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A little about myself. I'm agnostic, but for a while investigated the LDS church. I never believed in god, but in the past few years became interested in the LDS. I say I'm agnostic because I have buddhist and slight pagan leanings. I'm mostly into nichiren buddhism, but thats about it. Anyway, I listened to the whole BOM (audiobook from mormon.org) and even went to an LDS service out of curiosity. Anyway, I'm now at the point that after this year I will only be agnostic, and well, buddhist. Its nothing personal, but since I am getting older, I have found things out for myself, and well, here I am. I will ask more later, but for now I wanted to make an introduction to the board. Thank you.

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Because the people are making choices and don't always select the good ones.

But the world of today could change if those currently in control could be replaced by more humanitarian people.

The world would become alot better if Geniocracy would replace the raw Democracy. And capitalism is a part of the problem too, a big damn part.

Theres supposedly 12 millions of $USD$ per Human being in the world economy. So i guess theres a certain unbalanced and unfairness somewhere that must be solved. And ultra-rich corporatists are not the ones who will solve the global problem of unbalance.

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