Other Planets, Aliens, and can we inherit other worlds?


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The exact mechanics haven't been revealed to us yet. Here is what I believe.

We have all these Spiritual matters to learn about, The Atonement, and, well, let's face it that right there is a whole heck of a lot once you start connecting everything together.

Then there is the Physical matters. Did God make the laws of Physics that govern the Universe, or is He bound to them by Obedience? Either way, we need to learn the Laws of Physics before we can. God has a perfect understanding of Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics, Biology, Chemistry.... Name ANY scientific discipline, and God has a full and perfect knowledge of it.

I guess,once you get down to it, the border between Spirituality and Science dissolves as Spiritual matters find their roots in Science,and Science becomes a Spiritual matter.

There is a famous quote from Einstein (An Atheist) "God does not play Dice with the universe". Recent discoveries in Quantum Mechanics show that there is randomness, so to us, it appears that God DOES play dice, but He knows the rules of the game.

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That makes sense to me.

But, the thing that I don't understand is -- the scripture says "...all our works are as filthy rags... no man doeth good, no not one..."

So how can we ever be worthy to transcend space and time and be as god?

Because of the Atonement......because of Christ. We are able to repent and grow and become like he is........ a very long process.

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Well this is a great thread -- no one seems to want to quantify this doctrine.

Here are some official LDS articles:

LDS.org - Melchizedek Priesthood Chapter Detail - “To Live with Him Somedayâ€

LDS.org - Liahona Article - Salvation and Exaltation

Doctrine and Covenants 132

"...Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, recorded July 12, 1843, relating to the new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant...

... 20 Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them.

21 Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory..."

I agree the last 2 quotes are confirmed by the Bible.

1 Corinthians 6:3 "Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?"

Now whether or not paul was referring to fallen angels matters not. It shows people have transcended to an exalted state whereby they have power over angels.

Luke 20:36 says, "Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection."

Here we see the resurrected faithful are called equal to the angels by Jesus himself.

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Well, then, you're not really talking about Godhood. :P

Actually, Aesa, herein lies the essence of any real conflict between the churches. Whereas God and Jesus is perfect, we are not. Whereas God and Jesus were always perfect, we have sinned.

The idea that there will be an eternal increase is consistent with Revelations saying we will be Priests and Kings, but the idea of "Godhood" is where the confusion takes place. Do we believe that we will supplant God on these other worlds? No. We simply believe we, as literal sons and daughters of God, are literal inheritors of His Kingdom. I don't want to be worshipped, nor do I care if I'm a King or Priest in his Kingdom. At the end of time, I want to know that I never denied His name. I want to hear, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I want to be forgiven for my sins, and I hope to some day forgive myself for them as well.

All the rest is supposition.

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My problem with bog standard Christianity, and many other religions is the answer to the question, "And then what?" usually asked after someone is finished telling me what happens after death. Some get to the point of playing harps, worshipping God for all eternity. That's a rather boring existence and a very selfish God,creating us just so we can worship Him? I'd prefer Oblivion to that.

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I don't think the "godhood" spoken of here is anything that would supplant God. Being glorified and then also knowing all (for now we see through a glass darkly) I don't think anyone would dare try supplant because they would not have it in them to do so. Also we are speaking of little "god" here as in Elohyim, not the One God: YHWH. As Kings and Priests (in a sence they are little gods empowered and inspired by the One God) people could rule planets just as they rule kindoms on earth. They would not become the "God" of that world in any way. They would simply be overseers, or like it says in the Bible some people will be made rulers of nations on earth.

I think the true confusion with the churches is that they think you are talking about gods like Egyptian gods or Greek gods:, gods that do as they will and sometimes fight amongst each other . I don't believe that in the slightest. I don't even know where they get the idea from since I have seen nothing here or in any prior discussions with Mormons that people would become autonomous gods.

All will be subject to YHWH, and we as part of him will be extensions of his will.....

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That makes sense to me.

But, the thing that I don't understand is -- the scripture says "...all our works are as filthy rags... no man doeth good, no not one..."

So how can we ever be worthy to transcend space and time and be as god?

