Keeping Christ in Christmas


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What do you do in your families to keep Christ in Christmas? My daughter is almost 6, and I realized that she's old enough to really start understanding. We still do Santa and all the fun stuff, but she needs to learn that there's more to Christmas than fun and presents. Do you have any fun traditions that you do at Christmas to help you and your children keep the proper perspective?

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A couple of traditions that my friends do that I really like are sharing your testimony and unwrapping Jesus.

Their family gathers for their Christmas gift unwrapping and before anyone unwraps anything, the Christmas story is read (it would be great for kids to act out the Christmas story). After the scripture reading, each person shares something he/she is thankful for, which inevitably turns into a testimony. The Spirit is really strong as each member hears and encourages the other during this time (FYI, they are non-LDS).

Then on Christmas morning, the first gift that is unwrapped is a small baby Jesus that mom wrapped and placed in the tree. It is to remind everyone of the gift that Jesus was to the world from our Father. I think that would be an appropriate time to read the Christmas story from the Bible or the Book of Mormon.

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We always read the Christmas story and sing carols and have a special Family Home Evening on Christmas Eve....we also try to keep our focus on Christ and the reason we are celebrating Christmas. Sometimes my wife and I will go to the local Baptist Church and attend their special Christmas program. They have a singing Christmas Tree and its very very good.

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We hold a Christmas family home evening on Chirstmas eve. We don't open presents until after Christmas breakfast - the whole family is involved in preparing our Christmas breakfast and then we pray before breakfast and we talk about the real meaning of Christmas around the breakfast table.

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Well, we think of charity organizations and projects. Each year we give to the food bank or participate in some kind of Sub for Santa. One year we heard of four children whose mother had to be put in prison. They moved to live with our neighbors. The only thing they wanted for Christmas was a pillow because none of them had ever had one. You can imagine the outpouring. Our house was filled with clothes, bikes, toys, and of course the softest of pillows. The children were in such shock on Christmas morning they couldn't even approach the gifts. Poor dears. They had never really had a Christmas let alone new clothes and things for their enjoyment.

Our kids love to pick out toys for these projects and help in any way they can. It is fun to see the sparkle of excitement in their eyes as they catch the giving fever. :) This year we are working on a twelve days of Christmas plan for a neighbor who had run into tough financial times and also supporting our local food bank.

I also think that reaching out to any and all can bring joy. The other day I was driving down a road near my home that is under construction. The gal holding the construction stop sign greeted each car with a smile and a jolly hello. It really did lift my spirits! Amazing how far a simple smile can go. I suppose we try to spread the cheer any which way we can.

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One tradition I'm thinking of starting this year is one I read in this month's Ensign. On Christmas Eve everyone presents their "gift to Jesus" which is a promise to Jesus, written down and sealed in an envelope, to be kinder during the next year, or to read their scriptures more often, or something like that, and the envelopes are placed next to the Baby Jesus in the manger scene. I thought that was an awesome idea.

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Fun ideas everyone! When I was growing up we always did an advent candle. There were certain bible stories we would read by candlelight from Dec. 1-Dec. 24, and on the 24th was the story of his birth. My mom now has a couple different advents that she uses for my brother and sisters.

We have an angel tree put up at church every year and for the last couple years I've tried to set the example by buying Christmas for someone on the tree. I'm a little upset though, because I don't know if I'll be able to afford it this year. But I haven't been able to in years past either, and somehow it's always worked out. Plus it sets a great example for my girls. I tell them that there is someone who isn't getting Christmas presents this year, so we're going to each give up one present that we would have gotten and spend that money on someone who needs it. I really love doing that! We have a very wealthy ward, so I'm sure our presents aren't the best they could get, but we still do our best.

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