Hollywood, a tool of Satan?


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We do know that pornography is addictive. We also know that we have been counseled by our leaders to avoid it. Simililarily we have been warned about the evils of drugs, certain types of behavior, etc. which have a tendency to lead us away from the light and closer to darkness. We do not suddenly become evil, it occurs one step at a time as a result of the choices we make.

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you could get dodgy films in the 1950s the first Carry On Films started in 1958 (admittedly not Hollywood), but there have been some eye openers on in the afternoon on our Channel 4 over the year, as well and some beauties from the silent era. Porn movies have been made since Queen Victoria was on the Throne. There are more films made now but you can still find some great films around, with really motivating stories. Although personally I prefer Bollywood over Hollywood.

I have just read a couple of amazing books The Memory Keepers Daughter and The Forgotten Garden both showed awful consequences for immoral decisions.


Oh Charley...I used to like you. But I'm not sure I can go on liking someone who thinks The Memory Keeper's Daughter was an amazing book. :) I detested that book from about page 17 to the end.

I haven't read The Forgotten Garden, but if you want a good book about awful consequences for immoral decisions, try The Once and Future King (T.H. White). Soon I hope to compare White's work to Tenney's and Chaucer's.

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We do know that pornography is addictive. We also know that we have been counseled by our leaders to avoid it.

Yes, it should be avoided for the reasons I specified a couple of posts back in this thread. It is habit forming but not addictive in the psychological or physiological sense of the word.

Our brains are designed to react in a positive manner to sex. Porn excites those centers (substituting the real thing for a counterfit image) and it has turned into big business with not only pornographers taking advantage to human psychology but also hotel chains and telecommunications. It's highly exploitive and that alone should point to how negative an influence it is.

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The fact that these people were serial killers, whether sick or not had nothing to do with making bad choices? That doesn't make sense.

They were insane, they didn't know from right and wrong. They were sociopaths! Have you ever read anything on Antisocial personality disorder or how a serial killer's mind ticks? They're insane, literally.

Killing a human being to them is the equivalent of killing a fly. They don't have any guilty conscience. They probably enjoy killing people-that's how sick they were.

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The common characteristic that seems to exist in the people listed here was incredible turmoul in their formative childhood years. Sick? They were legally sane -- although I am not totally sure about Gein.

Pornography contributes to people wanting to engage in sexual practices that can run against Gospel principles such as fornication, adultery, group sex and (as in the case of many young women today) same sex experimentation. The evidence that it affects rape is inconclusive (the Japanese have an incredible use of porn but a low rape rate). I have seen nothing that would indicate that porn causes people to go on murderous rampages.

The causes of seriel murder are not totally understood. Males usually are the ones who engage in it but the individual who has the record for murder was a woman. Most have troubled childhoods but others come from ideal family situations. Most show signs of being psychopaths yet 99+% of psychopathic people never commit murder.

Gein had a terribly sad childhood.

From Wikipedia: (i found the following to be shocking & learned that even the holy bible can misused in the wrong hands.)

"Augusta Gein(Ed Gein's mother), a fervent Lutheran, drummed into her boys the innate immorality of the world, the evil of drink and the belief that all women (herself excluded) were prostitutes and instruments of the devil. She reserved time every afternoon to read to them from the Bible, usually selecting graphic verses from the Old Testament dealing with death, murder and divine retribution"

Ed Gein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ed Gein's mother clearly had some issues. Even the bible can be misused in the wrong hands.

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Yes, it should be avoided for the reasons I specified a couple of posts back in this thread. It is habit forming but not addictive in the psychological or physiological sense of the word.

Our brains are designed to react in a positive manner to sex. Porn excites those centers (substituting the real thing for a counterfit image) and it has turned into big business with not only pornographers taking advantage to human psychology but also hotel chains and telecommunications. It's highly exploitive and that alone should point to how negative an influence it is.

Habit forming but not addictive? Isn't that splitting hairs a wee bit:huh:?

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but the individual who has the record for murder was a woman.

Who is this?

According to Wiki, the record for most murders belongs to Vasili Blokhin, who probably killed 6000 people, though, according to Wiki, no victims have been identified.

Dr. Harold Shipman is next, with 218 confirmed victims, and a probable of 250-450.

The woman who commited the most murders is Erzebet Bathory, with 80 known victims, and a probable 650.

Again, these numbers come from Wiki, so I don't know how accurate the information is.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I couldn't find anything online that verified a woman had the highest death rate. So, I'm interested in who it is.


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Who is this?

According to Wiki, the record for most murders belongs to Vasili Blokhin, who probably killed 6000 people, though, according to Wiki, no victims have been identified.

Dr. Harold Shipman is next, with 218 confirmed victims, and a probable of 250-450.

The woman who commited the most murders is Erzebet Bathory, with 80 known victims, and a probable 650.

Again, these numbers come from Wiki, so I don't know how accurate the information is.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I couldn't find anything online that verified a woman had the highest death rate. So, I'm interested in who it is.


Hey look ma! I can stick my foot in my mouth!

