Shocked and Appalled Over Ward Reverence By Kathryn H. Kidd


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Guest DeborahC

Well, I think it is totally appropriate to ask people not to chat in chapel or outside the chapel door. It can be very distracting to people who are trying to pray or get in a sacred mood for the meeting.

They can visit AFTERWARDS ... I think it's a good rule.

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That was the subject of our lessons in third hour this last Sunday. Elder Oaks talk. My wife taught it in RS and the guy who got up in HP to teach could only go on about how he was offended when someone told him to shave his beard and why he couldn't wear a different shirt than a white one. I told them that they missed the whole emphasis of the talk, how to prepare to be spiritually fed in Sacrament meeting. I left a little disgusted.

Ben Raines

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Ben, I would ask that same gentlemen, if it is ok tell the Godhead to shave their bears. :lol:

Hey Hemi,

What exactly is a bear on the Godhead?? Are you implying that the Godhead drinks alcohol:eek::eek::eek:



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Point being is the brother that taught the class yesterday was more against the article than picking up on the sweet message that we should go to Sacrament meeting, the most sacred meeting in the church, as stated by Elder Oakes and as I believe, to prepare to partake of the Lord's supper and be forgiven of our sins and instead ranted on about someone suggesting to him that he should shave and wear a white shirt.

Ben Raines

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Point being is the brother that taught the class yesterday was more against the article than picking up on the sweet message that we should go to Sacrament meeting, the most sacred meeting in the church, as stated by Elder Oakes and as I believe, to prepare to partake of the Lord's supper and be forgiven of our sins and instead ranted on about someone suggesting to him that he should shave and wear a white shirt.

Ben Raines

I was in attendance and presiding over a meeting yesterday with the Marines, spoke on the same topic that Elder Oak spoke at conference, of why such importunacy is place on the sacrament and reverences we should give. I added, “…should be a time of reflection of our Savior and preview our past week’s failures vice writing or signing a log.” Marines would bring writing letters home or signing the log that is passed around the room during the partaking the Sacrament.

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I like to get there early so I can sit quietly and prepare myself -- if I do need to take care of some church business, I get there extra early and try and do it quickly and quietly. The prelude music helps in our ward. I know some of our lessons in primary have been to teach the children the importance of the Sacrament meeting and how to prepare themselves.

I can think of one time the Bishop going up to the microphone to quiet people. Most of the time people are fairly reverent. The kids don't start acting up unil they get to Primary, LOL!

For me personally, I don't want to sit and visit in the chapel (it's okay if it's something real quick about church business) because I want the time to sit and prepare myself. I've noticed that if I sit down and open my scriptures that helps.

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Reverence is so very important. It is something my ward could definitely improve upon. At the end of the meeting, after the prayer the Bishopric asks everyone to move out to the foyer and chat outside to keep the sacred atmosphere of the Chapel. I'd say maybe 10% hearken. The Chapel shouldn't sound like a ward basketball game in the Gym. lol I really love my ward family, so I don't like to see them forfeit blessings by being disobedient to something so simple. I feel so sad because the Spirit seems to make a mad dash for the window as soon as the meeting ends.

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