I need to rant


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Argh she's so annoying... She tells me every now and then that I'm immature, and now she's being childish. The guy I like (and he likes me) told me that he's getting sick of getting emails from my mum all the time, she hasn't sent that many, but I do agree that she has more contact then needs be. She said to me ages ago that she can't be friends with him if things go further between the 2 of us, but here she is still trying to be the friends and such. Anyways so he told me he was glad that he didn't get an email from her today, because she's getting a bit obssessive and such, plus it's me he's interested in, not her. She wants to know what he thinks of her, so I told her about what he said so she knows what's going on, and now she's saying that when we go over and see him (because he's in the state that I study in, I'm currently on my break) that she's not even going to bother seeing him, wont join us for lunch. I am sick of her behavior, I wish she would just get over it and stop being so immature all the time, I wish she would just GROW UP! No wonder I have such a short fuse with her when she says things like that. AARGH!!!!!! I want to get out of here and get away from her.

enough said, now I've ranted and all it's made me do is feel even angrier. Some help that was. :mad:

oh yeah I forgot to add, just by him saying that she's getting a bit obssessive, she now gets the idea that he doesn't like her, when he never even said anything like that at all. Somebody kick some sense into her please!!!

Edited by daenvgiell
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Argh she's so annoying... She tells me every now and then that I'm immature, and now she's being childish. The guy I like (and he likes me) told me that he's getting sick of getting emails from my mum all the time, she hasn't sent that many, but I do agree that she has more contact then needs be. She said to me ages ago that she can't be friends with him if things go further between the 2 of us, but here she is still trying to be the friends and such. Anyways so he told me he was glad that he didn't get an email from her today, because she's getting a bit obssessive and such, plus it's me he's interested in, not her. She wants to know what he thinks of her, so I told her about what he said so she knows what's going on, and now she's saying that when we go over and see him (because he's in the state that I study in, I'm currently on my break) that she's not even going to bother seeing him, wont join us for lunch. I am sick of her behavior, I wish she would just get over it and stop being so immature all the time, I wish she would just GROW UP! No wonder I have such a short fuse with her when she says things like that. AARGH!!!!!! I want to get out of here and get away from her.

enough said, now I've ranted and all it's made me do is feel even angrier. Some help that was. :mad:

I think you should talk to a pro about these issues. They are long, drawn out existing conflicts that you seem unable to resolve. You are "stuck" with your mom on a developmental stage that should have passed long ago. It is anachronistic and out of place at this time. Kind of hard to visualize from afar but it seems that unless you really get a grip on that, it will be a life long style of relating between the two of you. Look at it like "acute chronic mother-daughter-itis nagging-itis"

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Is your Mom interested in the same guy as you? Is she worried he might be too old for you?

This case sounds like we don't have enough information. Regardless of the case you can only thing you can do is love your Mom and, if you're praying about whether this relationship is right(And not just praying to know that you -can- marry him), love the person you marry.

I know that sounds like simple advice for a complex situation, but it really comes down to that. I know it's hard when your parent doesn't approve of a relationship. But you do have the strength to get through this.

Even if your Mom is being annoying. ;)

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I suspect that your mom is vicariously reliving her youth through you and therefore felt anger by being rejected by your male friend. Don't fret about it, since it is just something your mom needs to get a grip on. I suspect if your relationship does go further that she will deal with it badly at first, but will eventually come around. Hope springs eternal.

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She explained to me how I am really the first child she's gone through with this. My older brother has never dated, my oldest siter had a sort of "shotgun" wedding, although they chose to get married and my other older sister has never has a boyfriend either, so it's really her first time with a child in any sort of relationship whatsoever. She is a romatist or however or whatever it's actually called and so this is all new and exciting for her. I don't know, she's just being silly and childish, I'm sick of her mood swings, I've had enough.

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This doesn't sound good at all. Your mother should not be competition. It does sound from the little you have said, that she may have boundary issues.

There seems to be more going on here and I would seriously recommend professional help. You are in a difficult situation, you need to have clear boundaries and don't let your mother cross them.

I'd like to PM you with a suggestion also.

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