Jesus Christ. :)

John 1:

11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

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The opening post doesn't make any sense to me. We're permitted to travel to other planets and be rulers? I don't even know what a stansa servant is.

I would like to believe that someday we will develope faster than light travel and go to another planet. I doubt we would become leaders of those planets though. I do believe that any inhabitants of other planets would look like us because they would be Children of God. But they would probably have their own unique animal life.

In the OP I didn't say it was permitted to be rulers on other plantes. I had heard that was LDS doctrine so I asked the question. It seems to appear it is not LDS doctrine, but is a supposition based on various verses from the Book of Mormon. I really have no idea why some evangelicals think it is LDS doctrine :confused:

However, I do believe in life on other worlds and they do look humanoid in appearance. I really don't think scientists will find "alien DNA" like on the X Files because the DNA will be like ours. It may have special markers but it will basically be indistinguishable from ours. Then there is the whole idea of intermarraige bewteen aliens and humans..... :o I'll leave that one alone for now though.

There is the phenomenon of the "Grays" - you know the stereotypical aliens with the big head and black eyes that stand about 3 to 4' tall? These little guys are known to abduct people, perform medical expirements against their will, cause missing time.... all sorts of things that can hardly be called of God. Personally I think the Grays are actually servants of satan. I believe they're amphibians and they may be referred to in Revelation when it talks about 3 unlean spirits like frogs....

It is also said in some circles that satan and his legions once inhabited a planet that orbited our Sun where the asteroid belt is now. Astronomers and scientists agree there should be a planet there and some postulate that the asteroid belt is the remnant of a destroyed planet. There are a few unorthodox Christian circles that say the planet was called "Rahab" and is mentioned in scripture: not the harlot Rahab, but the other, where it speaks of breaking Rahab to pieces. After "Rahab" was destroyed Satan and his legions came to inhabit the atmosphere of earth and some went underground (so the story goes.) I however believe Satan may have inhabited Mars for a brief time, moving closer to earth.

I believe Mars once had much more water and the water was stripped from that planet in a cataclysm designed to cast Satan off that world. I believe this coincided with the flood during Noahs time and that the "windows of heaven" being openned refers to the water of Mars being sent across space and colliding with earths atmosphere, saturating it and being absorbed by the gravity, hence resulting in contributing to at least half the flood waters that came upon earth.

Now if these theories are correct (and I admit they are theories which cannot be proven one way or another - I personally believe they are quite possible.) then it would show that God even allowed Satan to be ruler of at least one if not two other world prior to coming to earth. Sure, if the theories are correct, God did demolish those worlds and cast Satan off. We do know from scripture that one day God will demolish this world and once for all destroy Satan. God will then make a new heavens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Your thoughts on some of these things?

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It is not my belief that Satan inhabits any physical world because he and his followers from the pre-existence do not have physical bodies. They are exactly the same spirit bodies as we were in the pre-existence, so if we could see them we would see human forms not something alien. They were our brothers and sisters before they rebelled and were cast out.
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It is not my belief that Satan inhabits any physical world because he and his followers from the pre-existence do not have physical bodies. They are exactly the same spirit bodies as we were in the pre-existence, so if we could see them we would see human forms not something alien. They were our brothers and sisters before they rebelled and were cast out.

Well, not now. He does not inhabit a physical world. But in the past I believe he probably did. Not 100% certain but lets say I believe about 95 - 98% that the theory I spoke of is true. Yeah, I left a little room for doubt simply because I wasn't there, I don't know, and Scripture is not straitforward on the topic. But I think it might suggest it.

Now you are saying Satan and his followers would be exactly the same in appearance as us, not alien. (I am assuming you are referring to my saying the Gray aliens may be the frogs of Revelation?)

But, if this is so, then why did Satan come as a Serpent in the Garden? ;)

What I beleive is that even if satan and angels and any spirit being has the basic appearance same as us, in the spiritual realm they can shapeshift. I also believe they can materialize briefly into the physical. Angels certainly can. Jacob could have told us that because he got the smack down by an angel. Physically.

Look at the visions in the Bible: beasts, glorified beings. Not everything takes on the appearance of us even if they have that as their basic nature.

