Cryptozoology/Urban legends


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Which ones do you think are good to go? And which ones do you think are bunk?

I used to believe in Bigfoot, but not so much anymore.

UFO's, I can't get on that wagon.

Monsterquest has week after week of shows that "research" "paranormal" phenomena, etc. The one taht disturbed me the most was the sudden increase in anaconda and pythons in Florida. I can't vacation their now. :o


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Guest GhostRider

well...there are a lot of unexplained things out there. ppl thought that the celocanth was extinct till someone caught one in the 50's or 60' about a duh moment. I'm kinda a proof guy on things. or I wait till i experience it.

There was a show i saw not long ago about cyptozoology that had me intrigued. Dealing with native american legends. Mostly with Thunderbird and bigfoot legends. it was really interesting how they tied the thunderbird myth with the things like condors and such. was very interesting.

And thanksfor the tip Jon!!! I cant stand snakes!!!! lol

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The one that described me the most was the sudden increase in anaconda and pythons in Florida. I can't vacation their now. :o

Ghost Rider~

And thanks for the tip Jon!!! I cant stand snakes!!!! lol

:lol::lol:We lived almost in the Florida Everglades, and during the rainy months, it was a common occurrence for me to open a bottom bathroom cabinet and find a snake (or two) resting comfortably. Mostly rat and grass snakes. Snakes do not bother me. I learned to swim and ski in a lake that was populated with Cat Fish and home to many Water Moccasins; none of us were ever bitten. We were more threatening to them, than they were to us...;)

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Isn't it Burmese pythons that are causing problems in the Everglades? Idiot pet owners buy the things and then when they get too big they let them go. Do that in Minnesota and the winter will kill them but in Florida they thrive.

For the life if me I don't understand why you can buy these things in pet stores. Cats are harmful enough to the environment without introducing yet another non-native predator into the mix. There should at least be a law that no creatures like this should be imported without being sterilized.

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Most of the exotics are not sold in the pet stores; they are "black market" and it is a big problem. When the animals get large and unmanageable, they are often just let go. Some do get homes in zoos, but since they were purchased illegally, the owners do not want to get in trouble, therefore they irresponsibly just let them loose.

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For entertainment purposes they're all good to go : ) It's essentially harmless whether people believe in these things or not, and they are welcome, *I'm not going to give them a hard time over it*. I'm open to scientific's to all the things we don't know for certainty...but I don't subscribe to any of them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been intrigued by this since i was a kid. I believe there are many things on the earth that are still undiscovered. Id really like to believe that things such as bigfoot and the loch ness monster exist but i have yet to see any real proof. anyone listen to coast to coast? they have had cryptozoologists on quite a few times and its always entertaining.

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