Just ended therapy


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My bishop and tharapist decided that I no lnonger need therapy. I havent cut in 2 or 3 months and they said that I'm doing really well. But I just don't feel like I'm ready to be done. I can't really explain how I feel right now but I don't know what to do. I just need some advice right now. I don't know what to do. Should I give it a try and not go back or should I call him and say I need to continue. Plz some one just talk to me and help me out with this.

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You need to be part of that decision. It sounds like you've not cut in a while-which is great but what about follow up care? Instead of just stopping, what about coming back in 2 to 3 weeks then 1 month to see how it's going and identifying any new triggers that come up for you. Give him a call and put in your voice. Is it that he fears u are becoming too dependent?

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There is a group on the site for people who cut. I recomend you check it out.To stop cutting is like giving up alcohol; the tempation will linger long after you stop. But you don't need to suffer alone. I am more than willing to help. If you ever need to talk to someone, e-mail me. I am sending you my e-mail address in a PM.Good luck.Gretchen

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My bishop and tharapist decided that I no lnonger need therapy.

Have you told them what you've told us? Seems like sort of a waste of time, accepting someones offer you therapy and aid, and then not being completely open with them...

Because you know, the therapist's decisions are mainly based on what you're telling them, not just what behavior they can see...


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Mormon Cutter:

Hi. We talked about this a little bit already.

Whether you need therapy or not, or need to talk about something, is up to you, not up to other people.

It sounds like your therapist genuinely believes that you are on the right road. If you don't agree, then perhaps you can find another therapist.

Getting well, and healing, ultimately, is something that God does for you as you come to Him and submit to His loving care.

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Listen to their advice. It will be scary at first. We never quite feel ready for the big test, but eventually we all have to take it to advance.

Just set up some trusted friends who can give you support and advice as you continue on. This addiction is like any other. You are not cured. You do have it controlled. Alcoholics must face their addiction every day. So do you. But with each passing day, you should congratulate yourself and tell yourself that you've succeeded another day, and have become a little stronger because of it.

Give yourself a chance to succeed. Spend time rejoicing over beautiful things in life. For me, there is nothing as cool as watching a bird sing, or a butterfly bounce its way from flower to flower. I find treasured moments daily in little things, and it brings me peace.

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You also have friends here, who are praying for you. Don't forget to focus on your gifts, your inner beauty. I suggest you trying what is called "hope therapy." Set some good goals in your life in developing some fun and interesting talents. Second, start a thanksgiving journal. Each day, write down at least 5 things that made you grateful that day, and why. Little by little, you will actually rewire your brain to think happy thoughts and have a positive outlook in life. You will have hope, rather than the frustration and depression that you now struggle with.

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