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Hey everyone!

I just switched from a handwritten journal to a "digital journal". I have noticed it's a lot easier for me to get all my ideas out and I write a lot more when I type it out (my handwriting isn't nearly as fast as my typing).

So I was just curious if there were any of you keeping a journal on your computer vs hand written and how it has worked out for you??

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I am much better at writing/keeping a journal via computer. It just seems to flow more effortlessly, for me. I have started several paper journals, and after fairly consistent entries for a few weeks....I quit. With the computer it is easier to read it back, and if you want/need to change something, it is sooo easy to delete. ;)

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I was using this program called Advance Diary (version 1.3) this was a free version, the newer versions you have to pay for. It organized things by date maybe a little better then Word. (but not by much).

The main thing I always worry about a Digital Journal is making sure you back it up!!!! (on a Disk or CD or something)

Its have a far more chance of your computer crashing then you do of loosing a real journal.

I do like the computer journal more, but I still don't write in it enough (i was shooting for once a week) maybe today should be the day.

A+ Freeware - Advanced Diary 1.3

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I began keeping my journal online. I keep it in a blog that I do not tell people about.

I like it because I work on a computer all day at work. During breaks I can go and update my journal. Then I can also do the same at home...or any other place where I have internet access. With a written journal that is hard to do.

I prefer the electronic format for sure.

I have 2 or 3 blogs I am keeping right now (see my signature).

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Hey everyone!

I just switched from a handwritten journal to a "digital journal". I have noticed it's a lot easier for me to get all my ideas out and I write a lot more when I type it out (my handwriting isn't nearly as fast as my typing).

So I was just curious if there were any of you keeping a journal on your computer vs hand written and how it has worked out for you??

It has for me since I have kept a journal since 1970s. The last few years I have switched to electronic and found it allot easier to keep it open at work and home to add those thoughts, visions, dreams, or other such, for our posterity.

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I just write in a Word document, nothing fancy. However, since I am a Mormon Mom, I know that the 11th commandment is "Thou shalt blog" so I have left off journaling somewhat since I started blogging. It's still a personal history, just not as deep.

Hahaha! Thou shalt blog?? Then I am a blog apostate!

I started one blog....but I haven't really caught on to the whole blogging thing. If I wrote a blog who on earth would read it? I have always been slow to jump on the train of the latest fashion. I thought I would never be an online chatter.....well, LOLOL, now I am attending chat addiction recovery meetings. :lol::lol::lol: Never say never I guess.

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Hey everyone!

I just switched from a handwritten journal to a "digital journal". I have noticed it's a lot easier for me to get all my ideas out and I write a lot more when I type it out (my handwriting isn't nearly as fast as my typing).

So I was just curious if there were any of you keeping a journal on your computer vs hand written and how it has worked out for you??

It has for me since I have kept a journal since 1970s. The last few years I have switched to electronic and found it allot easier to keep it open at work and home to add those thoughts, visions, dreams, or other such, for our posterity.

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Hahaha! Thou shalt blog?? Then I am a blog apostate!

I started one blog....but I haven't really caught on to the whole blogging thing. If I wrote a blog who on earth would read it? I have always been slow to jump on the train of the latest fashion. I thought I would never be an online chatter.....well, LOLOL, now I am attending chat addiction recovery meetings. :lol::lol::lol: Never say never I guess.

REPENT, for the end is coming! :)

Actually, I started a blog a little over a year ago, because I enjoy writing and I have family spread out all over the place, and thought it would be a good medium for keeping in touch, since I was newly pregnant. Turns out a bunch of women in my ward all started blogs within about a month. So I jumped on a bandwagon without realizing it. That bugs me a little, because I don't like being a bandwagoner, but I really love blogging.

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Hahaha! Thou shalt blog?? Then I am a blog apostate!

Haha! Me too.

I thought I would never be an online chatter.....well, LOLOL, now I am attending chat addiction recovery meetings. :lol::lol::lol: Never say never I guess.

Funny you bring this up because I had this wierd dream that a bunch of people from this forum showed up at my house to play haloween games. You all looked like your avatars, so some of you were cartoons and some of you were actual people. Really odd.

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