Edited by MarginOfError
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Who is this?

According to Wiki, the record for most murders belongs to Vasili Blokhin, who probably killed 6000 people, though, according to Wiki, no victims have been identified.

Dr. Harold Shipman is next, with 218 confirmed victims, and a probable of 250-450.

The woman who commited the most murders is Erzebet Bathory, with 80 known victims, and a probable 650.

Again, these numbers come from Wiki, so I don't know how accurate the information is.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but I couldn't find anything online that verified a woman had the highest death rate. So, I'm interested in who it is.


Thanks for the info -- the reason I used Bathory was because the sources I have read list her as the #1 seriel murderer (maybe because it was easier to verify her victim count). And Margin -- no thanks for the snide remark (the point was to say that there are exceptions commonly held views on seriel murderers).

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Thanks for the info -- the reason I used Bathory was because the sources I have read list her as the #1 seriel murderer (maybe because it was easier to verify her victim count). And Margin -- no thanks for the snide remark (the point was to say that there are exceptions commonly held views on seriel murderers).

you're right...my conscience is getting to me. Statement retracted. Apologies offered.

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Oh Charley...I used to like you. But I'm not sure I can go on liking someone who thinks The Memory Keeper's Daughter was an amazing book. :) I detested that book from about page 17 to the end.

I haven't read The Forgotten Garden, but if you want a good book about awful consequences for immoral decisions, try The Once and Future King (T.H. White). Soon I hope to compare White's work to Tenney's and Chaucer's.

I read "The Once and Future King" in high school......excellent read!!

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I recently watched a couple movies filmed in the 50's. Both had a similar theme. The leading man was happily married, but had a brief affair, and in one movie it destroyed the marriage, in the other it nearly did. But the thing I noticed was that both movies REALLY showed the consequences. They showed the pain and sheer agony of the betrayed wife and the deep regret and shame of the husband.

It really jumped out at me because you don't see this in today's movies. You might see anger, but not the gut-wrenching pain shown in the old movies.

Also, I've noticed in old movies a much more God-centered theme. God, religion and morals just seemed to be expected.

Hollywood has been feeding us poison bit by bit over the past several decades, and we just open our mouths and swallow.

Now that our sense are deadened and society is a crumbling mess, we run around and try to plug all the leaks in the dam, with many giving up, knowing it's going to inevitably burst.

How do we fix the dam? Government used to be on our side. They regulated the moral level of movies and TV. Am I for censorship? I guess I am!

For the last fifty years, you can easily see the changes they brought about to our culture. However, there is still some good that I cannot ignore either.

LDS.org - Ensign Article - The Lords Side

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Oh Charley...I used to like you. But I'm not sure I can go on liking someone who thinks The Memory Keeper's Daughter was an amazing book. :) I detested that book from about page 17 to the end.

I haven't read The Forgotten Garden, but if you want a good book about awful consequences for immoral decisions, try The Once and Future King (T.H. White). Soon I hope to compare White's work to Tenney's and Chaucer's.

yeah but you haven't read it whilst middle aged and pregnant:p


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Unlike many of today’s actresses, Kate Beckinsale, best known for her roles in “Pearl Harbor” (2001), “Underworld” (2003), and “The Aviator” (2004), intends to keep herself fully clothed in future movie scenes.

A childhood memory involving her actress-mother Judy Loe is the reason for the modest approach.

When Kate was only a decade old, Beckinsale’s mom took it all off for British television.

Consequently, Beckinsale was roundly teased at school and discovered firsthand what humiliation feels like.

“The mortification of going to school! People said, ‘I've seen your mother naked.’ I literally had to beat up nine of them,” the A-list actress told U.K.’s Contact Music.

Beckinsale is determined to protect her own daughter, Lily, from experiencing anything like what she had to suffer through.

Maybe Beckinsale will influence others in Tinseltown and help deep-six some of the “R” and “NC-17” rated films.

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Guest SisterofJared

Ted Bundy was mentally ill since birth. I don't know much about Gary Bishop, only the fact that he was a serial killer. Both of these men were really sick and that has nothing to do with making bad choices. I wonder what's your opinion of Ed Gein then.

Are you suggesting that pornography turns people into serial killers?

ABSOLUTELY pornography turns people into serial killers! If you study the steps to pornography addiction, you see that the final step is acting out. This is where people commit the acts they have been fantasizing about. Not all porn addicts become killers, but frankly all serial killers start with porn.

Ted Bundy did not have mental illness as a child. Here he is in his final interview... you can evaluate exactly how mentally ill he was as a child.... here we have a well spoken, rational man who has had 10+ years in prison to evaluate what caused his problems. It's telling to hear of his advent into porn addiction... to the final stages of 'acting out.'

BTW, most porn is not pictures in Playboy. That is just the introduction. Through desensitization and excalation, it quickly moves to sexualized violence. Hence the Ted Bundy's of the world.

YouTube - Ted Bundy 2

Pornography is the biggest battle we have to fight today, the entire world is the battleground, and it is desperately urgent that we win this fight. I think Bundy's interview is important for all young men to watch. Such a nice, rational young man, from such a good Christian home.

