Palin at the Turkey Farm


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This is beyond bizarre.

YouTube - The Sarah Palin Turkey Massacre

Sarah Palin was at a turkey farm to grant one of them a pardon (or whatever they call it).

Afterwards, she was being interviewed by a reporter, and all the while in the background one of the farm's employees is doing something to the turkeys that is unpleasnt.

The network covered the worst images, so it's not that graphic. You can just tell something strange is going on.

It is actually funny to watch, unless you get squeamish.


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How in the world is this attacking her?? I would be shocked if this didn't make the news if it happened after Obama, or Schwartzeneger or anyone else pardoned a turkey and then gave an interview with turkeys being butchered in the background. It's irony at it's finest!

I think it's the camera people and the butcher guy are the ones that come out looking like dolts in all this, ESPECIALLY the butcher guy, because he was looking at the camera the whole time! (it could be that the camera man was too focused on Palin to notice the background action) He had to know that what he was doing wasn't fit for the news!

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It's NOT news! Turkeys die, I eat them. What's the big deal? Okay, so they bleed when they lose their heads. So does every other animal I eat. Get over it already. Like I said before, do these people not know where dinner comes from? I grew up with turkeys on a farm, but not on a turkey farm. If that's how the pros slaughter them before making them into Thanksgiving dinner, then it seems pretty humane to me. It's not like they wait for these turkeys to die in their sleep.

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It's NOT news! Turkeys die, I eat them. What's the big deal? Okay, so they bleed when they lose their heads. So does every other animal I eat. Get over it already. Like I said before, do these people not know where dinner comes from? I grew up with turkeys on a farm, but not on a turkey farm. If that's how the pros slaughter them before making them into Thanksgiving dinner, then it seems pretty humane to me. It's not like they wait for these turkeys to die in their sleep.

I do not know exactly who you're talking to, but I think it's me.

When I told you where the blood was it was only because you had missed it, not because it was upsetting.

Also, I didn't know what he was doing, and that's why I asked.

I don't think anyone is saying no one should do this to the turkeys. (I can't believe I even wrote that sentence. :animatedlol: )

If, indeed, you're talking to me, I am not upset with what I saw.

If you're not, then chalk one up to my paranoia.


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Obviously someone is afraid of something. Continuing to attack the former VP candidate of the LOSING ticket 2 1/2 weeks AFTER the election? It's like the media is angry at her for some reason.

You need to get a sense of humor mate.

The media is not attacking her; it's reporting the news, and she is still news.

The media did not force her to put herself in the spotlight by joining the McCain campaign. She chose to do that, and the minute she got up on the stage at the RNC, and gave that kicking speech, which is going to go into the history books, it was her responsibility to make sure she could handle the media, not the other way around.

And if she was ignorant of this, then she was not qualified to be the president.

In fact, the media were incredibly light on her, given she refused to give even one press conference.

If anyone is attacking her it's the people who worked with her on the McCain campaign. By the end they hated her, but couldn't say anything until the campaign was over. And once it was, they spilled it. That is not the media's fault.

If people are attacking her, she’s a tough cookie, and she’ll live. If not, she never should have run for vice president in the first place.


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It is funny, especially to this American living in Britan. Our news reporting is different,we can see the media bias that calls itself "Fox news". It's good to see that if she runs in 2012, she will be doing so as governor of Alaska,and not the better position of Senator.

I've heard governors have a better chance of winning an election than do senators. The following are the twenty governors who have been presidents.

Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, 1779-81

James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, 1799-1802

Andrew Jackson, Governor of the Florida Territory, 1821

Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York, 1829

William Henry Harrison, Territorial Governor of Indiana, 1801-13

John Tyler, Governor of Virginia, 1825-26

James Knox Polk, Governor of Tennessee, 1839-41

Andrew Johnson, Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57, Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-65

Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Governor of Ohio, 1868-72, Governor of Ohio, 1876-77

Grover Cleveland, Governor of New York, 1883-85

William McKinley, Governor of Ohio, 1892-96

Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1898-1900

William Howard Taft, Governor of the Philippines, 1901-04

Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13

Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-20

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1929-33

James Earl Carter, Jr., Governor of Georgia, 1971-75

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Governor of California, 1967-75

William Jefferson Clinton, Governor of Arkansas, 1978-80, 1982-92

George Walker Bush, Governor of Texas, 1995-2000

That leaves 23 other presidents, and I'm sure a lot of them were Senators. I think it's more 50/50; thus, Palin being a governor would not work against her.

So, is this bad news?


Edited by Elphaba
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For the rest of the world yes, it's terrifying. The world doesn't need a Dingbat Republican president to follow up the idiot Republican president that was just outed. Bush is seen as a warmongering totalitarian, Palin would only serve to lower the world's opinion of the once-great nation of the USA.

If Obama is still President after 2012, I'll probably move back to America. Hopefully it be a place worth living in again. As it stands now, I don't have the finances to move, fingers crossed that we will be out of this severe economic downturn in a few years.

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I think it is the responsibility of the cameraman (For CNBC by the way) to not have that in the background. Granted most of us do not kill our turkeys for Thanksgiving, but this is how it works. They didn't need to have it in the background of her interview though. She had no idea what was going on. I don't think it should be mainstream news - but given that nothing really was happening in the news it got pushed to the top. Shame on CNBC - I am sure the cameraman got a raise over that.

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I do not know exactly who you're talking to, but I think it's me.

When I told you where the blood was it was only because you had missed it, not because it was upsetting.

Also, I didn't know what he was doing, and that's why I asked.

I don't think anyone is saying no one should do this to the turkeys. (I can't believe I even wrote that sentence. :animatedlol: )

If, indeed, you're talking to me, I am not upset with what I saw.

If you're not, then chalk one up to my paranoia.


Okay, so I didn't see blood dripping down the tube. I was looking at the parts they fuzzed out, thinking that's what they didn't want us to see. A little blood dribbled out, big deal.

You didn't know what he was doing? Then why did you say it was 'beyond bizarre'? But then you say you're not upset? Again, did you not realize where dinner comes from?

I just don't know where anyone sees a story here. Unless this is another hatchet job on a defeated vice-presidential candidate.

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In fact, the media were incredibly light on her, given she refused to give even one press conference.

Until after the election.

For the rest of the world yes, it's terrifying. The world doesn't need a Dingbat Republican president to follow up the idiot Republican president that was just outed. Bush is seen as a warmongering totalitarian, Palin would only serve to lower the world's opinion of the once-great nation of the USA. just called Sarah Palin a dingbat. That totally makes my day! :D

I think it is the responsibility of the cameraman (For CNBC by the way) to not have that in the background. Granted most of us do not kill our turkeys for Thanksgiving, but this is how it works. They didn't need to have it in the background of her interview though. She had no idea what was going on. I don't think it should be mainstream news - but given that nothing really was happening in the news it got pushed to the top. Shame on CNBC - I am sure the cameraman got a raise over that.

I totally agree. The camera people and news reporters should have been held responsible for this. Unless they did it on purpose? (evil cackle...)

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