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I have committed certain sins and what to know what I will have to do if I confess them to my Bishop? :( I have paid a girl for sex and have had premarital sex. I have been endowed and committed these sins afterwards. What will happen to me?

I am pretty sure they draw and quarter you if you do these after you are endowed. As to your first question, really only the Bishop can tell you what you will have to do. But don't waste any time get in there and tell him so we can get the horses ready for the next person.

By the way, most of that was a joke. Your Bishop will handle your discipline and every Bishop does things differently.

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I have committed certain sins and what to know what I will have to do if I confess them to my Bishop? :( I have paid a girl for sex and have had premarital sex. I have been endowed and committed these sins afterwards. What will happen to me?

I don't think anyone here can tell you whats going to happen to need to see your Bishop and speak with him about it and let him decide whats going to happen....good luck to you and go see him....:)
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I have committed certain sins and what to know what I will have to do if I confess them to my Bishop? :( I have paid a girl for sex and have had premarital sex. I have been endowed and committed these sins afterwards. What will happen to me?

I do see already most had answered this thread by seeing the Bishop. My first question to you, does your beloved companion know what transpired? Being endowed, she may have already received that Spirit of something is not right.

When you finally make an appointment with your Bishop and soon-to-be Stake President appointment, I would ask you in all seriously, pray and fast, with the intent in asking for the Spirit of the Godhead would be manifested in those meetings. Your pray should equal that of King David of old. He wept with much tears and humbled himself before his GOD in asking repentance for the grievous sin he committed. Though, it never stopped, even to his last breath, he always sought for that forgiveness.

Is there forgiveness of such grievous sin? Yes! You will be surprise how the Lord works and length and width of His love for His brethren. But, I would caution you, it starts with your own heart of repentance. The Lord’s know we do make mistakes and at times, fall off that path to the Tree of Life as described by Lehi. It comes back to how we make amends with that sin that will help to receive that ultimate repentance from the Savior and the FATHER.

This is a ‘Court of Love’ and not of casting stones. Submit yourself to the FATHER’s will and any punishment he may see fit to impose. In the end, HE will remove that sin and help you to heal, along with your beloved partner. God bless in taking the imitative in doing the right my brother.

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I have committed certain sins and what to know what I will have to do if I confess them to my Bishop? :( I have paid a girl for sex and have had premarital sex. I have been endowed and committed these sins afterwards. What will happen to me?

Hi athome,

Although I may have not committed the same sins as you, rest assure that I have indeed committed sins ( we ALL have my brother ):) THANK GOD we have a loving, kind and forgiving Father who only requests that when we do fall, we simply try our best to return to his " laws " and fight against all the evils of this broken world.:)

I am not LDS but would certainly suggest ( like others ) to go to your Church leaders, that is what they are there for ( to help us to get " straight " again after we have leaned to one side).

God bless,


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hi athome

I know your wanting to know what will happen when you talk to the bishop and this probably isn't exactly what you meant (however)

You will be on the path to repentance and making yourself stronger. You will begin to have someone help you figure out why this happened in the first place. You will be growing. (not my favorite but one I do often) Whatever dicipline comes will be what it is, trust me we are all in the bishops chair eventually if not today then tomorrow. That is part of our learning. We learn from all of our experiences even the difficult ones. Take care and be brave and know we have all been there (thank heaven literally for repentance).

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