Sister of Jared

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To say all people who look at porn turn into serial killers, is a bit much, since that is a generalization. Not all who look at Porn are going to turn into a killer.

However, Pornography appeals to the baser instincts of human nature. It is addictive. Bundy ended up being one of those who acted out his violent sexual fantasies and was motivated by the porn.

I will say that Pornography didn't help the situation with Ted and brought out the base nature of his personality and it motivated him to do murder.

But addictions don't just have to be with porn it could be anything that people have troubles with, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc. We all have struggles and trials. It's how we act or sometimes how we don't act that can determine how we are. We also have help from the Lord to help resist such temptations. I am sure Ted Bundy had it, but he was so wrapped up in the porn that he ended up having the Sprit leave him.

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Guest SisterofJared

And Hollywood does contribute!

Someone mentioned earlier that there isn't a change from earlier, but just a bigger population....

So not true. I am 55 years old.... I am astonished at the changes in our society during MY life. I was born into a much safer world, a much more moral world. When I was in school, it was assumed that "Good girls don't." I watched the sexual revolution plant roots. I saw TV and movies change the very values of our society.

For people who think that it's simply a matter of avoiding the movies that don't meet your standard-- understand that there is a matter of "herd vaccation". Herd vaccination is where one person is not vaccinated, but they don't get ill because all the rest of the people have been vacinated, and so therefore will not get the disease and pass it to them.

The same principle works for porn exposure. You may choose movies that are clean and wholesome, but if others all around you are deep into porn, you will reap the consequences of a porn saturated culture... which we see in America today.

Sister of Jared

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Guest SisterofJared

Notice angel that I said...

"Not all porn addicts become killers, but frankly all serial killers start with porn."

In another segment of Bundy's interview with Dr Dobson, he says, " I can only hope that those who I have harmed, those that I have caused so much grief-even if they don't believe my expression of sorrow and remorse, will believe what I am saying now: that there is lose in their towns and in their communities people like me today whose dangerous impulses are being fueled day in and day out by violence in the media in it's various forms, particularly sexualized violence... and what scares and apalls me, Dr Dobson, is when I see what is on cable TV.... it's stuff they wouldn't show in adult theaters 30 years ago."

Porn is the most destructive thing in society today: It has moved from the dingy X rated theaters into the well lit homes, the wildly popular theaters and is defended as "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press."

Shame on us for failing to protect our children for it's poison. We need to turn things around in this matter. Unfortunately, it's not gonna happen.


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Unlike many of today’s actresses, Kate Beckinsale, best known for her roles in “Pearl Harbor” (2001), “Underworld” (2003), and “The Aviator” (2004), intends to keep herself fully clothed in future movie scenes.

They forgot to add "Much Ado about Nothing," in their list of Beckinsale movies. That's where I fell in love with her.


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From a behavioral standpoint, the killings are one more symptom of the process rather than caused by the addiction to pornography.

Addictive behavior itself has its own psychosocial roots. There are a myriad of internal and external (environmental) factors that trigger an addiction in some individuals. But before that, we have to consider intrinsic elements like genetic contribution, personality disorders, abuse, trauma and even general physical conditions like head injuries. By far, the preponderance of evidence points to severe personality disorders and childhood trauma as more readily identifiable precursors to serial murder with exposure to pornography being in the mix as the drug of choice to sooth the ongoing emotional turmoil.

Sexual behavior is a hardwired bio-psycho-social behavior. Although with a significant learning component (stuff we see/hear/learn/imitate, but as close to "instinct" as human can get. In males, the drive to seek sexual gratification can be triggered as early as age 3. Without such, environmental stressors would have eclipsed the drive for sexual activity/procreation and the human race would have perished long ago. Thus it is a tremendously powerful drive. People kill for sex but seldom for food, for example. If, during the psycho-sexual formative age, a young man develops abnormal sexual behavior and practices, it may be extremely difficult to treat successfully due to the development of neuro-pathways developed by the brain at that age. The same goes for early onset drug addiction. The addictive behavior becomes part of the "normal/acceptable" required for arousal.

So, exposure to pornography like any other addiction can escalate into significantly dysfunctional behavior. The individual requires longer and stronger exposures to stimuli, with fantasy becoming an integral part of the process. Crafting and visualizing imaginary scenarios that can increase the intensity of the stimuli become necessary. Couple that with a severe antisocial personality and you have the recipe for a serial killer. Once it begins it will never stop. Killers can fall into periods of depression and anxiety (linked to low testosterone levels) but it can never stop. Killing becomes part of the jundra of the addictive process.

I hope this helps.

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Thanks for the info -- the reason I used Bathory was because the sources I have read list her as the #1 seriel murderer (maybe because it was easier to verify her victim count). And Margin -- no thanks for the snide remark (the point was to say that there are exceptions commonly held views on seriel murderers).

I did two searches in different search engines and none of the hits said Bathrory had the highest number of murders, or suspected murders, although she was certainly up there!

I thought you might like to know in case the subject comes up again.


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