Also if we look at the description given in Ezekiel 28, that creature (many believe was satan, others don't) certainly does NOT have basic human characteristics. Symbolism: maybe. But it shows spiritual or advanced/exalted beings have the power to appear as they will.

But I do agree the basic appearance is as ours. In the Bible most angelic visitations appeared as men.... I am just saying they can change their appearance. Also, how do we know the corruption caused by following and serving satan might not alter ones appearance permanantly? (I'm talking about the angels that follow him, not people)

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Neither can Lucifer or his minions have footing on any worlds. If anyone has seen him face-to-face, you will notice something that is quite unique on his footing. Nor can they deceive the Church of the First Born or those considered called by GOD. Nor does he have the power to harm or even to hurt them.

Yes! There are many worlds in our own galaxy that holds telestial life. However, to view those of the terrestrial bodies, we simply don’t have that mortal capacity. It takes the quickening of the spirit and they themselves do not reside in the same sphere of those considered telestial.

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Neither can Lucifer or his minions have footing on any worlds. If anyone has seen him face-to-face, you will notice something that is quite unique on his footing. Nor can they deceive the Church of the First Born or those considered called by GOD. Nor does he have the power to harm or even to hurt them.

Yes! There are many worlds in our own galaxy that holds telestial life. However, to view those of the terrestrial bodies, we simply don’t have that mortal capacity. It takes the quickening of the spirit and they themselves do not reside in the same sphere of those considered telestial.

Your second paragraph is excellent. Three sentences that sum up why their worlds do not appear on mortal scans (machinery).

Take for instance the Pleiades. The Pleiades are mentioned in the Book of Job as being a "sweet influence"... anyways, From an astrophysical perspective the Pleiades are young hot stars. Very bright... white and bluish white. If the perspective of our dimension is applied it would conclude no life could live on say, Choragus that orbits the star Maia.

Orion is mentioned in Job also and it talks about "loosing the bands of orion." Most Christians if they even study the passage conclude the "bands" must mean the stars or Orions belt. But "bands" can also mean "hoards" or "multitudes".... Trust me, only God can loose the bands of Orion because they know God very intimently.

Why is a star in Orion called "Bellatrix" which means female warrior? Why is Maia of the Pleiades called by a name that means " Mother?"

And why are these two stars connected with alien worlds?

As far as residing in differnt spheres (dimesions), this is true.

We do not have the mortal capacity in the physical to view or interact with those worlds. You are absolutely right that it takes a quickening of the Spirit. This occurs by either out of body experience (Paul alludes to this in 2 Corinthians 12 though he wasn't sure if it was an OBE or a physical translocation.), or something called bilocation where your body and spirit can be in 2 different dimesions and 2 different places and be aware of both.

I have experienced both phenomenon. It is no secret and not a heavy revelation because we are all capable of this, but God controls how it manifests and who it manifests to. To me it's almost second nature and not even a big deal. But I cannot initiate the phenomenon on my own. Wish I could but I think we have the potential to abuse it so God controls when and where it happens.

I have met these people and learned much from them. Things I learned were unknown to me and then after the experience as I studied I found what they told me were theories of quantum physics that are way beyond most peoples comprehension. Stuff that Stephen Hawking writes about. Time loops, extradimensional worlds, spheres of existance.... concepts of space and time that you'll never learn in school.

Evidence? In 1999 as I physically sat in my room writing over 80 pages of transcription, a friend of mine walked by 3 times. He looked right at me but it seemed he looked through me like I wasn't there. At the time in my mind or my thoughts I was both in my room and off the planet (literally). Later I talked to my friend who insisted I had not been home and he had looked for me. I told him he came by 3 times and once he had a cup of coffe in his hand. He still insisted I had not been there! But he was quite curious how I knew exactly how many times he came by and what he did when he came by. In fact he seemed a little scared. I then told him I had been to another planet. I gave him my manuscript to read. After reading it he told me he understood why he hadn't seen me. This guy was not a church goer and not really a spiritual person.

There was much more evidence but I'll leave off at that.

Your 3 sentences explain what I just wrote in 6 paragraphs....

Oh, what do you mean about something quite unique on Satans footing?


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