Only A joke..Things every woman should know

Guest GhostRider

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Guest GhostRider

please feel free to add your own!!

1-cook Biscuits and gravy

2-Fix things without duct tape

3-change a tire

4-um...Cook----lots of em dont....

5 drive a stick shift automobile

6 Kill A Bug

7 Run a Trollin Motor

8 Saddle a horse

9 Properly store food

10 Light a fire

11 cook on a fire

12 Make a bed

13 Make home made bread

14 Milk a cow

14 gather eggs

15 Find edible plants

16 Keep men in line

17 understand when men say we will be right back it means Off to fish with the guys. see you in a few

18 Understand the hidden MAN language

19 y'alls turn

ok...brain ideas y'all?

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Some of these are tongue-in-cheek, and others are real

Sew on a button

Hem pants

Spot-clean laundry

Change the oil in the car

Check fluids (and the air filter) in the car


Take self-portraits without focusing on the inside of her arm

Put a baby to sleep

Lead music

Correctly measure herself for a bra

Know how to buy men's clothing (sizing, etc.)

The rules of the game: soccer, football, basketball, baseball, volleyball, etc.

Change a fuse in the car

Correct a "blown" circuit in the house

Hook up all the components of a desktop computer

I think that's all I can come up with at the moment.

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Hello ghost,

Very interesting,

It makes me wonder if I should have been a woman, I can do all of those and yet could only do one on the Man list.:)

hahahahahahahahahahahaha I about fell off my chair.

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Interesting that the list for men came from Popular Mechanix and was probably written by men and the lists for women here are written by men. I wonder how both lists would look if they were written by women.

n. Know the way or know how to ask for directions: don't drive around clueless.

n. Know how to operate a toilet seat.

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I used to just buck against the whole June Cleaver thing. I so wanted to be a boy. And was so annoyed when everyone kept telling me to keep my shirt on!

But then I got married and then the kids came along.....and you know.....I actually can do so many things now and am glad for it! My father taught me so many much as my mother did. I can sew the best halloween costumes and bake a mean loaf of bread and so far haven't killed anyone with my cooking. So....on the balance I think June would be proud.

I guess I have decided that being a girl isn't half bad. :)

Edited by Misshalfway
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