Blackberry's and electronics questions


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Hi. Still pretty new to the board and have been exploring around quite a bit and enjoying myself. I have a few questions that I would like to ask but not really sure which forum to ask it on. General Discussion? Advice? Anyway the questions are just goofy "How do I" stuff on my Blackberry. Is there a specific forum I should be posting those things on? :huh: Thanks

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Thanks Miztrniceguy. I have a couple furry fellows currently living free of charge under my roof and have been for years. Deadbeats. They pretty much know the rules though and don't bother our bedroom door at night. So anyway back to my question. I'm a little surprised at this moment that I have had 28 views of this thread but nobody really had an answer. Golly I didn't think it was that hard of a question. Now I'm a litte unnerved about posting the Blackberry question. :huh:

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For best advice, go to BlackBerry and find your device on there. The website will have an instruction manual on how to use the device. If there's something specific you want, I can probably help, but a general question of "How do I use this thing?" I'm wary of. It's a miniature computer and we do full 8 hour sessions on how to get everything out of your BlackBerry - And that's in person, let alone troubleshooting.

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