time his children died... and Emma's attitude as well... They were both so great! The faith to endure these things... ... and go on...

Yes Misshalfway... I too feel the same way about the part when he's going there, and he tells her he's not coming back this time... :(

The silent speech is much louder

Candyprpl... I too, at one point, didn't have the strong testimony and knowledge I have now of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I sincerely know I didn't gain it sooner because I really didn't try and work on it; I KNEW the Church was true, and that the BOM also was, so I just really didn't seek a testimony of the prophet. I realized somethign was amiss when I couldn't say that I KNEW he was a prophet and had been called to restore the Church and would never testify of him particularly, I just accepted him because of the testimony of the other things.

When I decided to actually ask Heavenly Father about Him particurlarly, and began to study and ponder his life... some weeks later.... WOW... I received much more that I had expected and/or anticipated.... Heavenly Father does answer... and the Holy Ghost does testifies... and the testimony of the Holy Ghost is extremely powerful and unforgettable!!!

Now, there's nothing or no one that can take from me this knowledge... because it didn't come from men, but from On High....

I suggest you seek one, that you call upon Heavenly Father and ask Him to reveal it to you, and go do your part, study and ponder his life... watch movies about His life, ponder what he did in the grove, his prayer, his words, etc... I am sure you will get one according to your faith and Heavenly Father's will and timing. Just keep the faith, be "firm and undaunted." ;)

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I love the Truman G Madsen cd's about the life of the prophet from his 8 different perspectives.

Anyone who wants to gain a testimony of the Prophet should listen to these. Truman Madsen is a brilliant scholar and you can see his passion and his love for the prophet as he recites these stories. When asked once why he studies the life of Joseph so much he said it's because it draws him closer to the Savior because Joseph seemed to know him so well.
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I add my two cents to this even though it is not worth two cents to anyone but me and my family. Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God! I find it cool that W.W. Phelps wrote in his Praise to the Man, "millions shall know Brother Joseph again" Can you imagine what a bold statement this about someone who restored a church starting with six members. Bold yet very true.

I don't let what people say about Joseph Smith bother me. He is in a long line of men of God who have been persecuted and continue to be persecuted. I know what I know and although I work hard to continue to expand my knowledge I don't let what anyone say affect my testimony of this work


Yes... you reminded me of Phelps, and yes, what his actions caused... but what I love to see all the time is when he repents and gathers the courage to ask for forgiveness... It's profound...

and... when the Joseph Smith replies... and reaches out for him... and how he receives him back... It's one of the most amazing moments I had while pondering this experience he had.

Now... my heart is full.... Amazing...

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Sometimes I read all of the Anti theories about Joseph and I always think,.... what was his motivation? He never had any type of temporal security for himself or his family, he was visciously assualted repeatedly, his name was always being dragged through the mud and periodically even members were not always welcoming of him.

At some point I think even the most narcissistic person would pack it in and move on to safer and more profitable and hospitable surroundings. The reason should be obvious to any one... he endured all that he did, because all that he claimed is true. The church is such a force for good and a beacon of truth and light. No way it would have flourished and grown the way it has if Joseph was a fraud.

Off subject......have you seen the Growth of Stakes video? I posted it with the other videos...really awesome.

Edited by bytor2112
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Sometimes I read all of the Anti theories about Joseph and I always think,.... what was his motivation? He never had any type of temporal security for himself or his family, he was visciously assualted repeatedly, his name was always being dragged through the mud and periodically even members were not always welcoming of him.

At some point I think even the most narcissistic person would pack it in and move on to safer and more profitable and hospitable surroundings. The reason should be obvious to any one... he endured all that he did, because all that he claimed is true. The church is such a force for good and a beacon of truth and light. No way it would have flourished and grown the way it has if Joseph was a fraud.

I agree with you on the above statement. I would have fought back, gone ballistic or given up if I had to endure what the Prophet did. Which is why I am so grateful he held strong.

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Sometimes I read all of the Anti theories about Joseph and I always think,.... what was his motivation? He never had any type of temporal security for himself or his family, he was visciously assualted repeatedly, his name was always being dragged through the mud and periodically even members were not always welcoming of him.

At some point I think even the most narcissistic person would pack it in and move on to safer and more profitable and hospitable surroundings. The reason should be obvious to any one... he endured all that he did, because all that he claimed is true. The church is such a force for good and a beacon of truth and light. No way it would have flourished and grown the way it has if Joseph was a fraud.

Off subject......have you seen the Growth of Stakes video? I posted it with the other videos...really awesome.

I KNOW!!!! My feelings exactly. Some of the threads discussing these things got me so upset! I took a break from reading them. I've read enough about JS to know that he was just a 'normal' person. I don't expect that he was perfect. Some seem to think that because he wasn't perfect, therefore, he couldn't have been a Prophet. Absurb!! Some of his life is kind of disturbing. But it's disturbing because of my feelings about things, not because he was a bad person, or immoral, or whatever. I don't understand why people can't understand -- 'until you've walked in their shoes,' judge not. My parents taught me that very early on in life.

Thanks PapilioMemnon -- I'm in the process of learning more. I really have no doubt in my heart about JS -- just need to get my mind and heart on the same page. And I have no doubt that Heavenly Father will give me answers!:)

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